We've ditched the lead!🥳🌲☘️
There she is, away now with her new best pals, Cali, Roxy and Kiedis who've been teaching her so very well!💖
What an absolute joy to see her let her hairs down and watch that confidence come bubbling up🥰
Clever girl Freya!🏆🌟👏
#border_collie #bordercolliedog #bordercolliepup #redbordercollie
#livelifeoffleash #recalltraining
#offleadtraining #dailydogwalks
#dogcommunication #dogtrainingpaysoff
#cleverpuppy #carrickfergus
Raising Roxy🐕 Let sleeping dogs lie?🤔 Yes! But when they're just drifting off, it's the perfect time to reinforce calm👌 So easy, and it'll lower your blood pressure too😇
Young dogs don't have an off-switch🤪 This one doesn't know when to stop! She gets over-tired and challenging at times... to put it mildly🤣 but we're getting there🖤
If you want calm, reinforce calm whether they're sitting quietly by your feet or about to drop off beside you💤
Then there's also that magical wee spot between the eyes that is an instant relaxer for them😉
And most importantly, don't forget to tell them how just how wonderful they are🖤
...that wee groan is everything🥹🖤
By Roxy🐶
#mygsd #mygermanshepherd #germanshepherdlife
#teenagedog #dogtip #relaxeddogs #dogcommunication #dogemotions #dogtraininghelp #carrickfergus
That moment, when you realise you can't swerve in time, so you go for the big jump🙈
This is what we're dealing with...🤣
Nice try pup👏😉
By Roxy, Kiedis, Luna and Gypsy🐶
#jumpingpractice #german_shepherd #labernese #funnydogreel #relaxeddogs #crazypup #dogfriends🐾 #learningeveryday #gsdsofig #gsdadventures #german_shepherd_insta #germanshepherdsforever #gsdtraining #carrickfergus #walkthiswaydogsni
There she goes!🔥🤩🎉
What a glorious sight🖤🖤🖤
By Roxy, and Willy and Moshe🐶
#offleadtraining #smashedit👊 #gsddog #gsdteenager #germanshepherddogs #german_shepherds #gsdworld #gsdtraining #recalltraining #bergerallemands #gsdfun #chasies #offleadadventures #lovinglife❤ #cantstopsmiling #fearfreedogtraining #carrickfergus #walkthiswaydogsni
Fact:🤓 Research shows that white dogs, of all shapes and sizes, are genetically predisposed to seeking out the muckiest muck and getting in it🙈🤭🎉
By Tsuki (Eric and Gypsy)🐶
#whitedogs #swissshepherd #swisswhiteshepherd #muckypup #muddywalks🐾 #muckydog #mudmagnet #dogwalkingadventures #dogwalkies #lifewithdogs🐕 #woodlandwalkies #neverstopwagging #doglife🐾👣 #forcefreedogtrainer #carrickfergus
Can we just take a wee moment to appreciate his all natural hair accessories...🌲🎉👏🥰
...and if you can't wear it? Eat it🙌
By Duke (&Rexy on lookout👀)🐶
#myfren #cockerspanielsofig #cockerspaniellovers #cockerspanielsoninstagram #cockerlife #handsomedoggo #woodlandwalkies #messyhairdontcare😝 #lovinglife💞 #muckypup #happydoggie #carrickfergus
She's a quiet and sensitive girl, loves prancing around like a wee show pony and tripping over things, a lot...mind that stump!!🫣🤣
Dogs grieve too💔 And she's been missing her sister Nyxie something chronic these last few months😓 It's been so very hard for her, even with the company of good frens.
Seeing her bouncing about like this smiling and shouting at me again yesterday literally made my heart burst!🤍 I was grinning like an eejit all day😁
Good girl Astra🐶🥰
#whitegsd #whiteshepherd #whiteshepherddog #doggrief #timeheals #dogcommunication #understandingdogs #dogemotions #backtoherself #happygirl❤️ #happygsd #happydoggie #dogsareamazing #forestfun #forestwalkies #professionaldogwalking #dogadvice #dogsofni #dogsofbelfast #Carrickfergus #walkthiswaydogsni
Just when you think they can't get any better.....🥰
The 30 Second Wait👏🎉🏆🎉👏
By Rexy, Duke, Luna and Kiedis🐶
#patterdalemix #labernese #cockerspanielsofig #german_shepherd_dog #dogteam #dogpeople #forcefreedogtraining #woodlandwalkies #dogwalkies #dogadvice #dogtips #dogtrainerlife #dogtrainingpaysoff #neverstopwagging #bestdoggos #topdogsofinsta #trainyourdog #dogloversni #nidogsofinstagram #nidogs1000 #nidogs #belfastdogs #carrickfergus #walkthiswaydogsni
It's called 'Etiquette'🤓
Dog-walking Etiquette🐕🦺
A rule of thumb👍
A no-brainer🧠
If I see you walking your dog on-lead, I will keep my off-lead dogs away, or I will put them on-lead💯
I won't embarrass you or p1ss you off by shouting over to say,'It's OK, they're friendly!'🙄
I'll just keep them away💯
I won't show ignorance or create a fuss by shouting over 'Do you want me to put mine on-lead?!' or any other nonsense😮💨
I'll just quietly put them on-lead til you are safely past💯
I want to keep my dogs safe and stress-free, and I don't want to upset or stress you or your dog. After all, I don't know if she's old or sick, or maybe nervous or in training, or just not a fan of other dogs he doesn't know, whether that's one or more🧡
Neither do I want to embarrass myself or have my dogs appear rude, potentially cause a fight, scare, overwhelm, or even injure your dog🧡
Simplicity itself. And it's our routine🧡
Note: No matter how nice someone is to your face about your off-lead dog coming directly at, charging up to or jumping all over their on-lead dog ...they'll still walk away calling you an idiot (to put it mildly).
And they'd be right💯
Please be considerate🥰
By Me👱🏻♀️
Assisted by the Wednesday Club veterans
Luna, Kiedis, Duke and Rexy🐶
#gsd❤️ #labernese #cockerspanielclub
#patterdalemix #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtip #trustyourdog
#dogmanners #dogwalkingetiquette #dogwalkinglife #dogsadventures #recalltraining #calmdogs #relaxeddogs #leadwalking #offlead #offleadtraining #trainyourdog #loveyourdogs #beconsiderate #bethepersonyourdogthinksyouare #topdogsofinsta #thebestdogs #dogsofni #dogsofnorthernireland #dogsofbelfast #Carrickfergus
This was about 2 hours ago along my 'safest' road out when it's icy or snowy☃️
No walks or training sessions today, and I'm gutted💔 I know exactly how crazy my frens would be to play in all this!🤪🌲🎉 But it's still coming down thick and fast❄️ Treacherous isn't the word.
After digging the van out, a wee test run, wheels spinning even with 4 new tyres on right before Xmas and nerves of steel, it's too dangerous to even attempt to get to lower ground where it's clearer😔 Never seen snowflakes so big!!
So we're getting ourselves a tractor🚜🤣
Please, please take care frens🤍
By me&her🐶
#snowdays❄️ #winterwalkies #dogwalkinglife #dogsinsnow #gsd❤️ #ballyclare #straid #staysafe #snowyweather #norniron #dogsofni #irishweather
Doing a wee 'watch me' because....those eyes💛🤎🖤
By Tsuki Nooks🐶
#swisswhiteshepherd #whiteswissshepherd #swissshepherd #relaxeddog #ambereyes #dogcommunication #dogskills #buildingfoundations #simpleandeffective #forcefreedogtraining #trainyourdog #dogsdoingthings #carrickfergus