Book a free dry lab session with Dr Hannah Brown to learn how thin blades & precision surgery will get your patient off that operating table 30-50% faster. #bptintensiv #BielefeldStadthalle #easiersaferfaster #veterinarydentistry #veterinaryclinic #veterinarian
We’re at Midwest Veterinary Conference Ohio! To book a free dry lab practical with Dr Crotaz follow this link: Ohio Veterinary Medical Association MAI Animal HealthMidwest Veterinary Supply, Inc. #mvc2025 #easiersaferfaster #veterinarydentistry #veterinaryclinic #veterinarian
Come and chat to us and we will teach you a precise extraction technique that will get you extracting teeth faster.
Booking is advised for these hands on sessions as we get VERY busy!
Book your space at one of our events here:
🇨🇭SSVD Switzerland 18th Jan
🇺🇸VMX Florida, Jan 25-29
🇺🇸MVMA Minnesota, Jan 29 - Feb 1
🇩🇪BPT Intensive Bielefeld, 20-23 Feb
🇺🇸MVC Ohio Feb 22-24
🇺🇸WVC Vegas, Feb 2-5
🇬🇧BSAVA, 19-22 Mar
Eickemeyer Veterinary Equipment Eickemeyer Danmark Eickemeyer Deutschland MVMA Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association NAVC Midwest Veterinary Conference BSAVA MAI Animal Health Penn Veterinary Supply Midwest Veterinary Supply, Inc.
#veterinarydentistry #veterinarypractice #veterinarycpd #easiersaferfaster #veterinarysurgeon #veterinarynurse #veterinarycongress #RVN #SVN
Our lecture starts in 20 minutes! “Won’t the #%&@ tooth come out?”
Want to know what we’re doing here?! Come and see our lecture at 10:20 at The London Vet Show and you’ll find out!
Here’s how to get to our lecture “Why won’t the #%*@& tooth come out?” This morning at 10:20!
Sign up to our automated blade reorder service at London Vet Show, extract teeth up to 50% faster and get your first replacement set for HALF PRICE! (Offer only available at LVS 14-15/11)
Register for our automated blade reorder service at The London Vet Show and receive your first replacement set for HALF PRICE!
(Offer only valid at LVS on 14-15th November)
Dentanomic’s thin, sharp blades will achieve up to 50% faster extraction when you keep them sharp.
Our Stay Sharp blade reorder service ensures you always have a perfectly sharp instrument in your hand without the hassle of checking and sharpening.
Our tailored training programme ensures you are able to get the most from your thin blade and backs your purchase up with a satisfaction guarantee.
#vetshow2024 #lvs2024 #veterinarydentistry #veterinarypractice #LondonVetShow #veterinarysurgeon #veterinarycongress #RVN #veterinarynurse
Come and visit us in Belgium at @expovet_vdk this weekend, @dvg_e.v in Berlin on 30th October and BPT Congress Hannover 14th November to find out how you can achieve up to 50% faster extractions with our Stay Sharp reorder service.
#veterinarydentistry #veterinarysurgeon #veterinarycongress #bpthannover #dvg #expovet