A quick word about retractable (flexi) dog leads!!
This was my Saturday! How was yours? I actually enjoyed making this (just need to remember to record more!), might make some more 😆#spendthedaywithme #dogtrainerday #saturday #dayinlife #dogtrainer #dogbehaviour #fun #busy #goodday #puppyclasses #dogsofinstagram #happy
Look at that tail go! 😆Sweet Rosie loves rats and mice and sometimes struggles with recall, so we covered some fun recall games with her owners and she did so well ❤️ She’s just the sweetest 🥰🥰#dogbehaviour #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogsofinstagram #dogtrainingtips #dogclasses #dog #dogtrainingclasses #puppytraining
Bacardi’s fourth session today and he has done so well! This lad doesn’t really know what to do with himself when he sees other dogs on walks and displays different unwanted behaviours. We worked on providing him the breed specific behaviour outlets and slow instructions to other dogs. Bacardi never used to take food outside either, today he finally had some liver pate and he has done plenty of sniffing! Progress takes time and can be painfully slow sometimes, patience is key! Super proud of him ❤️#dogtraining #dogbehaviour #puppyclasses #dogclasses #dogsofinstagram #dogtrainingtips #dog #dogtrainingclasses #puppytraining #ethicaldogtraining #freework #dogs #husky #gsd #adolescentdog #reactivedog #gooddog #dogtraininghelp
Little scentwork session at Room to Zoom today 🐾
Yes, Bruce is bilingual 😂I use a mixture of Polish and English words when I train him 😂#dogbehaviour #dogtraining #dogtrainer #scent #scentwork #scentworktraining #dogclasses #puppyclasses #dogsofinstagram #goldendoodle #doodle #dogtrainingtips #dog #dogtrainingclasses #fun #fundogtraining #happyfriday
Emergency stop foundations ‼️
Emergency stop is a great tool to have in your toolbox, you can use it if you spot wildlife before your dog does or if your dog is running towards a busy road.
It’s important to be realistic when teaching an emergency stop, so you need to consider your dogs breed, their level of training and their current environment when teaching this.
Start off very easy just like we have with Zelda in the video. Some dogs take longer than others to learn this behaviour but Zelda has smashed it so far!
We will make it a little more difficult for her next time and reduce the amount of treats we are using.
This is one of many exercises we teach at our adolescent class!
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Look at the lovely Enzo 🥰
Enzo is a very excited boy who loves people and sometimes struggles with his manners. He is also going through adolescence so his confidence levels are all over the place. We worked on some focus and loose lead walking during his second session. We also introduced him to some free work which he loved! He is also booked in for his pain assessment with a Mctimoney therapist. #dogtraining #dogbehaviour #dogtrainer #dogclasses #dogsofinstagram #puppyclasses #dogtrainingtips #puppytraining #dog #dogoftheday #goldenretriever #adolescentdog #positivereinforcement #rewardbasedtraining #dogtrainingnorfolk #dogtrainersnorfolk #fy #fyp #cute #cutedog
Throwback to our beach trip! 🏖️☀️
Throwback to our beach trip! Bruce’s recall is perfect when we go to the beach, his loose lead walking is also amazing. Is he like this when we go for a woodland walk? Nope! His prey drive takes over and it is a lot more difficult to get his focus. Remember, your dog will respond differently to you in different environments, it’s up to us to set them up for success and have realistic expectations. #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogbehaviour #dogtrainingtips #dog #goldendoodle #doodle #dogtrainingnorfolk #happydog #norfolk
I had my last session with Milo at the weekend (weather was not on our side!)
He walked beautifully on the lead, his owner can also see improvement, less pulling and he is not refusing to walk back home!
We played so many connection games throughout our training walks, Milo would also sometimes struggle with the oncoming traffic but just look at how lovely he looks up at me when a car passed by. I taught him a nice pattern and dogs LOVE learning through patterns!
I really enjoyed walking this little lad and seeing his progress ❤️❤️
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Loki 🥰
Loki smashed mat work on his first training session today!
Mat work is one of the first things I teach in puppy training, it is the foundation for some many other behaviours we want to teach our dogs including:
-Manners at a cafe/pub
-Greeting visitors at home
-Cooperative care
-Provides safe space
-Increases confidence
-Promotes self-regulation behaviours
I am looking forward to working with this lovely chap over the next few weeks 💕💕
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Want to get your dog to come back to you like Bruce does in the video?
Come and join us for a fun filled workshop which focuses on games and exercises to help you master that recall around distractions!
Get your dog to come when called around 5 other dogs!
The workshop will be held at Room to Zoom in Attleborough on Saturday 22nd of June at 9am with myself and Rebecca from Rebecca Grauwiler Canine Behaviourist.
Message for more info or follow the link to book a space 👉 https://MartasDogBehaviour.as.me/?appointmentType=63252155
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THE most incredible weekend away at the @thejrhacademy @bullbreedbehaviourist workshop! It was so refreshing to be able to attend an in person workshop which was so full on and full of practical tips, I have learnt so much and I am so excited to be able to implement new concepts into my training style. Bruce did wonderfully in the presence off all the other dogs, most of which were large breeds, I am super proud of him! #workshop #dogtraining #traininghacks #trainingtips #goldendoodle #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogbehaviour #dogbehaviourist #weekend #cpd #happy