Some days can be a bit like this…🤣
Paws & Minds
🎁 Giveaway Winner is...
ABI & Susan
Congratulations! 🎉🎁
Please message the page to arrange collection / delivery of your prize.
Thanks to everyone who entered.
Wishing you and your pups a very happy Christmas!
Paws & Minds
⭐ Trick Training classes ⭐
A fun, no pressure way to work with your dog, and learn new skills that are relevant for everyday too. Suitable for dogs of any age.
Novice Trick Training
Monday 1st July, from 6pm for an hour
Evertown Village Hall
6 classes, running weekly with a break part way through.
Intermediate 1 Trick Training (following on from Novice)
Monday 1st July, from 6pm for an hour
Evertown Village Hall
6 classes, running weekly with a break part way through.
Video of Angus learning 'wipe your paws'.
Book you space by messaging me, or email [email protected].
Paws & Minds
Agility Foundations Fun class this week focused on tunnel work. Not as easy as it looks. Well done Jazz!
Trick Training Tasters…
Would you like to have a go at Trick Training with your dog?
We’re running two taster sessions:
Monday 3rd June, 6-7pm.
Saturday 8th June 10-11am.
Evertown Village Hall, DG14 0TJ, with Krysia, The Creative Canine.
Trick Training is:
- Lots of fun!
- A great way to build different skills with your dog.
- A way to provide mental and physical exercise.
- Suitable for dogs of any age.
Our current Novice class will finish on Monday. Ash is working on his ‘wave’ in the video.
Classes will start in early July. If you’d like to try out Trick Training before committing to classes why not join us?
Get in touch for information and to book.
Paws & Minds
Join us for Beginners Scentwork. Only 1 space left, starting 1st May! #scentwork #thenoseknows #beginnersscentwork
Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend & the sunshine 🙂🐾🧠
Woody has a new favourite toy!
Having previously chewed through most things, he hasn’t had anything soft like this for a while.
I think it was love at first sight 💗
What is your dog’s favourite toy?
Paws & Minds
Millie can find the world and exciting and worrying place.
She can struggle to focus and can be unsure around other dogs.
Her guardian wanted to try out Scentwork but had some concerns around Millie in the class environment.
This is Millie in action! She has progressed in leaps and bounds with the support of her guardian.
Here Millie is demonstrating her indication. Super focus with all the other class distractions in full swing as well as those being introduced by her guardian.
Our next Beginners Scentwork class starts on Wednesday 3rd April at Applegarth Sniffari Dog Field.
There are only 2 spaces available. Get in touch for more information and to book your space!
Paws & Minds
I thought it was time to share an update on Woody's muzzle training...
Honestly, I think working with Woody on muzzle training for being out beyond our home has felt like the most stressful training I've done, with any dog.
The reason?
The reality of the implications if Woody wouldn't accept wearing a muzzle to go out.
Yes I'm a dog trainer, but I'm also a guardian to Woody and Callie. That means I experience all the emotions that go along with caring about them. Very much as you will with your dog.
It's all about my dogs' happiness, as it will be with all the things you do for your dog.
The rain (and there's been a lot of it!) has hampered our efforts to get out, he is part Staffy after all!
So pleased and relieved to be able to share this video update with you.
Lots of good indicators that Woody is fairly relaxed and enjoying his time outside:
🐕 Ears and tail positions (normal for Woody).
🐕 Interested in the environment but not overly so.
🐕 Happy to sniff.
🐕 Wanting to take food reward.
🐕 Walking on a slack lead.
🐕 No attempt to remove or rub at the muzzle.
We even had some sunshine ☀️.
Training will continue...
Paws & Minds
Can you teach older dogs new ‘tricks’?
Most of the enquires I receive are about adolescent and young adult dogs who are finding the world a challenging place.
You may often hear it said there’s no point in trying to alter behaviours in older dogs.
I often wonder what’s prompted that conclusion.
There’s no genuine reason that an older dog can’t learn something new.
For our older dogs learning is a great way to keep their brains active, those neural connections firing.
As dogs age they can have different needs, and their training may need to look different to that of a younger dog.
Older dogs can take longer to learn new things, especially if it’s a new way of thinking for them or of their guardian interacting with them.
It’s incredibly rewarding working with dogs of all ages. There’s no reason not to continue, or to start training your older dog.
If you’ve worked with me in a group setting or individually you’ll already know that working at your dog’s pace is always key to progressing, no matter their age.
This is Angus, 12, starting to learn to ‘wipe his feet’ last night in our Novice Trick Training class.
Working in this way is not something Angus is used to, that hasn’t stopped him!
We run classes with small numbers and 2 trainers. Younger or older dog, there’s lots of fun in the learning.
Paws & Minds