With the heaviest heart I have to let you all know that on July 31st You’re Pawfect will be closing its doors for good.
I moved to Brighton to open my dream dog/pet shop in 2019 and to help with my mental health and depression. Yes, it was a difficult ride with covid and forced lockdown for us all… But the debt that I accrued during this time was something I was slowly clawing my way out of. However; unfortunately after a new shop opened 3 minutes from my shop it has made it incredibly difficult for me to continue. My money is just now invested in clearing debt and cannot bring you the new and wonderful products I was sourcing before. I’m so heartbroken that I can’t keep the shop going but for my mental health and the wellbeing of my dogs. It is time to say goodbye.
I’ve loved getting to know you and will miss it all 💔
Hopefully I will still be doing the events I planned for you later this year. Please follow this is how it all started
Look after each other
Love to you all xx