The Pegasus Sanctuary

The Pegasus Sanctuary 💜Felicity started Pegasus in 2016. Over the years, we have rescued hundreds of equines. Our role now is to care for the elderly equines who remain in our care.

There are ongoing costs - hay, vet, feed & medication. Donations are greatly appreciated💜 Felicity has been rescuing equines at her home in rural Normandy for almost 20 years and in 2016 The Pegasus Sanctuary was created (Association Loi de 1901, RNA W504003253). We rescue and rehome equines destined for the abattoir, and have the aim of increasing awareness of all equines in need and sharing the

news from the Sanctuary. In addition, we hope to raise much-needed funds to help with the day-to-day running costs. All the horses, ponies and donkeys at the Pegasus Sanctuary have been rescued from the meat trade. Many arrived in a terrible state, and sadly all have been traumatised in some way before they arrived to the safety, care and love offered by Felicity and The Pegasus Sanctuary. There are currently over 30 horses, ponies, donkeys and foals being cared for at the Sanctuary; many of these are available for adoption.

Emeraude with her sister when they first arrived at the Pegasus Sanctuary. See Emeraude's story, featured above ☝️

Emeraude with her sister when they first arrived at the Pegasus Sanctuary. See Emeraude's story, featured above ☝️

Our auction is now on and finishes  this evening at 6pm.Head over to Association Auction Page to join in🥰. Lots of lovel...

Our auction is now on and finishes this evening at 6pm.
Head over to Association Auction Page to join in🥰.
Lots of lovely items on offer, all in aid of The Pegasus Sanctuary and Les Petites Mains Des 4 Pattes x

Notre vente aux enchères se termine ce soir à 18h.
Rendez-vous sur la page Association Auction Page pour participer🥰.
Beaucoup de jolis articles proposés, tous au profit du Pegasus et les Petites Mains Des 4 Pattes x

We're looking for a special forever home for 2 very sweet gelded boys, Bijou and Pampam, who we rescued 4 years ago. The...

We're looking for a special forever home for 2 very sweet gelded boys, Bijou and Pampam, who we rescued 4 years ago. Their owner is sadly unable to keep them and we need to find a new home.

They are in their mid-late 20s and have been together their whole life. They're around 9-10 hh / 90-100cm, easy to handle for the vet, dentist and farrier, respectful of fences.

Pampam suffers from sweet itch, but this is managed with a fly rug and mask in summer. They are both prone to laminitis and so need careful management on grass.

If you are interested in offering these two gorgeous boys a loving home, please get in touch. Please share x

Nous recherchons un foyer spécial pour 2 très gentils loulous hongres, Bijou et PamPam, que nous avons sauvés il y a 4 ans. Leur propriétaire n'est malheureusement pas en mesure de les garder et nous devons leur trouver un nouveau foyer.
Ils sont dans la vingtaine et ont été ensemble toute leur vie. Ils mesurent environ 90-100 cm, faciles à manipuler pour le vétérinaire, le dentiste et le maréchal-ferrant, respectueux des clôtures.

Pampam souffre de démangeaisons douces, mais celles-ci sont traitées avec une couverture anti-mouches et un masque en été. Ils sont tous deux sujets à la fourbure et nécessitent donc une gestion prudente sur l’herbe.

Si vous souhaitez offrir à ces deux beaux garçons un foyer aimant, veuillez nous contacter. Merci de partager x


Isabelle, Madelaine and Florence continue learning the word CARROT.


Isabelle, Madelaine and Florence are learning the English word CARROT. In readiness for their move to Hayling Island Donkey Sanctuary.

Felicity has made me Star of the Week! Please sponsor me! My name is Emeraude and I'm 33 years old. I first came to Pega...

Felicity has made me Star of the Week! Please sponsor me!

My name is Emeraude and I'm 33 years old. I first came to Pegasus Sanctuary about six years ago when the Sanctuary raised enough money from caring people to buy my sister and me from the Meat Man. If we hadn't been bought, we would have been sent on a long journey to be killed.

I was very grumpy and suspicious of people when we first arrived at the Sanctuary but it didn't take me long to let my carers know that I was really terrified of whips and anything that even looked like a whip. I was lucky that they understood and that my sister stayed close by me. My sister was the most important being in my life and we settled down to a peaceful life together. Until one day, something happened to her, she was not herself at all and that made me most anxious. Then some people and a vet came and they did something to her so that she passed away to the Field of Dreams and I couldn't follow her.

After that I couldn't do anything but stand still and stare into nowhere and a couple of times, I felt wobbly and my legs gave out and I dropped to the ground. Felicity and a kind farmer friend got me to my feet and the second time it happened, Graziella came along to befriend me. Graziella stayed by my side ever since and we are now best friends forever!

I'm told that I now look in excellent shape and no one can believe that I'm 33 years old!

Of course, I do get regular health check-ups and treatments for my teeth and feet. Also, I have to be kept clear of parasites, but it is the special supplements I get in my food that keep my weight up and looking this youthful. I'm told that all these things are getting to be expensive so this is why I'm hoping for a lovely person to sponsor me! Thank you for reading my story.

If you would like to sponsor Emeraude, please follow the link -

These are the supplements that Emeraude needs POUDRE SENIOR Vital

Or you can make a one-off donation to the Pegasus Sanctuary

There is also an Amazon wish-list on the Pegasus Website.

Big thank you to all our supporters and followers.💜

Those who have passed from our world, forever in our hearts.

Those who have passed from our world, forever in our hearts.

We have some extremely sad news to share with you. Our beautiful Fée had to be put to sleep a little earlier today. She ...

We have some extremely sad news to share with you. Our beautiful Fée had to be put to sleep a little earlier today. She had gone down in the night and Felicity found her this morning. It was very traumatic, but Felicity, with the help of a farmer friend she called on to help get Fee up, managed to get her into the barn and a warm rug on her.
Sadly, the prognosis was the worst news and Fée was pts early this afternoon. She was warm and calm when it happened, and Felicity was with her.

Fée has been with us for over 4 years, she was a lovely, gentle lady who had been used as a brood mare and sent to the abattoir when she became too old to continue breeding. Her passport is full of all the babies she bore.

We are going to miss this beautiful, gentle girl. RIP our gorgeous Fée ###

If you'd like to make a donation, here is the link. x

😍For just €1 a month you can make a HUGE difference to us by joining our Teaming group. Since we started the group in 20...

😍For just €1 a month you can make a HUGE difference to us by joining our Teaming group. Since we started the group in 2018 we have raised over €5,500, all from people donating just €1 a month.

It's very easy to set up and there are no extra bank charges (and no spam emails!), so it really is just €1 a month 😊 - even from a UK account!
Please join our Teaming group by following the link :

🇫🇷Saviez-vous que vous pouvez faire une grande différence pour le Sanctuaire en devenant l'un de nos Teamers et en donnant seulement 1 € par mois ?
Teaming est un site Web de confiance pour les organisations caritatives, aucune commission n'est prélevée, donc aucun frais bancaire. C'est vraiment juste 1 € par mois 😊.
Depuis que nous avons créé le groupe en 2018, nous avons collecté plus de 5 000 € - le tout grâce à des dons de seulement 1 € par mois !!
Veuillez rejoindre notre groupe Teaming en suivant le lien - vous ferez une grande différence :

The Pegasus Sanctuary. The Pegasus Sanctuary is home to 20 horses, ponies and donkeys, all saved from the abattoir. Most of our residents are elderly and will remain with us for the rest of their lives. We rely entirely on donations. Your compassion and generosity will make a desperately needed diff...

Our elderly equines need special care.

Our elderly equines need special care.

Whiskers and Lips and Muzzles. 💜💜💜

Whiskers and Lips and Muzzles. 💜💜💜




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