Azuricoyotes Hollandse Herders FI

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Azuricoyotes Hollandse Herders FI Monimuotoiset lyhyt- ja pitkäkarvaiset hollanninpaimenkoirat vastuullisille harrastajille. Please visit our website for more information!

HYVÄÄ JOULUA /// MERRY CHRISTMASto all followers of my page! [where are all the Christmas tree emojis?!]We're spending l...

to all followers of my page! [where are all the Christmas tree emojis?!]

We're spending lazy holidays with no theme-fitting photos this year. But here is one of our young promises, AC ANVIL SUN AND SHADOWS "Maagi" (2023 Ruuti x Mina) during training from past fall. She is a very fast and explosive little thing at work, while still handling herself well in a family with children. Love her a lot. 😍

CARIBBEAN MIST VALENTINA "Tikka" in a blue world. ❄️

CARIBBEAN MIST VALENTINA "Tikka" in a blue world. ❄️

AC CLASH OF FANG AND FLAME "Midoriya" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)En itse ehkä odottanut että tästä pentueesta olisi ilmaantunut ...

AC CLASH OF FANG AND FLAME "Midoriya" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)

En itse ehkä odottanut että tästä pentueesta olisi ilmaantunut hyviä paimentajia, m***a on ollut todella ihanaa seurata Midoriyan matkaa lampaidentuoksuiseen maailmaan. 😊

Kiitos koiran omistajalle ja päivän kouluttajalle kuvista!


Kasvattajana en koskaan lupaa pentua tiettyyn lajiin sopivana. Lajiin sopivuus on monimutkainen asia, enkä halua pentujeni päätyvän kodinvaihtajiksi, ja siksi oma päätökseni on olla antamatta pentua koteihin joilla ei ole koiralle käyttöä mikäli se ei tiettyyn lajiin sovi. Toisaalta tälläiset kodit usein kaikkoavatkin jo siinä vaiheessa, kun sanon että mitään en voi luvata; ehkä he ovat tottuneet siihen, että kasvattajalta saa takuita ja vakuutuksia siitä, että kyllä aivan varmasti tällä pennulla pääsee juuri sinne minne haluat.

Itse näen maailman niin, että kukaan kasvattaja ei voi luvata että yksikään heidän pennuistaan varmasti sopii johonkin tiettyyn rooliin. Kasvattajana voin ainoastaan luvata, että tiettyä lajia harrastavalle valitaan siihen mahdollisimman todennäköisesti sopiva pentu, m***a takuita ei voi antaa kukaan. Lopullinen sopivuus on summa genetiikkaa ja sitä kuinka pentu kasvatetaan sekä kuinka sitä aletaan viemään eteenpäin lajissa. Sinnikäs ohjaaja saattaa päästä kilpailemaan haluamassaan lajissa, vaikka koira ei olisi siihen hirvittävän sopiva. Vastakohtaisesti toisille koiraan uskominen voi olla haastavampaa, ja lahjakkaammankin koiran koulutus voi tyssätä jo alkuvaiheessa lukemattomiin erilaisiin ongelmiin.

Jokainen pentu on perimänsä synnyttämä suurinpiirteisen muotoinen veistos, josta ohjaaja lähtee muokkaamaan itselleen sopivaa yksilöä. Kasvattajana tiedän millaisia "raakaveistoksia" tuotan, m***a koskaan en varmasti pysty sanomaan mitä tapahtuu maailmalle lähdön jälkeen. Se ei kuitenkaan tarkoita sitä, ettenkö uskoisi pentujeni kykyihin ja ominaisuuksiin, päinvastoin! Toiveeni on tietenkin se, että mahdollisimman moni pennuistani pääsisi sopivan omistajan käsiin ja sitä kautta nauttimaan työnteosta sille sopivien lajien parissa. 👌

🧬 PEDIGREE HIGHLIGHTDogs near and far from Azuricoyotes dogs’ past:♀ POLKA * 1999This female is the perfect choice to st...


Dogs near and far from Azuricoyotes dogs’ past:

♀ POLKA * 1999

This female is the perfect choice to start this little series. Polka is the origin of our current dam line(s); she is the mother, and the maternal grandmother of my foundation females Niva van de Kibi “Jadi” & Calypso de la Horde d’Artémis “Malta”.

In the early history of the Dutch Shepherd Dog long-coated puppies born from shorthaired parents were common. At some point the gene for long coat seemed to have disappeared however, and decades went past without any longhairs born into shorthair litters. Finally in the 90’s this changed, when kennel “Bourg Bernard” had long hair in their 1993 litter, and then kennel “Hyènes de la Sensée” in 1996. 3 years later this happened again, and Polka was born.

In early 2000’s Polka and her brother Pacha were purchased from their breeder by Hameau des Trois Fontaines kennel, who recognized the value of this type of new blood for the variety. In 2003 and 2004 Polka had two litters, the latter one accidentally with her brother Pacha. Dogs from these 2 litters are numerous in offspring and are the basis for the majority of “shorthair background” longhairs of today. It is my belief that they have also improved the overall trainability of this variety without bringing in “difficult” traits. For example, the first longhair to ever title in French Ring was Ucko, a son of Polka. Malta was a daughter of Urba from Polka’s first litter.

In 2005 Polka was sold to Switzerland, where she whelped two more litters for the "Kibi" kennel, one with a shorthaired male (this offspring did not have papers). I owned a daughter from both of these litters; “Boya” van de Kibi who died in an accident as a puppy, and my Jadi who came to me when she was 2 years old.

Polka was described as a biddable, sweet dog very close to her people. This is indeed similar to what I have observed in my own Polka offspring. Additionally, I have made a note that this type of character has a tendency for unnecessary softness if not balanced properly with mate selection. Polka was a medium-sized female with a solid build and quite little coat. She lived to be 10 years old. Many of her offspring lived very long lives, until 15-16 years, with the average lifespan being 12 years (3 years more than breed average).

As stated before, Polka is a maternal nth generation grandmother to all of my litters. Additionally, my 2019 litter from Cosmo x Ruusa was a 3X3 linebreeding to Polka, to solidify the uncomplicated natures in this bloodline. I am grateful to everyone who worked to introduce these “new longhairs” into the variety, without their influence to both dogs and owners we would definitely not be where we are at today!

The photos were taken by my friend Liisa Kukkanen during her trip to France in 2004. She is the one who introduced me to this new bloodline from very early on.

AC SWEET SKOOMA "Mina" (2018 Messi x Pants)🏆 𝐇𝐊𝟐 𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐤𝐨𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐤𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚─ Lisäksi tokon voittajaluokka korkattu hyv...

AC SWEET SKOOMA "Mina" (2018 Messi x Pants)

🏆 𝐇𝐊𝟐 𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐤𝐨𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐤𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚
─ Lisäksi tokon voittajaluokka korkattu hyväksytyllä tuloksella!

AC NIVA ALEXSTRASZA "Ruusa" (2014 Geb x Jadi)

🏆 𝐑𝐓𝐊𝟑 𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚
─ Ruusa on upea 10-vuotias kilpailija 🔥

Kuvat omistajien albumeista. Kiitos aktiivisuudestanne ja suuret onnittelut ahkerasta työstä! Molemmat tytöt ovat myös muiden AC-koirien äitejä.

// A couple of Azuricoyotes mamas adding to their sport titles this fall!

WHAT IS COMING UP IN 2025? 🎆As some people might have noticed, the puppy page on my website has been updated and no long...


As some people might have noticed, the puppy page on my website has been updated and no longer has information about upcoming combinations. I do still have plans for 1-2 longhaired litters for (the first half of) 2025, but have decided to not publish the combination(s) until we have a confirmed pregnancy and/or puppies on the ground.

I know that for many people it is essential to know before inquiring about getting one, and I appreciate that. However, as things have been I feel that it is much less stress for me as a breeder to not have to keep everyone updated on the one combination that they are interested in, and then have to let them down if it doesn't happen in the end.

In the end, all my litters have similar goals, and I am confident in my ability to select a suitable puppy for each future owner with honesty and no compromise. Some combinations might have several suitable puppies for any given person, some none. That is why I love to work with people who want to support my efforts in this breed and trust my vision the most. I will of course still discuss possible combinations with interested parties, this has not changed.

I also want to touch on something that has risen up repeatedly with other breeders with similar bloodlines as mine: it is not clear for many people who look for a longhaired Dutch Shepherd that there are vastly different types of dogs in the variety already. By buying a longhair with strong working shorthair background you are not getting the traditional longhair "with a little more drive", but a dog with an entirely different set of needs. Over 10 years ago, when I embarked on this journey to improve both genetic diversity and working qualities in the variety, it was a surprise to both myself AND my puppy owners to see what our "mixed" dogs would be like. By now I know enough to recognize exactly the types of homes my puppies need, and want this to lead into consistently good matches for them in the future as well.

The beauty of the variety fools a lot of people into thinking they are simply "just" a beautiful dog. But these are dogs with a strong need for guidance and a handler who enjoys working with a dog like this. Their qualities should not be a burden to you, they should be a source of joy. For many years, since I began with my breeding, I was always against talking about "working" and "non-working/traditional" lines (I still maintain that there is no show line in Dutch Shepherd Dog). However, I cannot deny the large difference in breeding stock anymore, and I am starting to think diminishing these differences can harm dog owners and breeders looking for a good fit for their needs. Maintaining & improving sociability & stability will always be above everything for me, but this does not mean that most Azuricoyotes dogs will be happy as "just" pets.

I am happy to discuss more about the differences of different types of longhairs when requested. It benefits everyone when you find the type of dog that fits YOU. 🦦

// Suomeksi paljon asiaa siitä minkätyyppisiä pentueita meillä on mahdollisesti odotettavissa löytyy kotisivuilta //

Photo: Caribbean Mist Valentina "Tikka"

We have a new pack member! USA/Puerto Rican import "Tikka", officially CARIBBEAN MIST VALENTINA has joined us at home. S...

We have a new pack member!

USA/Puerto Rican import "Tikka", officially CARIBBEAN MIST VALENTINA has joined us at home. She is my future hope for both sports and breeding.

Tikka has a very nice working pedigree behind her. On her father's side she is a granddaughter of the well-known Mexican Ring Champion CARONTE, who in turn is a grandson of the well-known Mexican Ring Champion LEIRU. Tikka's dam's side includes some great KNPV dogs originating from Holland, e.g. Mido PH1, Boris Doezé, Rudie PH2 Obj. & Jarco PH2.

So far Tikka is presenting a solid, very social and balanced character. Stay tuned for news about the development of this little Tasmanian (Caribbean) devil. 😈

For Finnish readers: a veeeery long story about how she came to be with us.
// Uutta blogissa!

AC CLASH OF FANG AND FLAME "Midoriya" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)Paimennustaipumustesti PAIM-T suoritettu hyväksytysti. // NHAT ...

AC CLASH OF FANG AND FLAME "Midoriya" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)

Paimennustaipumustesti PAIM-T suoritettu hyväksytysti.

// NHAT from herding

Suuret aplodit hienolle koirakolle! 👏👏

AC ANVIL SUN AND SHADOWS "Maagi" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)Mukavaa syksyä kaikille sohvaperunoille 😘

AC ANVIL SUN AND SHADOWS "Maagi" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)

Mukavaa syksyä kaikille sohvaperunoille 😘

AC SHADOW OF BAAR DAU "Merri" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)Merri is a high drive boy with a high-tempered, strong character. At th...

AC SHADOW OF BAAR DAU "Merri" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)

Merri is a high drive boy with a high-tempered, strong character. At the same time he's very social and safe with strangers. This type of dog is not suitable for everyone, but boy does it feel nice when you have one working with you (instead of against you! 😉)

MH testing of this litter had to be pushed to next spring, but I can't wait to see how they compare to each other when evaluated in identical conditions.

Ja vielä lisää nuorinta polvea... AC CLASH OF FANG AND FLAME "Midoriya" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)---Tänä kesänä on tehty paljo...

Ja vielä lisää nuorinta polvea...

AC CLASH OF FANG AND FLAME "Midoriya" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)


Tänä kesänä on tehty paljon ajatustyötä Azuricoyotes-holskujen tulevaisuuteen liittyen. Sekä kotisivuille että sosiaaliseen mediaan on tulossa lähiaikoina muutoksia ja päivityksiä - tulevaisuudessa on tapahtumassa paljon jänniä asioita. :) Kiitos mukana elämisestä!

Tässä toinen kickass nuori:AC ANVIL SUN AND SHADOWS "Maagi" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)Aivan mahtava supersosiaalinen, vahvaviet...

Tässä toinen kickass nuori:

AC ANVIL SUN AND SHADOWS "Maagi" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)

Aivan mahtava supersosiaalinen, vahvaviettinen narttu, oikein lupaava pakkaus. 🥰

Viimeinen kesäkuukausi jo menossa. 😱 Yritetään nauttia kauniista päivistä niin kauan kun niitä on. Kotisivutkin ovat taa...

Viimeinen kesäkuukausi jo menossa. 😱 Yritetään nauttia kauniista päivistä niin kauan kun niitä on. Kotisivutkin ovat taas palanneet käyntiin, seuraavat päivät näyttävät onko ongelma korjautunut vai vietetäänkö taas loppukuu ilman webbikotia.

Tässä hieman nuorisoa! Kuvassa AC SHADOW OF BAAR DAU "Merri" (2023 Ruuti x Mina) © J. Yliollitervo

Hello everyone! I'm not sure which language I should write this post in, but let's go with English this time.I promised ...

Hello everyone! I'm not sure which language I should write this post in, but let's go with English this time.

I promised to share some more updates. Here we go!

We have decided to move our puppy plans again, with one more heat cycle to the beginning of 2025. I know some of you were hoping for a later litter, but some are probably disappointed by this news. The decision came partially because of Finnish breeding recommendation (because the male was used by another in Finland my combination does not fulfil requirements for 1 year), but at least as much because of my own health.

Since 2018 I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy in my breeding. This was the time when my shorthair litter was born with 2 longhairs in it, and I was accused of forging their pedigrees. Since then there have been many crises of a similar type and allegations of all kinds starting from stealing information to killing someone's dog. On top of that my personal life is undergoing big changes and the direction of my future/rest of my life is about to be determined in the coming months-years.

I am tired. When I began this journey I thought as long as I myself am friendly and nice to people and honest about my breeding practices, nobody will hurt me. I was so, so wrong. If you open your mouth and have opinions, now matter how nicely, you will be targeted. So frankly, I need to take a step back and take a good look into what I want to do in the dog world.

Currently my website is disabled (again) due to an attack by facebook-related bots that have drained my bandwidth. I will work to solve this issue before next month (maybe), but for now I will focus on enjoying summer with my dogs and my husband. I will probably not reply to messages etc. as well as before (hahaha when did I ever do that well I am sorry guys 🥲) or send many updates on this page.

But fear not! I have PLANS. I have so many plans & I am learning and planning more plans every day. I have my database I started in 2006 and that has grown into a room & harddrive-filling monstrosity of the breed. I don't think anybody has what I have like this. I fell in love with Dutch Shepherds when I was 14, and they have been the biggest thing in my life always. I feel so strongly about wanting to take this breed into a better direction. I simply cannot not continue breeding. Even if it's sometimes hard to see, I KNOW I have something special here.

And even if the last few years have been slow going and very painful, I still believe some awesome things are coming for Azuricoyotes Hollandse Herders.

Thank you for your time, fellow breed enthusiast.

AC SWEET SKOOMA "Mina" (2018 Messi x Pants)HK 1 palveluskoirien hakukokeesta.( titled HK1 in working dog search trial )S...

AC SWEET SKOOMA "Mina" (2018 Messi x Pants)

HK 1 palveluskoirien hakukokeesta.

( titled HK1 in working dog search trial )

Super onnittelut, mahtavaa ja sinnikästä työtä 💪🤩

AC RASZA SPARROW "Neva" (2019 Cosmo x Ruusa) on nyt virallisesti valmistunut vähän erikoisempaan ammattiinsa! Onnittelut...

AC RASZA SPARROW "Neva" (2019 Cosmo x Ruusa) on nyt virallisesti valmistunut vähän erikoisempaan ammattiinsa! Onnittelut Nevan kotiväelle ja kiitos kaikesta panostuksesta upeaan koiraan. ❤️


Hollanninpaimenkoira Azuricoyotes Rasza Sparrow aka Neva on valmistunut hukkakoiraksi.

Pentuna Neva osoitti omatoimisesti reagointia maastossa eläinten hajuihin. Nevaa on koulutettu nenätyöskentelyyn pikkuhiljaa jo nuorena, ja intensiivinen koulutus potkaisiin käyntiin kunnolla, kun Neva sai kutsun Hukkatiimin koulutukseen reilu puolitoista vuotta sitten.

Hukkakoirakoulutuksessa oli koulutus- ja valmistumiskriteereiden tarkastelu käynnissä Nevan aloittaessa. Tänään on Nevan osalta vuoden treenikirjanpito tarkistettu ja hyväksytty.

Tästä alkaen Nevan löytämät suden hajut infotaan hukkakoiran ilmaisuina, mikäli infokriteerit täyttyvät. Sudenhajukoulutus ei suinkaan pääty koiran valmistumiseen, vaan jatkuu aktiivisena ja monimuotoisena niin kauan kuin koiralla ja ohjaajalla intoa riittää.

Valmistumispäivän kunniaksi Neva kävi yhteistreeneissä muiden tiimiläisten kanssa ja perään vielä tutkimassa löytämäänsä suden hajua. Aktiivisena liikkujana Nevan päivään mahtui toki rentoa koiramaista meininkiä koirapuiston ja uinnin tiimoilla.

Hukkatiimi onnittelee Nevaa ja sen ohjaajia uutterasta työstä🌹 Kiitollisina vastaanotamme rohkean ja työintoisen Nevan koulutuksen loppuun saattaneiden hukkakoirien joukkoon!

Recently I was given the opportunity to meet a puppy from my 2019 Cosmo x Ruusa litter, one that went to Switzerland. Be...

Recently I was given the opportunity to meet a puppy from my 2019 Cosmo x Ruusa litter, one that went to Switzerland. Because it is harder to find working homes for longhairs in Finland, I decided to sell the two puppies that would not have been a good fit for less experienced homes abroad instead.

AC RASZA MAKO "Mako" has grown up to be a five star dog! He is a bit smaller, lighter-boned male with a moderate coat. He is 100% clear-headed and social dog with no nervousness, but always looking for opportunities to work with his owner. He has a level of activity and drive that requires clear rules to manage.

I am so much in love with him. It is such a blessing to have been able to meet him again and see what he has become.

Mako is a stud dog in Switzerland! He has healthy joints and back, is DM/SDCA free, and is trialing in water rescue, tracking and area search. He has a breeding license with approved character test and external evaluation.

Both of his parents have also been competing in sport (now 13 & 10 years). His pedigree is approx. 1/2 shorthair.


Mako is also the uncle to our future puppy plan. I will share more updates about what's going on with us soon. :)

AC A WOLF AMONG THE PINES "Link" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)Kotilauman juniori on kehittymässä tasapainoiseksi nuoreksi urokseks...

AC A WOLF AMONG THE PINES "Link" (2023 Ruuti x Mina)

Kotilauman juniori on kehittymässä tasapainoiseksi nuoreksi urokseksi, joka on aina valmis toimintaan massiivisen kitansa kanssa. 🙈



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