Following the recent confirmation from the RKC that the traditional route and grandfathering applications will close at the end of 2025, the Welsh Terrier Association will endeavour to hold an A3 assessment for anyone that has a realistic expectation of meeting the A3 criteria before the end of 2025. It is likely this will take place at a general Championship show, although if there is sufficient interest we may consider hosting a stand alone event.
If you have judged, or will have judged by the end of 2025, thirty Welsh terriers and have completed all other RKC requirements to be approved to award CCs, please email [email protected] enclosing an up to date judging CV with number of dogs judged, future appointments and any other required judging certificates.
We ask that you send this information as soon as you are able to, which will allow us to start making preparations with a view to assessments being held during 2025.