Anna and Elsa, Timmy was under the big hay pile. Timmy is more slender than he was now he's got more room and the ladies to chase after.
He got in the cage twice while I was trying to brush it out earlier.
Juno eating small pieces of apple and Mani munching hay.
Managed to get Juno to eat more hay this evening by putting it in front of him along with him having top up syringe feeds.
Unfortunately his neurological issues are worse at the moment it can happen after lethals have to have anesthetics he's forgotton where the food dish is so I've had to move it nearer, he forgets to eat we had this when he was a baby too.
Juno eating mushed strawberries and pear, Mani munching on hay
Juno & Mani with their fresh food.
Juno is on antibiotics again along with bisolvon due to another respiratory infection. Unfortunately being a lethal he's prone to them. Some lethals are more prone to them then others. Juno isn't the strongest of lethals unfortunately.
Timmy, Anna & Elsa with their fresh food carrot, celery and pepper
Timmy joined Anna and Elsa this morning he sniffed them I'd put his house in there he turned round went in his house and went to sleep 🤣🙈.
Tonight Elsa joined him in the house and Anna likes Timmy on her terms she likes her space but it's like they've always been together.
Juno, Mani and Timmy, Timmy and Mani can be on floor time together for 15 minutes before they decide they no longer like each other.
Juno just sits eating hay he's not bothered about a walk about.
Juno & Mani eating mush food, Juno drops weight very quickly so I give him mush food mixed with baby puree and critical care.
Timmy Trouble in video too as I thought he was up to something besides trying every night to rule the world. We had a conversation about that last night 🙈.
Unboxing of our secret santa gift, The Guinea Pig Secret Santa Project thank you again ###