Loving Serena's Dream

Loving Serena's Dream There has never been a better time to invest in yourself, find what makes you happy, understand why


Perfection is simply another’s persons perception


Well the last 4/7 weeks have been challenging at times, and I had little or no energy. I had been very much a recluse, not wanting to see or really talk to anyone. No motivation or energy to do much other than get up and then sit down lol.
But if I have learnt anything its that everything happens for a reason. The reason for my time out was to rest, receive activations, upgrades ready to move forward in my life, following my lifes purpose, to finally understand why I am here, why I have been through everything I have been through and how that is going to serve me going forwards.
At a time where fear surrounds us, I have never felt more hopeful, happy and focused. I see everything unfolding the way it has to for us to enter a new way of life, a new way of living, a life where we remember who we are and that we are all one, where we show love and compassion to each other, where FEAR no longer has a hold over us and no longer has a place in our lives.
Has it been easy getting to this place of calm, love and peace? Absolutely not, but its a journey I knew I had to take. Its a journey I now realise I have been on all my life.
All those feelings I experience as a child, teenager, mother, grandmother, have all been completely justified, all those feelings of just knowing make perfect sense !!!!
If you feel you want to learn more about yourself, to understand why you are really here and who you truly are. To live and feel a sense of inner peace no matter what may be going on around you, then take my hand, and let me help you on your journey.
Everything starts with each and every one of us, we can make a difference each of us, we have that power, all you need to do is to reclaim it.
If you would like to find out how I might be able to help you start that journey, take a look at my Lemurian Light-Ray page.https://www.facebook.com/lemurianlightraylearning

To help you make sense of what doesn't make sense to you right now. To offer you help and guidance to anything you are struggling with be it with yourself, a child or pet. Healing modalities including Angelic Reiki, Rahanni and Lemurian Light-Ray.


At a time when there is much uncertainty in the world, one thing is certain, we are moving towards a new way of living, the old no longer serves us, we are being shown the way that a struggle for power has infiltrated our lives, where innocent children mothers and fathers are being unjustly attacked. But don't be fooled by all you hear and read in the media, this is not just one persons struggle for power, this is a struggle of power that has been going on for eons, the way it is playing out right now, is not just down to the individual we are seeing as the aggressor. No, I am not exccusing him, what I say is that this is ar deeper than any of us are led to believe.
The past two years has been a time when all the lies and the conditioning have started to show up and where some of you are questionning what is going on in the word around you, what is truth, what is lies, and what tthe agenda is behind all of this.
It has always been power, the struggle of a few for power and control, but the power is in each and every one of you, if you are reading this, it's time to remember exactly who you are, why you are here, to uncover the truth and reclaim your power.
We have been enslaved for years by a system bigger than any of us can comprehend but we are ready to take that power back, to become the divine beings that we ere meant to be. We were never meant to be here sturggling from day to day, week to week, to make ends meet, to be on a hamster wheel that is impossible to get off. We were here to live a life of fulfilment joy and happiness. We were not here to fight amoungst ourselves but to live in a life of oness, love joy and happiness. This is no dream, this is the reality that we can create ourselves. We can take back our power one by one and we can all make a difference, despite the conditioning that one person can't change anything. Another way to control the masses, keep us in belief systems that we live by, let me tell you the conditioning you have undergone through not only your ifetimes but your ancesters before you, has brought us exactly to where we are now. We are here to change that, to bring in a new earth, a peace loving earth where there will be no poverty, the earth has enough resources for all its inhabitants, the thing that needs to change is the distribution. After years of charity work in third world countries, why then are we still seeing no clean water in certain areas? This is because even with these huge charity events the money is not going to where it has been needed or reported to go, too much still goes to those holding the power. If you want to give money to charity dont waste your time with events like Red Nose Day go stragight to the source, see your money working in areas where it is needed, and not being spent on administration and other hidden costs.

If you are ready to start your own jounrey of remembrance, if any of this resonates with you, then thank you .

If maybe you are not ready for this, just remember in future months, years, that you read this, because the truth is coming out.

For me, it has been a rough 4/6 weeks, I have had various health issues, and my energy has been so low it had been impossible to function properly, but I feel invigorated this morning and I am being divinely guided to step forward and speak out. Something I could have never done 6 months ago. At 55 years old I have been a life long people pleaser, unable to fully be myself, a the thought of someone not likeing me or judging me was unbearable. I wanted to fit in, be like everyone else, but when I started this journey almost 3 years ago, I had no idea it would bring me to where I am now.

Let me tell you my conditioning was so deep and I was totally unaware, but when you start this work of seeing clearly, going back to who you truly are, it is life changing, and not only will it change your life, but those around you.

I trust this message will reach whoever it needs to reach, I trust in the universe. Love and gratitude to each of you, and have a beautiful day ###xx

You are here to live your best life, you were not here to play it small.So many things you were told are not true, who w...

You are here to live your best life, you were not here to play it small.

So many things you were told are not true, who was brought up with the verse "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? I was taught to repeat this when people ridiculed me because of my appearance ( I am a chinese girl who went to school in an english school).
This is so far from the truth, words hold so much power and can absolutely cause you hurt, until you address it, integrate and clear it. Those names like ching chong, jungle bunny, chinese- japanese, still caused me pain right up until 2 years ago !!! they affected the way I saw myself, how I felt about myself and how others would see me and feel about me.

Who has been told "life is unfair, you just have to get on with it"? that's a lie, we can change our lives by changing our perception and he way we engage our thoughts. We create our reality, I truly believe that.

It's a journey I started at the beginning of 2019, and it literally changed my life.

I look back now and I barely recognise myself, and that's why I am sharing this post with you. I had never felt I belonged I had weird reactions to death, I believed I was a bad person because of bad things I had done, I stole, I lied and I showed less than loving actions towards the foster children that my mum fostered when I myself was around 7 years old. I held that guilt and shame for 54 years, believing that no one could truly love me, even my husband, who I have been married to for over 30 years. I was scared to put boundaries in with my own children with the fear of them not loving me. I showered my children with love, never wanting them to grow up feeling how I felt, and even that has had its own issues. I had a deep rooted fear of abandonment and rejection, that had manifested from being adopted and then through experiences of my childhood.

I was scared to let anyone know the real, true me, at the fear of being judged and proving that I was unworthy and unloveable. I had felt pushed aside by my adoptive parents and my self love was non - existent. I didn't even like myself let alone love myself, so no wonder no one else did.

The last few months have been incredibly intense for me. I thought I had addressed my trauma, done my healing, but there was one thing I had been unable to face about myself, the part of me I considered dark, and unloveable, was stopping me from stepping into my true athentic self. I had been pushed consistently by my spirit team and Christmas Day forced me into a very open live recording that I shared on my profile page, little did I know at the time how that would snowball, leading me to this place of self knowing, self belief in who I am and what I am here to do. I am no longer doubting myself, I know who I am and I am proud of that.

My mission now is to help others to get to this same point. I always questioned why I was here, and if there was more to life? I know one hundred percent now that there is, and I am going to follow my passion, it all starts with getting people to understand and believe that things aren't what you have always believed them to be, there is so much you don't understand, you have been conditioned to such a level that you are giving your power away, and not living your authentic lives, your not expressing your authentic selves, I am here to tell you now is the time to start changing that. Strip away the layers you have taken on to feel accepted, follow your heart and give your mind the backseat for a while, its been in charge for far too long.

We hold our power and our all knowing in our heart space learn to connect to your heart, get your mind out of the way. Start trusting that intuition, you've always had it but now is the time to start to tune into it.

WIth the chaos in the world right now it has never been more important, you have all the answers inside you, and you know the truth, start to trust that.

If you are ready to step forward and start that journey, I am here to assist.

Love is the only way forward, remember who you are, you are Love !!! No longer feed into the fear of separation, let go of judgement regarding others, we are all here to live our best lives and that may be different to how you see yours, but the is okay, acceptance is the key and unconditional love.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I love you all and know you are loved, and perfect, exactly the way you are ###x


For anyone who is feeling particularly anxious right now, suffering with mental illness, or trying to understand what an earth is going on in the world right now. If you are feeling particularly emotional or drained, then know there is an easy explanation for that.

Do any of you have children, grandchildren, who are suffering, school-refusal, anxiety, anti-social behaviour, withdrawn, co-dependent on, drink, social media or need to have a partner to feel good about themselves?

It is time to Birth the New Earth, and that is what I want to help you do, you are ready to look beyond what you have ever been taught to believe and to find answers to questions you havn't even been aware you needed to ask. Hmmmm, yes that sound logical? no then you really need to join me on this magical journey of exploration into who you are, who you really are, and remembering why you are here, and what you are here to do.
I will be holding a zoom Introductory Session of Birthing the New Earth on February 14th 8.00pm UK time. If you are at all intrigued, please join us. It is open for donations only and will be around 30 minutes.

Please comment below on how you are feeling right now, and reach out if you feel you want to know more.

Remember you are perfect exactly the way are, and remember any feelings you experience, you are justified in feeling them, do not let anyone tell you otherwise, they are not walking in your shoes.

So much love ###

When you are reminded of Divine timing during your morning meditation.  When people ask me, well what do you do?  I neve...

When you are reminded of Divine timing during your morning meditation. When people ask me, well what do you do? I never know how to reply to that, I am increasingly opposed to labels, as labels do not define us, another form of conditioning. You hear me continue to harp on about breaking down the conditioning, it runs so deep and now is the time to introduce change, to un-learn everything that doesn't serve us. This morning my guides told me to simply reply "I help you find your light" , its as simple as that !!!! WOW !!! its been a beautiful morning so much love ❤❤❤

Happy New Year to you all. I hope 2022 brings you love, joy, and happiness, and allows you to be exactly who you want to...

Happy New Year to you all. I hope 2022 brings you love, joy, and happiness, and allows you to be exactly who you want to be.

I have never ever had a year that has started off so intensely. I feel like my life is going in a totally different direction that I had imagined it to be going.

I have been endlessly reminded by spirit and my guides to step into my power and to step into my truth. I believed I had been doing that, especially towards the end of 2021 but its like they have been constantly testing me.

I had been told to start posting and sharing the information they were giving me, and yes, the first message I did. But my conditioning soon kicked in, after not receiving many likes and interaction, I started to question the information I had shared maybe wasn't from my guides so I started questioning the information and if what I was given didn't seem appropriate I didn't post it !!!

I have been constantly told let go of all attachment to the outcome, and I realised I was not doing that. I was still being influenced by my false learnings. I am not defined by how many followers, likes or comments I get. My mission is to just share, let go of the outcomes and sow the seeds. As simple as that.

Having been absolutely co-dependent on having outside validation on everything, I have been brought back to my higher self knowing I finally know who I am, why I am here and to follow my path as guided by my spirit guides and angels.

I understand that every single step these past few months have been finely orchestrated to get me to the place I am at now. I could NEVER have imagined the possibilities that lie ahead of mel

I have been pushed to the extreme these past two days with no let up this morning. I do not have all the answers at this point, but I know I have to trust my heart, even when that means part of my life as I had always seen it, starts to fall away.

This journey of life, was not always going to be easy, but we are here to grow, and as long as we continue to follow our inner knowing, we will do that.

Let me help guide you with my new programme I have released called True Me. An intensive 6 weeks of healing, discovery of who you are, who you really are, before the conditioning before you became someone else to save the feelings of others, let go of the masks, it is safe to be your authentic self.

I can promise you, it may not be the easiest path, but it will be the most most rewarding .

I send you all so much love from my heart to yours ######

Wow, 2021 is coming to an end, where has the year gone?  If you are still here with me, thank you.  I have not been cons...

Wow, 2021 is coming to an end, where has the year gone? If you are still here with me, thank you. I have not been consistent in my posting, but everything is coming together for me right now, all those jigsaw pieces are fitting into place. I have healed enough to no longer feel stuck in a place of fear, to speak out, to no longer worry about being judged, because I know whatever I share is coming from my heart not my mind and it is up to you how you chose to receive my sharing's. That is your journey.

I have been on a rollercoaster ride these last 2 and a half years, and when I set this page up I was not sure how life was going to unfold, I had some pre conceived expectations, which have not materialised, but something I have always believed in was the aspect of me that was High Priestess Serena at the time of Lemuria and the need to set up this page.

When this information was passed onto me back then, I had never heard of Lemuria, I had been aware of Atlantis but even that was new to me. What I understand now was it was a seed that had been planted, and that seed has continued to grow right up to this moment in time, the place I am at now. Despite having never heard of Lemuria something inside of me, my soul resonated, I can't explain it other than it was just a knowing that the information was true.

This is something important I want to share with you, every single feeling/emotion you have is justified and there will be an inner voice inside of you guiding you, asking you to trust it. Your intuition is so powerful, we have been conditioned to believe you had to see things to believe them, so not true, believing is seeing.
If you get a gut feeling about something, trust that feeling, this has been a lesson for me the past few days. I can not stress how important this is you start feeling into this and trusting it. This is where your power is. People have worked very hard steering us away from tuning into this and trusting it, why do you think this is?

We are conditioned to stay in a state of fear, shown to us in so many subtle ways. Keeping us all separated keeps us away from stepping into our power, to understand the oneness we all deep down know exists, to all be living from our hearts and not our minds. When we learn to do this our reality will change, but it all starts with you !!! each one of you needs to do the work on yourself, you are worth being the best version of yourself as you can be. You are here to enjoy your life, to be in a state of joy and happiness, understand you are the creator of your reality.

With covid right now and the differing perceptions on the vaccination what matters is how you react to those around you vaccinated or not. It makes no difference, do not allow yourself to feed into the separation, do not feed into the fear. Instead accept anothers perception, and continue to love unconditionally. This is our only way forward.

Now I am ready to start sharing my life story with you. I am ready to stand up and speak my truth, of course my truth may not be your truth, and that is okay. But I want to help you get to who you truly are, who you have always been, away from all the conditioning, all the labels, removing all the masks you have allowed yourself to be identified by, to accept that you are perfect exactly the way you, and wherever you are is exactly where you are meant to be now !! You hold all the power and answers within yourself, and by sharing my story, sharing my little pieces of the jigsaw, hopefully it will help you to put your jigsaw together.

I hope you will continue to visit my page and to share your own stories.

Know that each of your experiences will help someone else in their life, that's how we help each other heal.

I have another page which is more about my business, if you feel drawn, please take a look. I have down a live. Very much out of my comfort zone, but I have made that promise to myself to stay out of fear, so there you go, no make up, looking exactly the way I look when I have just woken up, its the real me lol :D :D


It has been some time since I posted, that's because I have been working very hard on myself, to get me to the place I am now, where I feel I finally understand who I am, why I went through all I went through to get here, and how I can help others. It's been my passion to be able to help people, although I never knew how I could do that, never thinking i would be good enough to do that.

The last two years have been a rollercoaster of a ride. From feeling totally unloved, unseen, un-important, on the outside looking in, wanting to feel accepted, to belong to understanding it all starts with me !!!
I had to learn to love myself. Simple when you know how right? Wrong, nothing simple about my journey lol. I couldn't love myself I didn't even like myself and on top of that who actually am I? I literally did not know who i was, i felt i was being whoever i needed to be to please others, to feel loved, to feel accepted !!!

That's no way to continue living, there is a freedom, an empowerment of being unapologetically you !!!

Its a journey I would recommend everyone does. When you honour and love yourself, then so do others.

I am starting a 6 week programme in September called "True Me" if anyone would like to know more please PM me for more details.

Love is the only way forward. Love and blessings to you all ######x


I have been quiet for a time, working on myself, so that I can step forward to help others. On my personal Page I spoke out the other day while triggered by something i had been told. Totally out of character i spoke out.
Since then the term "Conditioning" has been dominant in my mind, as I realise just how deep conditioning actually goes.
Have not known what to share on my page for a while, then this morning I woke up and this was the first thing on my wall.
It brought tears to my eyes as i read it, and I knew i had to share it here. Please read this and if you have children or grandchildren, take these words to your heart and think whether or not we have been doing right by our children all these years, why are we not surprised that our children have so many issues these days?
Our children were born as beautiful unique individuals, and we began conditioning them to be what was expected to them. It may not have started here, but it would have had a vast influence on them, and from this time forward it becomes deeper and deeper, to our children no longer realise who exactly they are. Many like myself will spend years in therapy trying to get back to that place of who we really are !!!
If you are a parent, please make that change now to stop your child having to go through this later process.
So much love and light ######

Life truly begins when you learn to love yourself, every single bit of you.  You need a safe place to learn to do that c...

Life truly begins when you learn to love yourself, every single bit of you.
You need a safe place to learn to do that contact me


I have no idea when I posted last and don't care to look, as time is an illusion. All I wanted to say was I have been totally blown away with synchronicities of late. Covid has changed so much for so many. For me instead of being self isolated I had to go back to work to help my husband keep his business going. 4 months later I am still there, but literally today I realised that is not the path that I am needing to follow. The last week I have been doing less hours and it that week I have made so much progress in myself that I am still astounded by it. I feel stronger, more confident, able to love more unconditionally than ever before and to forgive myself and others for everything in the past. I totally realise being present, today, in the now is the most precious gift of all and I intend to embrace it.
So many things have started fitting into place today from the start of my spiritual awakening back in September 2018 when I was on a vacation in Mauritius celebrating my 30th wedding Anniversary to my wonderful husband. I fell in love immediately with the island, the people the culture and the feeling of the island itself. Moving on to the present day I realise why I felt that way it goes back to my past life at the time of Lemuria.
Regarding my first spiritual encounter since childhood (as I realise i had always had those connections but as a child I had shut them down as I didn't understand them and I was scared) when a turtle at a zoo we visited made me stop and I knew it was my dad, who I had lost the June of that year. I don't know why I though tit was my dad, but the emotions i felt everything in my being just knew it was, he was across the paddock from me, but he literally made his way to me, and when he reached me i looked into his eyes and just knew, it still makes me emotional when I think of that day. My husband didn't believe me and thought I had gone mad !!!!
Up until now I had thought that was my own nudge from spirit, but today it absolutely hit me that there was another nudge, but I hadn't picked up on it.
The hotel for our anniversary had placed a projector in our room as a surprise with stars projecting on the ceiling and walls. At the time it totally moved me and the feeling was similar to that of my encounter with the turtle.
I realise today that is because it was trying to remind me of my life before earth.
Now some of you will think ive gone totally mad, but for me it confirms how amazing this universe is how amazing it can be if only we stay present listen and are ready to accept.
love to you all x


HAPPY - everyone deserves to be happy. Obviously to be happy 24/7 does not seem at all realistic, or is it? I do not know the answer to that question, but I do believe we should be predominantly happy during our day to day lives, and if we are not then we need to go within and work on ourselves, to see why we are not. Then we need to make those changes no matter how difficult they may be.

So where is this coming from, I hear you ask? Well strangely enough last night spirit came to me, reassured me that the cough that I have and the breathlessness is a mild case of the virus and that I would be absolutely fine. I totally trust them they have not let me down up till now, but before they came to me, I was frightened, as I couldn't get my breath and it hit me like a ton of bricks, what would I have done differently if i had my time over??

I would be happy, i would stop putting others needs in front of my own, I would make myself a priority, because I know I deserve to be happy, I want to feel the most important person to someone, even if that someone is ME !!!! Because I have NEVER felt that, never felt that I matter more than anyone else, someone else's needs have always been more important, someone else's happiness is more important, someone else's feelings are more important. I have lived my life feeling my feelings are not important or even JUST, that I am over thinking, taking things too personally. Well I grant you that may be true in some situations, but definitely not in all. I totally deserve to be treated the way I treat others, with respect and going forward I am no longer accepting anything less.

I have done things in my past that I am not proud of, infact I would go as far to say, ashamed of, but that was in the past and I do believe I am generally a good person. I love to help others where I can show compassion where I can, and this will not change. But I will no longer let myself feel unworthy, I have been told many times I was born a Warrior, well maybe its time she stepped forward.

Remember my loves, you DESERVE to be HAPPY, at this time reflect on your life, and if you are not happy, make those changes now. Live the life you DREAM of living, I am not talking of material things, if this virus has taught me anything its not about material things at all.

Love to you all ###xx


My page is about transparency of myself. How I have got to the place in my life that I am at right now. For weeks I feel like I am there, happier than i've ever been, making sense of everything I have been through in my life to get to this happy place !! Then from nowhere, BANG damn, I have taken ten steps backwards, not knowing what an earth has happened. Realising I wasn't quite where I thought i was !! Does this resonate with anyone else?

I totally realise that sometimes although we try to be kind, and compassionate we still find ourselves judging !!! I for one am guilty of this, and it only HIT me this morning after reading another persons post.

We are continuously being told to stay in and many shaming others for not staying at home, ABSOLUTELY yes there are some people who may not be going out for the reasons we think are necessity but who are we to judge? I have to go to work at the moment so am in and out more than most, and on top of that shopping for people who are in isolation as they are high risk of catching the virus, and they are unable to get shopping slots for home delivery. It is not possible to do everything on one trip as some lines are limited and i wouldn't be able to get everything but i may be doing more shopping than others seeing me do it, than I need !!! So they may be judging me. My point is we don't know someone else;s circumstances or reasons so we should refrain from judging.

I just smiled to myself at a judgement I made whilst doing the shopping for one of these elderly people, specific items he put down regarding brands of yoghurt and cheese. My first response was does it matter, but followed with, No, absolutely it doesn't matter but he is a very elderly man and if those items bring him joy in this unfortunate time then who am i to deny. Love people, and compassion, that's what we need to be focussing on right now.

Absolutely look after yourself and your loved ones but also think of others less fortunate, maybe living alone in far less comfortable surroundings.

Gratitude for still being here and being able to weather the storm together.

If anyone is struggling emotionally please feel free to drop me a private mail, am happy to talk to you or to message you, know I am here to help you ###x


So a week has passed and life at the moment is for some anything but normal. For me spending lots of time at home alone is normal and I can honestly say I like it. But this Corona 19 virus, has brought about changes in me, that I had not actually expected, it has made me realise things about me that I hadn't previously seen. I like my alone time, yes, absolutely, but there is something very satisfying for my soul, to know that I can be of help to someone else, to feel love and compassion to another person, helping them when they are unable to help themselves. Even during financial troubles, knowing that you can still spare a little for someone worse off, is truly satisfying, it makes my heart sing. Its not about big gestures, its about the little things. Its about practising gratitude regularly for everything you do have and not focusing on what you don't. Knowing that going forward after this virus has gone, we are better for it, more caring, loving and compassionate towards one another, let there be good to come out of what is a bad situation right now.

I have been working on my self, trying to find direction in my life. I am exploring my healing further, and have had more positive feedback this week, which is definitely helping me grown in confidence. Which I hope will mean I can help others who need me, because there is no better feeling than knowing you can make a difference to even just one person. But when I am asked what truly makes me happy, it is as simple as knowing I have been able to help someone or any of my animal friends.

I pray you are all keeping safe and would love to know what you have been up to.

Love and blessings Linda x





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Archies Legacy

October 19th 2019, the day that changed everything. We had to agree to have our beautiful Archie put to sleep after he sipped a disc in his neck and after the second operation, his spinal cord had been damaged leaving him unable to breath by himself and causing him unrepairable damage. This was easily the worst day of my life. Since starting my spiritual journey back in June 2019 Archie was always by my side and when my mentor Charmain told me we were connected on a soul level, even though at the time I didn’t fully understand that, I knew it to be true. Losing Archie felt like losing a piece of myself not just a pet. Even now I am still grieving him. Yes I know spiritually he is constantly around, but I still yearn to be able to cuddle and lay with him while reading one of the many books spirit have guided me to read. It is only in the past couple of months I have really realised the reason Archie had such an impact on my life. He was sent here to help me, get me back on the path that I was contracted to follow here in this lifetime. A life that I had never even considered up until 9 months ago. The first time I was told i was meant to be a healer I laughed, and even now I am still laughing at the sheer madness of it all. From always feeling I never belonged, suffering periodically with mental health issues, self loathing and low self worth and esteem, I find myself turning that all on its head. I am still struggling to BELIEVE in myself and TRUIST that spirit and the universe are supporting me through this transition in my life. I have finally decided to take the bull by the horns and follow the path I am being constantly encouraged to take. I believe that I can’t actually characterise my healing, I don’t practise Angel Reiki despite having trained, and I am not a life coach or counsellor nor have I studied psychology in any way. All I can say is that it has been a standing joke with my family that I can not be left alone long whilst out, before someone decides to tell me their life history. Friends have always found it easy to confide in me and for some strange reason still unknown to me they go away feeling uplifted. I intuitively seem to be able to help them release things that they have never been able to previously release. This said I am not really sure how going forward I am suppose to offer my services, but offer them I am, as guided to me by Spirit. Secondly I also find that i have the ability to help heal by experience my dog and also spirit tells me i can help others too. I have helped my French Bulldog Rolo with a liver issue, he is now perfectly clear, it was hard for me to believe at first it was down to me, but now I absolutely believe it was me. I have also helped my sons Daschound he had something in his throat spirit helped me remove it and he is fine. But the hardest step was offering my help to outside my family. I was scared to be wrong. But again Spirt encouraged me to face my FEAR. So Wednesday I did my first healing on a French Bulldog I did not know. Please read about this on a separate post. I don’t want to promise anyone that I can 100% help but I will do what I can. That is why I am here on earth, to help where I can.

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