Nibbles & Custard Pet Services

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Nibbles & Custard Pet Services Bespoke Pet Care Service based in Burwell, Cambridgeshire. Loving, professional care for your pet. With well over 14 years of experience working with animals.

Village based pet care delivered to you by an experienced and passionate animal carer. Custom tailored to your requirements! Prices range depending on the details of the job required so please do message with your enquires to discuss your pets needs first. We work with all animal types including reptiles and insects (we're not screamish!) however our specialism is with small pets (with a past back

ground and formal training working with small furry mammals)

We pride ourselves on being a premium pet care service offering flexible options, depending on your pets needs. These include our most popular services of one, two or three daily house visit (depending on your pets needs/price varies). Please note-House visits are only available for Burwell and surrounding villages currently. OR secondly, our five star rated home from home small pet boarding service (this service normally gets booked up for the summer months so get in early). Boarding is strictly for small pets, not for cats or dogs. So what makes us different? Well, most standard pet care companies lack the personal touch, the true training to fully understand the animal their caring for and don’t have the time to really stop and spend time with your pets. But we pride ourselves on giving time to your pet each day which includes plenty of play time and fussing over. The majority of commercial pet care tends to only focus on cats and dogs- but here, we focus on our smaller critters. Small furies are often over looked or considered very easy to care for-they are in fact complex animals that require an understanding and experienced level of care by someone who is able to administer medication, handle the pet correctly, monitor ongoing chronic health conditions and able to notice subtle changes that may indicate illness or a developing problem. We are pleased to not only offer pet care but also able to offer clients, unique guidance and advice on their pet’s diet and welfare if they so choose. We openly welcome clients emailing us with any pet queries, or just wanting general advise which can be really useful for folk who are new to owning their pet and may not fully gage what it entails e.g. what vaccines they need, what foods to avoid, best vets in the area etc. We also cover care for reptiles, birds, fish and pretty much any small creature in need of our services. We often hear from clients how their cats or small animal gets very stressed going to a kennel or boarder- this can lead to illness and unnecessary anxiety, this is why we like to focus on home from home based care and house calls- bringing the care your pet needs to them, rather than them going somewhere else! Lastly we recognize that it can be very nerve racking for the owner to leave their pet in the care of someone else. To help reassure them while they are away and make the most of their holiday, we always offer to send photo/ video updates on a frequency according to what the client has requested e.g daily, every other day, once a week or not at all if they so chose. The welfare of the pet is our number one priority and every animal under our care will always be treated as part of the family just as our own pets are.

Good morning human, we hear it is your birthday today”  “Morning piggies, yes it is, why?”   “Well we heard you talking ...

Good morning human, we hear it is your birthday today”

“Morning piggies, yes it is, why?”

“Well we heard you talking with your other human person and we know you are stressed because you want your own home but are struggling to afford something so we thought we’d help with a birthday present”


“Yes, we have discussed it and decided that I will move into the log house together with mark and you can have our little pink Tepee as your home. Mortgage is only £20 a year and it’s really very spacious inside”

“Aww thanks piggies, that is really very thoughtful but your tepee as lovely as it is, it’s a little small for me…I’m not sure even my arm could live in it”

“Oh …..fair point I suppose, I hadn’t thought about the size difference. Maybe you can do that harry potter stuff when you enter something tiny and it becomes huge?”

“I wish piggies but that magic is just TV only I’m afraid”

“well what if your arm lives in the tepee only and then you buy lots of other little tepee’s for your other body parts, then together you can make up a big tepee”

“I really appreciate the thought pigs but we kind of need a home that all our limbs can be in at the same time with other stuff too and the animals…you get the idea. But still it’s the thought that counts and that’s a very sweet offer “

“Okay, well can we sing you happy birthday at least”

“I’d be delighted”

With formal training and many years specialism working with small pets- centered on guinea pigs, rabbits and hedgehogs- why not check out our page, follow and check out our reviews. Our care for your tiny one is to the highest standard you can get in the area and we have the unique added bonus of being able to offer extra support and advice about your pet’s health/diet and setup. Currently taking bookings into 2025. Oh And keep your eyes peeled for our new website coming soon which will be loaded with useful blogs, tips and expert knowledge on getting to know all aspects of your fury one.

“piggies why are you hiding in your little houses?”“Because human, we have worked out that if we eat all the grass under...

“piggies why are you hiding in your little houses?”

“Because human, we have worked out that if we eat all the grass under our little hides first, then we can use our noses to slowly push the hides along and work our way over the lawn to eat all the grass, in the safety of our houses”

“Oh I see…but don’t you want to come out and feel the breeze, smell the flowers and all that?”

“Oh no human, don’t be silly…..if we come out from under our huts, the clouds will steal us and we don’t want to be taken”


“The clouds human, sally davison who lives down the street told us last week that those things you call clouds in the sky, like to steal and eat guinea pigs like us”

“What a lot of total nonsense”

“It isn’t human, we’ve seen it happen, the clouds move along the sky and then bang, a happy piggy enjoying their garden gets beamed up into the clouds and then the clouds flies away and there never seen again”

“Are you sure you don’t mean alien space ships? ……because all clouds bring sometimes is rain, they certainly don’t abduct piggies”

“Oh maybe sally davison meant alien space ships….but we still need to hide”

“Nah I wouldn’t worry about aliens pigs, they might abduct the odd human or two for studies on our weird human brains but they wouldn’t bother you”

Oh okay then….we’ll come out but you better get a giant box then human”


“For yourself human, to hide from the alien space ships…they might want your brain”

“I wouldn’t worry piggies, my brain is far too complex and stressed for any aliens, it’s not a good one for their studies”

Need local pet care by an experienced pet expert? Specialist in small pets only? Message us on our page to chat about your pets needs. Flexible services. 5 star rated, village based. …Oh and stay tuned for our awesome new website coming soon which will have a load of awesome small pet advise on 

“Hey kitty kat, why don’t you come outside, the weather is lovely?” “No human, I don’t do heat and sun, I may be a cat b...

“Hey kitty kat, why don’t you come outside, the weather is lovely?”

“No human, I don’t do heat and sun, I may be a cat but I identify as a bat. I like cold dark rooms and prefer the night. Like one of those vamp thingy’s”

“You mean vampires?”

“Yes that’s what I said. I identify as a bat but also as a vampire”

“Well you know in stories, vampires can turn into bats so kind of the same sort of thing”

“What do you mean in stories human? Vampires are real….i seen many of them in burwell ”

“Are you sure you’re not just getting confused with very pale humans?”

“No, otherwise you would be a vampire too……no I swear, I have seen at least 10 of them, they live in the village and come out at night, often leaving the pub”

“ummmm sorry to point out the obvious kitty but vampires drink blood, not beer”

“Oh please human, are you so naive you think those pub houses only serve beer… no no, the real money for them is serving vintage blood to the local vamps at a premium rate. You know, a secret little side hustle kept in the basement and all that”

“I’m not sure I’m liking where this conversation is going kitty cat but if you’re sure, then I suppose we just leave the burwell vampires to it and hope they don’t decide to take me one night, otherwise you won’t be getting any supper!”

“No human, they wouldn’t bother you, your too short, not enough blood in you”

“Oh how reassuring”

If your pet needs local, reliable and experienced knowledge based pet care, do get in touch on our page so we can discuss your requirements.

“Hey little bun, you keeping nice and cool in this hot weather?”“I am human but I feel I would like to impart some wisdo...

“Hey little bun, you keeping nice and cool in this hot weather?”

“I am human but I feel I would like to impart some wisdom to your fellow human bunny owners”

“Okay then, I’m big on educating so you go for it ….”

“Okay. I got some very important pointers to spread the word about.
firstly did you know that it’s recommended any pet bunny is neutered, even the ones that are without bunny partners, for male and female. This is because neutering isn’t just about stopping baby buns coming but it also helps with later life health problems and controlling override of hormones. It also reduces the likelihood of cancers like reproductive cancers, especially in female buns like me and it makes litter training way easier. We behave better if neutered and are less likely to be aggressive”

“Great piece of info there little bun, what else do you have to say?”

“It’s a common mistake among bunny owners that if there bun is a house rabbit that they think they don’t need vaccinating. Vaccinating is vital for inside and outside buns to protect against nasty diseases like myxio and RVD which otherwise could kill us over night. These diseases aren’t just spread by our fellow wild buns but can be carried by mosquitoes and biting bugs which is why even house buns need to be vaccinated.

“You’re on a roll little bun, anything else”

“it can be tempting to give us lots of shop bought treats but beware- a lot of these so called safe treats are filled with wheat and other ingredients that are really bad for our little floofy tummies and can even cause gut blockages which requires immediate medical treatment. Avoid corn and anything with high wheat content. Instead stick to natural options, dried herbs and dried flowers but only in small amounts. I know we are very cute and you want to spoil us rotten but we will do better and live longer if you just give us lots of high quality hay, a small amount of pellets each day, and only a tiny amount of fresh food and treats.

“Oh and Lastly…..if you own a bun and don’t know what E.cuniculi is then look it up and have a good read. Apparently 94 % of bunny owners and shockingly, 90% of small pet boarders in england don’t know what it is! It’s worth knowing the symptoms in us buns and how to avoid by cleaning with the correct sprays. A lot of humans wont no we have it until we get head tilt which can be very dangerous so get smart with E.cunicili and don’t mix your buns with other pet buns, we are all either carriers, positive or negative so mixing us carries a risk of getting us poorly…………….”

“Fabulous little bun, I think you have a good career ahead of you as a teacher about correct bunny care”

“Thank you human bean, I’d like that, will you help me update my CV first?”

“Sure thing bun, let me just have some lunch”

If your pet needs local, reliable and experienced knowledge based pet care, do get in touch on our page so we can discuss your requirements.

“awwww  buns, you two are such a beautiful pair and I’m not just being biased because my own fur baby is also a lion hea...

“awwww buns, you two are such a beautiful pair and I’m not just being biased because my own fur baby is also a lion head just like you both”

“That’s okay human, you can be as biased as you like, we know we are utterly stunning bunny rabbits, just look at our floof, I mean a rabbit is not a rabbit without a good layer of floof all over, right? Floof is the key to everything, you humans go nuts for our cute floof and that means we get what we want”

“I do find the floof exceptionally adorable, although I’m not meant to have favorites!”

“Well as you love us so much human pet care girl, you can do us a big favor tomorrow”

“Okay what?”

“It’s the big match, football…….we are planning on having a party, drinks, nibbles, maybe a kick about in the garden….do you think you could set that up for us?”

I suppose so but you two don’t strike me as being into football?”

“Why? Just because we are super cute fluff bundles? I’ll have you know that we love football and are brilliant at it”

“Right well I suppose that’s a good reminder that you can look however you do and still love all sorts”

“Yes but you will need to groom us and keep our spotless fluff all clean and tidy. Football can be a muddy business and we still have standards”

“Don’t worry buns, I’ve got the grooming brushes at the ready but can we try to keep mud to the minimum, I’m not sure white floof goes well with mud”

If your pet needs local, reliable and experienced pet care, do get in touch on our page so we can discuss your requirements..

“Hey human, what’s all the noise about the other day on the news?”“Oh you mean the election, it’s part of the way us hum...

“Hey human, what’s all the noise about the other day on the news?”

“Oh you mean the election, it’s part of the way us humans work, we elect who we want to make important decisions although lately none have been doing a very good job at that”

“ah yeah I know what a election is, that’s like, if I had a carrot and a banana and a strawberry and I decide I want the strawberry but not the others, then I’ve elected the strawberry, right?”

“Ummmm kind of I guess, only we don’t tend to eat the people we elect, there not fruit”

“Well that’s where your problem is for all you humans”


“Well maybe if you made things simpler and just voted for fruit then you wouldn’t have all this bad feeling rubbish between you humans”

“But how would a piece of fruit run the country?”

“Well it wouldn’t…..but maybe you could work on the idea to make it work……..fruit is so much easier then humans arguing”

“ummm thanks piggies for the wisdom, I’ll be sure to put it into a letter to the new prime minster”

If your pet needs local, reliable and experienced pet care, do get in touch on our page so we can discuss your requirements..

“human….human……….human…..”“Yes little piggies”“We hear that it’s carnival day in the village”“It is indeed piggies”“We w...


“Yes little piggies”

“We hear that it’s carnival day in the village”

“It is indeed piggies”

“We want to be in the parade please”

“Okay but you know you need to be dressed up or have a float so its interesting for folk watching”

“Don’t worry human, we got it all figured. We’ve decided that we both look so awesome with our wonderful high fashion cat walk hair do’s that we will be our own float”


“We’re gonna get a local farmer to drive us along on the back of his tractor on a big platform so everyone can see us. So that the humans can stare in ore at our stunning hair and wish they looked as good as us, no need for a float, we are awesome enough”

“Ummm well I suppose you can”

“Thanks human, I bet that we get the front page of the local newspaper, our hair is just too perfect for words!”

If you need local pet care for your fury fashion ester…do get in touch on our page. Reviews can be found on there and all messages are replied too within an hour.

“Oh dear, the camera is making your eyes gloss, probably too dark”“No human, that isn’t the camera, they are my actual e...

“Oh dear, the camera is making your eyes gloss, probably too dark”

“No human, that isn’t the camera, they are my actual eyes, I have super powers you see…like with x men”

“Right so what do your glowing eyes do?”

“Same as that guy in x men, the one who has to wear those special sun glasses so he doesn’t burn the place down with his laser beam eyes”

“But you’re not wearing sunglasses now and I’m still in one piece”

“Well I don’t mean to brag but I have learned the art of self control and I don’t need sunglasses to block my lazar, I can control it without, if I didn’t like you then you would have been sliced a while ago”

“Oh how reassuring”

“Yep you just keep the kitty treats coming good and fast human and my eyes won’t touch you”

If you’re pet with super powers needs local experienced pet care, do get in touch on our page. Reviews and details can be found there.

“Come on Peppee, what were you doing with the phone?”“I’m in training human”“Training for what?”“Well you know that I’m ...

“Come on Peppee, what were you doing with the phone?”

“I’m in training human”

“Training for what?”

“Well you know that I’m very good at copying what you say to me, back to you”

“Mimicking you mean?”

“Yes mimicking, well it’s all I have ever been any good at and till now I could never see a way to make a living from it but now I have a new job and I’m in training”

“You got a job mimicking?”

“Yes, basically I get paid to pretend to be other people on the phone”

“So you’re scamming people into thinking you’re a human they know instead of a parrot?”

“No, I’d never do anything illegal, it’s the police that gave me the job, basically when they listen in on bad guys planning deals on the phone, I pretend to be part of the gang and learn where and when they meet, then I tell the police and I get paid in monkey nuts and orange, it’s a win win really”

“Oh…..that’s not what I was expecting”

“Yep, see I’m a do gooder, good Samaritan parrot me. ...Master peppee mimic parrot !”

“Okay, okay, I suppose you can have the phone back then, but no funny business”

“funny business, me? My eyes are too innocent for that……….”

Need pet care for your fury, scaly or feathery loved one then get in touch on our page. Local experienced pet care to the highest level.

“Human…..what is that whirly song I hear play outside on the street sometimes”“Whirly Song? Ummmmm can you expand a bit?...

“Human…..what is that whirly song I hear play outside on the street sometimes”

“Whirly Song? Ummmmm can you expand a bit?”

“Like a lullaby….a sort of jingle, it comes from one of those big metal tins you humans drive”

“Oh you mean the ice cream vans?”

“yes, that, I have seen humans lining up through the window for cones with white top bits, can I have one please”

“Ummm the thing is little pig, ice cream cones aren’t really part of a piggies diet”

“That’s okay human, I don’t want to eat it………I like my veggies”

“Then what do you want an ice cream cone for?”

“I want to break a new world record for the first guinea pig to balance a human ice cream cone from my nose for as a long as possible”

“Wow, now that has to be one of the most random world records I have ever heard……how did you think up that little pig?”

“it just came into my head when I heard the jingle last week …..i have mates that did other things like the highest tower made of carrots and the most amount of hearts chewed out of cardboard…..there is prize money and I want to buy myself a bigger place but I need to be able to afford a bigger mortgage”

“But you’re a piggy, you live in your mummies house, you don’t have a mortgage”

“Pigs gotta grow up sometime don’t I?”

Need local pet care? Get in touch on our page to discuss your pets needs

“Right human, I have been contemplating all day and I know you humans try to avoid it as much as possible but we need to...

“Right human, I have been contemplating all day and I know you humans try to avoid it as much as possible but we need to talk about the elephant in the room”

“Okay…. To be clear, you are using the expression and don’t actually mean that you’ve seen a elephant in the house, because if you have, I’ll need to call your owners”

“Don’t be silly human, the expression of course!.... I mean politics, that’s the elephant in the room! None of you like to talk about politics but now we have a election in July, I need to think seriously about who I’m going to vote for so I want you to tell me the pro’s and con’s of each of the parties please”

“Ummmm I hate to be catist but cats are not allowed to vote in the general election or any election”

“Oh, well that isn’t very fair when us cats make up such a large percentage of the population in the country”

“True, fair point but I guess you don’t work or pay council bills or tax or do normal human things really”

“We eat and sleep and go to the toilet and watch daytime TV like you humans”

“yep but in legal eyes, that doesn’t constitute a citizen who can vote, sorry kitty”

“Fine well I still like politics so kindly update me on our options”

“Ummmmm well our options are, rubbish…………….rubbish and rubbish”

“Well those options are pretty bleak, now I’m kind of glad I’m not a human”

If your secret political loving pet needs pet care, do get in touch on our page. We are burwell based, super experienced and specialist in small pets. Reviews can be read on there.

“Ratties….time to get up for breakfast”“Ssssshhhhhh human, Can’t you see we are all tucked up and cosy, sleep first, foo...

“Ratties….time to get up for breakfast”

“Ssssshhhhhh human, Can’t you see we are all tucked up and cosy, sleep first, food later”

“Oh okay but I got your favorite and you can do some pea fishing?”

“It’s a rats code human, lots and lots of sleep, it’s just too cosy to move! Besides, I have achieved the perfect snuggle position, this means snuggle time only until snuggle position is no longer perfect, then I will get up for food”

“Okay I’ll come back later then…………”

Need pet care for your special ones by a local experienced 5 star rated service? get in touch on our page to discuss your pets needs.

“Human………..I’ve had an epiphany”“Do you even know what an epiphany is, little piggy?” “Ofcourse I do human, Don’t be so ...

“Human………..I’ve had an epiphany”

“Do you even know what an epiphany is, little piggy?”

“Ofcourse I do human, Don’t be so piggist! I saw it used on a tv show”

“Right, so what is your epiphany?”

“That the earth is round and not flat……’s shocking isn’t it”

“Ummm I’m not sure that’s an epiphany, it’s just a fact”

“It is to me human, I was brought up by piggy parents who thought the earth was flat………now it feels like my eyes have been opened. I want to explore this round earth and now I don’t need to be worried about dropping off the edge, do I?”

“No, you won’t drop off the edge. It’s called gravity”

“What’s gravity?....”

“It’s were.........Let’s just leave that for another day hey? One epiphany at a time I think”

Need local experienced pet care? Please do get intouch on our page.

“Excuse me kitty but could I have my shoes back please”“No…………..there my precious…………my precious, MY PRECIOUS!” “Umm I t...

“Excuse me kitty but could I have my shoes back please”

“No…………..there my precious…………my precious, MY PRECIOUS!”

“Umm I think you’ve watched too much lord of the rings, there just shoes”

“No they are more than shoes human, they are the world………they are my precious!”

“Right well I need them back so can I give you some other shoes to play with?”

“No human, you’ll have to leave in your socks cos these shoes are going nowhere”

“What not even for some of your favorite chicken dinner?”

“Hmmm you strike a hard bargain human, one shoe for one chicken dinner and the other shoe for 2 lickie lickie treats. I won’t forfeit my precious otherwise”


“Why do you look so worried little ratty?” “The world is going to end in approximately 10 days human, that’s why”“How do...

“Why do you look so worried little ratty?”

“The world is going to end in approximately 10 days human, that’s why”

“How do you know this?”

“I’m a rat worrier searer, it means I go into these little trances and see into the future, and my face looks very worried when I’m in a trance”

“Oh okay, so how is the world going to end?”

“In a rain storm of peanuts that will be so severe that cities and whole buildings will be buried underneath meters upon meters of peanuts”

“The stuff of nightmares!”

“Are you mocking me human? This is a very real threat, peanuts can kill just as much as rain or sand you know! If I were you, I would pack some things, take your family and go to the highest point in the country, with any luck, the summit of Snowdon or Ben Nevis just hold clear of the peanuts…Kinda Scout might go under though”

“Well thank you for sharing your vision with me, I will sort out escape plans!”

If your trance seeing pet needs pet care, please do get in touch on our page to discuss your pets needs. Reviews can be found on page.

“Oooo you look very comfy their kitty cat, are you having some YOU time?”“I’m a cat human, I am always having ME time! B...

“Oooo you look very comfy their kitty cat, are you having some YOU time?”

“I’m a cat human, I am always having ME time! But I’m just watching some TV and having a cup of chamomile tea, trying to relax after a very stressful week at work”

“Oh really, I didn’t know you had a job?”

“Of course I do human, do I look like the sort of cat that sits around all day? Oh no, I am a hard working cat descended from a long line of hard working cats! But Me time is still very important! You see, I recently opened my own clinic offering psychiatrist services to help human and cats bond but it’s been manic beyond belief. So I thought I’d just take the afternoon off, watch some daytime TV and chill, maybe have a bubble bath later………….I do love bargain hunt, it’s fascinating to watch , don’t you think?”

“Well what a fabulous achievement, would you like a nice tin of cat food for your tea while you watch bargain hunt?”

“Oh no human, tin of cat food? Don’t be absurd, what do you take me for?……now a nice prawn stir fry with some mushrooms and toasted ginger would be much more acceptable to my taste. Ingredients are in the fridge, you better get cooking”

My not so little fur ball turned 10 years old today! Happy Birthday Sushie Bear! I'm not sure she was too impressed with...

My not so little fur ball turned 10 years old today! Happy Birthday Sushie Bear! I'm not sure she was too impressed with the crown I made her though 😛


"Human this is very important that you listen to me now, what we are about to tell you is the single most vital piece of advice you will ever be given!"

"Okay I'm listening"

" Hay human, hay is life and life is hay, hay equals life. nothing else matters, just hay. Worship hay, eat hay and you'll have a long happy life. Remember that!"

"Ummm okay then, consider it noted, thankyou for sharing your piggy wisdom with me"

“Oh Jes Human, Thank Goodness you are here…………….you’re just in time!” “For what??”“Why for the washing machine spinny sp...

“Oh Jes Human, Thank Goodness you are here…………….you’re just in time!”

“For what??”

“Why for the washing machine spinny spinny weekly ritual”


“The washing machine is a sacred machine to us……..we celebrate it’s magic every week by creating a circle of crystals around it and watching the spinning core….round and round and round until we lift our spirit into a magical realm that only the washing machine can open”

“ummmm right, so why do you need me?”

“Well normally our human mummy sets up all the magical crystals so you’ll need to do that …oh and also you need to get some herbs from the kitchen and some matches……a sacrifice would be good too”

“Matches? That doesn’t sound very safe……….Sacrifice??”

“Oh don’t worry human, a mouse will do for a sacrifice….but you only have 10 minutes now till ritual time so you better get out in the garden to get catching”

“Not really my specialty kitty cat, shouldn’t you do the catching?”

“Yes probably true, you humans suck at catching sacrifices”

“I’ll take that as a compliment”

Need pet care for your special one? Village based and experienced. Please check out our page, read reviews and get in touch.






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