Have you ever caught yourself saying “My dog isn’t food motivated?”
Does your dog sometimes reject their meals, or ignore the food when you’re trying to train them?
It’s really frustrating, but it’s not usually because your dog doesn’t like the food.
More often it’s actually because:
😫 Your dog doesn’t like the way you’re giving it to them
🤕 They don’t feel well
😬 They have dental or digestive problems
🤯 They’re in the middle of a stressful situation
🤐 They’ve already eaten more than they need
😐 Commercial training treats are usually dry and don’t smell of anything
It’s not usually a case of just taking the food away if your dog doesn’t eat either and then trying again later, there are much better ways than that 👀
Check out the slides and see if any of these resonate with you. If they do, that’s okay! It’s not permanent damage, all of these things can be changed for the better.
If you can relate to any of these situations and want more information leave a comment or drop me a DM/WhatsApp me.
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