We are selling one of our pairs of breeding Angelfish.
These are a beautiful pair and excellent breeders if you want to see what the babies are like the shop is full of them.
We are only asking for £80 for the pair
We have had an amazing selection of juvenile Aulonocara arrive in store this week.
These are a great way to brighten up your African Cichlid aquarium.
We also have a massive selection of other fish in stock ideal to suit any aquarium.
Check out our stock list on the link below.
Pterophyllum scalare - Angelfish
Angelfish, one of the most misunderstood fish among the hobby, often mislabelled as being overtly aggressive or boisterous. However when kept correctly and with proper husbandry these fish are sure to bring you years of enjoyment.
These beautiful Cichlids need to be kept in large groups with the general rule of thumb being the more the merrier. When they are kept properly they can be housed with suitably sized community fish and do particularly well with large shoals of peaceful tetra. We always stock a huge range of angelfish so pop in some time and come take a look.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
Thayeria boehlkei - Penguin Tetra
Another fantastic and popular fish from the Amazon, the Penguin tetra do great in small shoals among other peaceful community fish. Although predominantly black and white their active behaviour and friends nature makes up for what they lack in dazzling colours, an excellent addition perfect for new and experienced fish keepers.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
Gold Laser Corydoras.
The corydoras are very peaceful group of bottom dwelling community fish, with the wonderful gold lasers being no exception. They do best in small groups and even though they are one of the more expensive corydoras that we sell their beautiful bright colouration makes them massively popular among our customers.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Red
Looking for that WoW factor this Christmas?
A fish to stand out and shine in your aquarium? Look no further, a beautiful pair of these dwarf cichlids are great centrepiece additions to your community tank. They do require a cave or a shelter and need to be kept in pairs.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
Hyphessobrycon megalopterus - Black Phantom Tetra
Stunning tetras with a peaceful nature, perfect for any community aquarium. Best kept in shoals, they are a great active fish certain to brighten up your tank ready for Christmas.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
Acanthopsis Choirorhynchos - Horseface Loach
Horseface loaches are a very peaceful bottom dwelling fish. Originating from areas of Indonesia these loaches love to bury itself in a fine gravel or sandy base. Often seen with just their noses and eyes protruding from the substrate. Great tankmates in any community aquarium
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
One of the most popular breeds of coldwater fancy goldfish available in many different colours. Their affectionate behaviour makes them a fantastic first pet. Just be warned these guys can grow up to be over 6 inches and can live for up to 30 years.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
Cheirodon Axelrodi - Cardinal Tetra
The Cardinal Tetra with its bright colouration is a fabulous addition to any community aquarium, particularly popular with Discus keepers for its great tolerance of their higher temperatures. A great schooling fish when kept in large enough numbers.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
Cichlasoma Meeki - Firemouth Cichlid
These colourful semi aggressive cichlids are a great addition to any larger fishtank.
Perfect tankmates for large angelfish, geophagus and other larger community fish.
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.
New in this week, Madagascan Rainbow fish!
It’s been a while since we have had these beautiful fish in stock, they are always a favourite with our customers.
An excellent community fish to brighten up your tank ready for Christmas!
Check out our full list of stock with prices on the link below.