Happy Caturday!!
You've probably noticed we don't have many cats up for adoption at the moment and that's because every single one is now reserved, even ones like Nessa and Dash who haven't even been posted yet.
But don't despair - we have plenty in the pipeline just awaiting vet visits etc and will be ready very soon. We've recently set up 6 new fosterhomes and now have only one cat on our waiting list to come in - he's a bit of a wanderer and whenever we have a space, he disappears 🤣
This amazing turnover enables us to help more cats and is all down to the likes, shares, recommendations and just getting the cats "out there" that you all do so brilliantly so thank you 😻😻
This poor boy is next on our list to come in, he's been straying for a while with people trying to earn his trust and his physical appearance has deteriorated recently so he's now a priority. Ace trapper Kim is on the case!
Now reserved :)
Quick update on Delboy ❤️
Whilst he was a bit of a plonker getting hit by a car, he's now lovely jubly :)
He's wandering round just fine on 3 legs and passed his vet check with flying colours- eyes fine, no head injury, wound healing perfectly and no more meds which is a relief as he hates them.
Final check on Friday and start his vaccs and, menage a trois, he already has a new home sorted with one of our homecheckers with a lovely big catio to keep him safe.
It's canard letting them go, bonjour gorgeous boy ❤️❤️
Aaw our little scaredy puss, Hazel, is doing so well in her new home. :)
Now reserved. :)
Maddie is now ready for her next big adventure and look how much she's improved in just 2 weeks - she's trying her very best to be brave 🖤🤎🩶
She's the mum of Hazel and was very scared when she first arrived but has relaxed considerably and now loves her strokes and a fuss made of her. She'll need a quieter home with people happy to give her time to settle but she absolutely loves to play with toys so that will be the way to her heart! She's only young, about 2 years, so just a big kitten herself now she's not having litter after litter.
We're not sure what she's like with other cats so probably best as an only and she deserves to be someone's special Princess now after living on the streets.
She'll need a garden away from busy roads/catio to keep her safe.
Neutered, chipped, vaccinated with 5 weeks free insurance.
If you're mad for Maddie please drop us a line at [email protected] with your address and a contact number, thank you :)
Our second newbie on our sponsor cat scheme ❤️
Some of you may remember Callie arriving with her 6 newborn kittens early last year.
She was living in a garden in Wales and gave birth in a woodpile; our Welsh ladies managed to trap her, and her kittens were the cleanest, whitest babies we'd ever seen, she was such a good mum.
They all went off to lovely new homes but, sadly, Callie was pretty much feral and unhandleable so she came to live with all my other misfits and broken biscuits.
She loves other cats and immediately attached herself to Millie and followed her absolutely everywhere. Luckily Millie was really patient with her and is also a real lap cat so Callie soon realised that this hooman wasn't too bad.
After about 6 months she eventually plucked up the courage to sit beside me and yell at me for head scratches. She'll even put one paw( just the one, mind!) on my lap but any sudden movements and she's gone. If I approach her she still runs, if I try and pick her up she panics and she's accidentally caught my face with her claws several times. Vet trips are good fun 😬
So she'll be staying here - she's much too used to home comforts to ever live as a feral mouser and it will be a long time before she's a "normal" pet but hey normal is distinctly overrated right?! 🤣
If anyone would like to sponsor one of our longstayers like Tabitha or Callie, it's just £5 per month and you get updates and photos and a free calendar at Christmas- bargain!!
Now reserved :)
Hi everyone, Squeak here! I know all you hoomans are in your post-Christmas stupor not even knowing what day it is so I've decided it's : Find Squeak A Home Day :)
Sadly my mum passed away and I was totally discombobulated coming into foster - I hid for a while and hissed and purred at my fostermum even though I really wanted lots of fuss and strokes - she was well confuddled I can tell you.
Anyways, I turned a corner and mum says I'm now an absolute joy - like a different cat she says. I was even invited to the teenager's party and I was the life and soul! I introduced myself to everyone, loved the loud music and stayed right 'til the end. Apparently I'm a "lovely little chap" and who am I to disagree?
I think I'd like a quieter home as moving again will be a bit scary but teenagers are definitely ok and a garden for a potter but I think I'll stay close to home as I'm about 12 now.
I've lived with my sister but we're not close so a new gentle friend might be ok -I had a major dental as my teeth weren't great and now am completely gummy, not a single tooth left so I won't be biting anyone at least!
Neutered, chipped vaccinated plus 5 weeks free insurance.
Ping us an email with your address and a contact number -our little gummy bear is waiting!
🎉🎉Draw for our Christmas hamper - the moment you've all been waiting for !!🎉🎉
We were pretty busy in the shop today and managed to grab this nice chap late on to do the draw - I have a sneaking suspicion he may have had a couple of bevvies beforehand though 🤣
The winning number is 171 and the name is Mark Bonson ( not White!).
Congratulations Mark, the hamper is now up in Bristol and huge thanks to everyone who entered - we raised over £100. :)
Happy Caturday from Bob 🤍🤍
He'd lived all his life in a tiny high rise flat and, when his owners had to move, they were were just going to leave him outside :( He arrived with a bad flea allergy and in poor condition, very shy and overwhelmed with everything but looks like he's landed on his paws now!
It took a few days but he's now a happy boy, coming for a fuss. Thank you Zsazsa for giving him a chance- his best Christmas present ever 🎁🎁
Our scaredy kittens have discovered catnip 🤣
They were living behind a shop and took a week to trap along with their mum. She's now been spayed and is very unsure about hoomans but the kids are warming up fast to yummy food and comfy beds. Beats scrounging for scraps and sleeping on concrete any day! It won't be long before they're ready for pastures new thanks to fostermum Louise, lots of Lickelix treats and the watchful eye of little doggo :)
One week old and helicopter mama is still helicoptering 🤣
All their cords have dropped off and one grey and white boy has his eyes open already.
I'm smitten 😻😻
Look what arrived last night - is there anything cuter than kittens?!