I don't allow group dogs to have toys on walks as there is a high risk of conflict. I'm also not a fan of balls unless used purposely for formal retrieves or as a reward.
But sometimes things happen, dogs find things that others have left behind.
Harley had no interest in the ball whatsoever, he just wanted to play with his friend.
Despite his amazing treasure Beinn happily came back to me.
Great job boys 👍
I love dogs that happily perform things I ask of them.
But do you know what I love even better?
Dogs that make really good decisions without me having to ask.
Notice how I don't say anything to Mac, I simply change direction. Firstly he offers that lovely check in (looks at me) and then makes the choice to stay with me.
Jessie bless her is so close I could practically fall over her 🤣
I don't walk either of these two as much as I used to, but their family's brilliant training combined with a previous history that I'm a fun person to hang around means we always have a really lovely walk together. ❤️
Teaching our dogs to hang around us when offlead is so beneficial.
It's terrible out today, certainly the worst visibility I've experienced as a dog walker. It would be really easy for accidents to happen.
However because both Archie and Phoebe have a reinforcement history that hanging out with me is fun I can still safely let them offlead.
Fog like this can be spooky for some dogs. But because I am always the dogs safe space they are comfortable pottering about knowing I'm on hand if they need me.
If an onlead dog or something suddenly appears they are close enough to me that a recall would be quick and stress free.
If an offlead dog appears I'm close enough to safely oversee the interaction.
My priority is always keeping my dogs safe and training this skill is one of the ways I can do that.
We still have lots of work to do proofing environments and distractions but after alot of hard work may I present to you an offlead Betty ❤️
Don't forget I also offer 121 training if you are struggling.
Just a couple of walks left today and we are done for the year.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us this year.
Thank you to my clients for all the wonderful cards and gifts, they are so appreciated.
Have a lovely Christmas everyone 🐾🎄🥳
Here's a boring video of a retriever sniffing and being a dog.
And yet this is the thing I have received most compliments on since doing this job.
Betty is well loved by her community.
Betty also loves dogs. Alot. She'd find it quite difficult to concentrate or stay calm around them.
Listening to a human when she was around dogs was really hard.
But after alot of work here we have a dog chilling and doing her thing, on a trailing line without me micro managing every second.
When I took this there was lots going on in the field, including 2 very high energy dogs chasing a ball.
She knows they are there but they are no longer so overstimulating for her. She can mooch and chill and be a dog despite their presence.
We both have a much more enjoyable walk and Betty enjoys much more freedom.
Remember the goal of socialisation is to be comfortable around things, not to need to engage with them.
Mental enrichment is so important for our dogs, especially working breeds.
During Duke's adolescence this has been especially apparent. Without his daily training we would see alot of unsettled behaviour such as barking for attention and harassing the older dogs to play.
I've never been into sports training with my dogs, I'm not by nature a competitive person, I find that sort of environment stressful. But there is no denying how much this dog loves his hoopers, it makes him incredibly happy, which will always be my goal as his human.
Find something you both enjoy so that training becomes a joy not a chore. You'll all benefit from it.
It can be really tempting to re cue our dogs when we think they aren't performing the requested behaviour.
However some dogs need time to process what you've said and think it through.
Sometimes waiting that little bit longer allows our dogs to work it out and be successful.
No one likes a nag!