Azuricoyotes Sweet Skooma "Mina" training
AC SWEET SKOOMA "Mina" (2018 Messi x Pants)
Sarjassamme tulevan pentueen sukulaisten juttuja.
Videolla tottiksia ja hakua! Riddick x Mina -yhdistelmän pentujen voi odottaa sopivan palveluskoiralajeihin, mutta minkä tahansa lajin harrastaminen on ilman muuta plussaa. 🙂 Aivan "sohvalle" he eivät kuitenkaan sovi.
Finnish working dog sports!
Mina's job is the Finnish PAHA sport, or as we just call it "search". PAHA is a nordic style working sport with 3 sections: an obedience routine much like the one in IGP, an object search, and a person search. In object search the dog must find a set number of small objects (like gloves or wallets) from a 50 x 50 meter area in the forest, and return them to her handler waiting on one side. Person search includes an area that is 100 meters wide and depending on the class (I, II or III) 100-300 meters long. The dog must search and find a set number of persons hiding in the woods, covered or uncovered. The dog must announce them one find at a time, and when they do the handler is allowed to join them at the site to confirm the find. In both terrain searches there is also a time limit.
We have several similar sports in Finland. Each of them has 2 similar parts, and then the third is different: instead of person search, PAJÄ has a trail to follow in the forest. PAVI is a "messenger dog sport" for long runs in the woods. PAEK has several different types of searches in one trial. Only breeds with working dog rights can compete in these sports, and you must also pass BH to enter. Currently PAJÄ & PAHA are the most popular working dog sports for Dutch Shepherds.
The video includes some parts of the obedience routine, and a little snippet of a person find in the woods (sending from the midline, and announcing by sound). We expect her puppies to have traits that can make them a great fit for working dog sports!
Pip heeling 2022
AC DRAGOS CAMBRIAN "Pip" (2019 Riddick x Sindi)
Half-sister to our upcoming Riddick x Mina litter, and also one of the biggest reasons we are doing this combination. She has all the traits I want to see in a Dutch Shepherd: drive, stability, sociability and a steady temperament. Naturally environmentally neutral, safe with adults, children, large and small dogs, zero reactivity and no hunt tendency. On top of that you add the endless work ethic and excellent nose. 🍰 I really hope I get to see a little bit of her in our next litter!
Some obedience on the video. Her sport if IFH, and currently we're preparing to pass BH. We had a year's break from active training, but she is talented dog that can still reach anything and everything if I can just lead her there!
// Puolisisko tulevalle pentueelle. Enköhän ole jo omassa profiilissani ja kotisivuilla hehkuttanut tätä koiraa tarpeeksi, etten suomenna koko litaniaa tähän. 😅 Pipin tasainen luonne on myös suurin syy sille miksi Riddick x Mina -yhdistelmä toteutetaan! Hän on meillä kotona tavattavissa! Videolla tottiksia.
AC NIVA ALEXSTRASZA "Ruusa" (2014 Geb x Jadi) 🐲