Tiesitkö, että pitkäkestoiset ja hitaasti syötävät herkut eivät aina ole hyväksi koiralle?🤯
👉🏻 Koiran kipu & Koiran stressi ja käytöshäiriöt - luentopaketti
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• Dare, P. and Strasser, R., 2023. Ruff Morning? The Use of Environmental Enrichment during an Acute Stressor in Kenneled Shelter Dogs. Animals, 13(9), p.1506.
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• Figueira, M.P., Silva, F.F.R., Ribeiro, A., Silva, I.O. and Boere, V., 2023. Olfactory stimulus as environmental enrichment for shelter dogs: a pilot study. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 60, pp.e203068-e203068.
• Foster, J. R., & Araujo, J. A. (2012). The effects of stress on the gastrointestinal system in working dogs. Published in Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 7(3), 181-187.
• Jacobs, J., 2016. Understanding Canine Resource Guarding Behaviour: An Epidemiological Approach (Doctoral dissertation).
• Kirchoff, N.S., Udell, M.A. and Sharpton, T.J., 2019. The gut microbiome correlates with conspecific aggression in a small population of rescued dogs (Canis familiaris). PeerJ, 7, p.e6103.
• Li, W.Y. and Wang, X.D., 2021. Influence of enriched environment on anxiety-related behavior: evidence and mechanisms. Stress and Brain, 1(1), pp.33-45.
• McPeake, K.J., Collins, L.M., Zulch, H. and Mills, D.S., 2019. The canine frustration questionnaire—development of a new psychometric tool for measuring frustration in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris). Frontiers in veterinary science, p.152.
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• Willen, R.M., Schiml, P.A. and Hennessy, M.B., 2019. Enrichment centered on human interaction moderates fear-induced aggression and increases positive expectancy in fearful shelter dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 217, pp.57-62.
• Zilocchi, M., 2018. Problem solving games as a tool to increase the well-being in boarding kennel dogs. Dog Behavior, 4(1), pp.9-19.