I think Hobo and Georgie are enjoying the lockdown sun and lockdown ‘diet!!’ Hobo loves a good scratch. You know you’ve hit the right spot when his nose twitches 😁
Deep breaths are brilliant at helping people to relax and manage difficult feelings. It can be hard to figure out if we’re really taking deep slow breaths! Milkshake breathing is a great way to get some visual feedback about our breathing. I got sent this fab video of Dan practicing his milkshake breathing. He’s taken a deep breath in through his nose and then he breathes out through his mouth in to the straw. The aim of the game is to see if you can make the milk shake bubble and rise up the glass evenly and gently!! Dan is clearly doing an awesome job of this!! Thank you for this fabulous video Dan!!! 🤩💪👌
We’re never short of jobs to keep us busy at Peace of Mind. As you can see we have lots of helpers supervising the work to make sure it’s up to scratch!! 😂 #peaceofmind #cantsaywedonthavetimeanymore #makingthebestofit #coronavirustodolist #stayconnected #cometogetherbystayingapart #stayhome #staysafe
Libby and Remy casually taking themselves out to the field this morning. They’re delighted to see some sunshine and spring grass 😁🌞 I’m personally taking a leaf out of their book! #gratitude #sunshine #springgrass #lovinglife #peaceofmind #relaxation #mindfulmoments
When people feel anxious, grounding exercises can be really helpful in bringing us back in to the present moment and help to minimise worries about things that have happened in the past, or what will happen in the future. A great way to do this is to focus on your senses and the sensory input available in the environment. You can focus on
5 things you can see
4 things you can feel
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste
(I draw this on a whiteboard for some clients to support memory and sequencing so steps can be ticked off).
Here’s a little snippet of Casper munching on a carrot, giving us lots of things to see and hear! (Best noise ever!!) #equineassistedlearning #stayconnected #grounding #staypresent #inthemoment #sensoryexperience #virtualponytime #peaceofmind
The adventures of Libby continue 😁 She followed up yesterday’s clip with a wash to refresh the skin that has been hidden under a blanket of fur all winter!!
Libby enjoyed having all that heavy winter coat clipped off in the sun this morning.... with a little help from Remy!! 😁❤️ Those 80s style leg warmers are something else though 😂
Just for fun.... here is Peace of Mind’s take on Attention Autism, Libby style🐴 ❤️
Good morning from Peace of Mind! Excuse the bed head and the messy eating 😂
With so much negative info around at the moment I thought I should share something that might lighten the mood a little!!! 😁 Here’s Casper enjoying a little down time and a good scratch at a show 😂
Peace of Mind is open as usual. We are taking all the measures currently recommended in light of the corona virus. We would appreciate it if any children with a dry cough or temperature do not attend sessions. We would also appreciate it if you do not attend sessions if you have been in contact with anyone exhibiting these symptoms. We have a number of clients with medical conditions and we want to keep everyone as safe as possible. Please contact us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend. We will update you all as soon as possible if this situation changes. 👌
Now for a well deserved carrot for Hobo!! 😁