Consistent training is crucial for your dogs learning & expectation 🐾. Luckily my 2 fell back into our normal routine and started listening to my cues as we had a strong foundation before they went feral 🤣 #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #essexbusiness #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining
🐾Train on a Walk 🐾
Whilst out walking I like to throw in little training sessions so today I did some heel work sporadically along the river.
My cues are ‘close’ for them walking close to me (I’m not precious about them being right on my heel) and I always release them with ‘off you go’ to allow them to carry on their free time.
Do you do any training on your walks??
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #essex #cocker #cockerspaniel #workingcocker #workingcockerspaniel #heelwork #dogwalker
“You can’t train a Spaniel to walk nicely on a lead”
Wanna bet 😉
No choke leads/figure of 8 lead/prong collar or aversives, just 2 crazy spanner’s, engaged and taught exactly what the lead means.
Need a hand with lead walking? I’m here to help 💁🏼♀️
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #workingcocker #workingcockerspaniel #dog #essex #cocker #cockerspaniel #leadwalking
☔️Rainy Day ☔️
Who else is sick of this rain ☔️
I like to keep the dogs happy by doing Trick Training, helps their brains stay occupied when we aren’t really going out and doing much!
Orbit - the dog travels around you staying close. This is great for teaching them staying close to you is a good thing plus it’s just a fun little trick to do!
Middle - I find this a useful cue for when I’m on a walk and there’s an off lead dog that’s approaching or playing with Obi. Tilly isn’t keen on unknown dogs so this way she feels safe.
And the big one - just stick a rain coat on and go on a big walk! 😆☔️
#rainyday #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #dogwalker #dogwalking #essex #cockerspaniel #workingcockerspaniel #workingcocker
All weather dogs 🐕
Did you survive yesterday’s storm? ☔️
I took my 2 out for a long walk in the morning in my waterproofs and they loved tearing through the puddles, rain alters the smells on their usual walk too so they had a blast! Then we hunkered down during the high winds 🌬️
Do yours like the rain or prefer to stay snuggled?
Me and my girl 🐾
I love our Tuesday Agility class, it’s very relaxed and fun (we joke we are the bloopers class 🤣). Today was Christmas party Steeplechase to end the year and Tilly had a blast!!!
My handling is not great in this video, she doesn’t jump independently and needs me to be there so I have to run my socks off to keep up 😂
For an anxious, nervous dog that doesn’t like other dogs, she turns into the soppiest, most friendly puppy here, it’s her happy place 🐾🐾
#agility #cocker #cockerspaniel #workingcockerspaniel #steeplechase #essex #crouchvalley #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogsport
🐾Sniff Session🐾
Did you know that when a dog sniffs it is activating the Seeking System of a dogs brain? This leads to the release of the feel good chemical Dopamine 🙌🏻
I take these boys out every weekday and they guide me and are allowed to sniff as and where they want (so long as it’s safe 😉)
It’s also a way for dogs to communicate to each other, it’s like reading the daily newspaper, seeing who or what has been there today ☺️
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #essex #essexbusiness #essexdogs #tibetanterrier #dog #dogwalker #dogwalking
How often do you let your dog choose the way on the walk? Tilly is very good at communicating with me if she wants to go a certain way, even if I start walking off she stays firm that she doesn’t want to go that way. Where possible, because let’s face it sometimes they need to go the way I want to go, I listen to them and allow them to choose the way.
Giving them choice in life makes them happier, well rounded dogs that feel confident and strengthens the bond between you 🐾
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #workingcocker #workingcockerspaniel #cockerspaniel #cocker #spaniel #dog #essex #essexbusiness
🐶4 hours 🐶. This is the recommended MAXIMUM time you can leave your dog home alone 🏡 Dogs are sociable creatures and need mental enrichment, they are not designed to be left home alone all day, continuously. If you need to go out for long hours please ensure you have set up either doggy day care, a dog Walker or another way to ensure your dog has its needs met (try not having access to a toilet for more than 4 hours and see how you get on 😉). Not meeting a dogs basic needs can lead to certain unwanted behaviours arising and also destructive behaviours as the dog gets bored and looks to entertain themselves. Pop yourself in their paws, being left alone for hours with nothing to do, we would go stir crazy! Do right by your dog and don’t leave them alone too much 🐾. #dogtraining #dogtraining #dogenrichment #positivedogtraining #cocker #cockerspaniel #dogsofinstagram #dog #lovemydog
Keeping cool in this heat 🥵
I have an app to track our local rivers tides so I can make sure when they are out they have access to a good swim 🐶
How are your furries coping in this heat?
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #cocker #cockerspaniel #river #riverwalk #rivercrouch #workingcockerspaniel #dogwalker
Super proud of these 2!!
I’m currently on holiday and have an amazing house sitter staying with the twins and my cat to look after them. I left her a list of my cues for the dogs with videos on how I walk them etc and she sent me this beautiful video of their recall to her.
Super, super proud of them! Once recall is nailed the skills can be transferred to others 🙌🏻
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #recall #recalltraining #essex #essexbusiness #lovemydog #cockers #workingcocker #cockerspaniel #dogsofinstagram #dog #spaniel #spaniellife