⭐️ Availability ⭐️
⭐️ Wednesday
⭐️ Saturday
⭐️ Sunday
⭐️ & All next week
🐾 Microchipping
🐾 Ultrasound
🐾 Semen analysis
🐾 Cytology
⭐️All puppies must be microchipped before leaving the breeder & can be microchipped from 6 weeks old
⭐️All microchips comes with a tag that can be scanned which will send a live location to its owner if the animal was to get lost 🤩
❗️it is compulsory that puppies must be microchipped before 8 weeks old - so before leaving the breeder❗️
❗️From 2023 it will be compulsory for all kittens to be microchipped before 8 weeks old - so before leaving the breeder ❗️
⭐️Ultrasounds can be carried out 28 days from the last mating - estimated due date can be given & a rough puppy count
⭐️ Cytology is recommended to start from day 7/8 - This is carried out by using a cotton swab to take a sample from your girl, this will then be put under the microscope to view the results.
Please note - when this is carried out mobile the microscope slide will be prepared at your home but will be read when I arrive home as I do not travel with my microscope
🐾 please pop me a message if you have any questions 🐾
Dogs/puppies 🐶
Cats/kittens 🐱
🚗 Mobile/come to me 🏡
Message to get booked in 📲