Discus fish belong to the Cichlid genus and originate in the Amazon region of South America.
Discus fish are available as: fish caught in the wild, Asian captive breeds and European captive breeds.
PRESTIGE DISCUS Fish can live for 12 years, they reach a size of 21cm / 8” in diameter and are fully grown at the age of 2 years. Discus fish love the company of members of their own species (Cichlid Behavioural Characteristics) and should be kept in groups of at least 10 whilst growing, or in Pairs as adults.
Our recommendation is 1 fish per 30ltr of aquarium water.
In the wild, their habitat is made up of sandy substrates and roots, under which they like to shelter.
Discus fish also feel quite at home in an aquarium with live plants but not fully planted tanks, the amount of food fed is not practical and can become problematic to planted aquariums.
PRESTIGE DISCUS Fish are accustomed to UK tap water and are easy to keep. Hence, keeping them has little in common with the challenge of keeping fish which have been caught in the wild.
Thanks to our Breeder, Discus Fish can successfully be kept and raised in UK tap water. BLACK COUNTRY AQUATICS offer captive bred Discus Fish in 16 colours.
Water chemistry data will vary across the UK, it is especially important to keep your aquarium water parameters stable. To achieve stability we recommend smaller but more often water changes throughout the week, totalling 30% of your aquarium volume in total.
We strongly recommend the use of an HMA water filter which removes the use of chemicals in the aquarium, resulting in HEALTHIER FISH.
(Units available in store)
Recommended Water temperature
28° -30c or
82 – 86° Fahrenheit. DEPENDING ON AGE.
Discus fish are carnivore, so we strongly recommend feeding a protein-based diet.
"FROZEN DISCUS FOOD & DISCUS GRANULES” can be purchased in store.
Feeding discus fish is easy and provides your fish with an all round, healthy diet. Our discus are fed 3 times a day. This excellent and balanced approach to feeding plays a considerable role in keeping your discus fish healthy and in ensuring brilliant colours, good reproduction, and growth.
Please research the species or ask for advice before purchasing.
We do NOT recommend mixing discus from different suppliers.
Price Information: 2025
£40 6cm-8cm
£60 8cm-10cm
£80 10cm-12cm
£100 12cm–15cm