These 2 😂
When you recall one dog and ask her into ‘middle’ - but end up with 2! ❤️🐾 😂
Woodland walk
Lovely afternoon for a 1-2-1 walk with Jethro in the woods 🐾
How do I get my group photos?
How do I get my group photos?? 📸 This is filmed taking the exact photo I posted yesterday. I don’t man handle the dogs into positions, I keep it nice and relaxed so it’s a positive experience… and as you can see, they are all a bunch of posers 😍
This keeps making me laugh… watch til the end and look at Rosie hinting or more like telling me, this deserves a treat 😛
Boo and Ruby at Ruffian Wood
Booked a secure field for Boo and Ruby yesterday. They love it here. I call them our silent walks, I just leave them to it, to sniff and run to their hearts content 🐕
Fun with Boo 👻
Our 10 year old Boo 💙 After 45 mins of running around doing his thing, we had a little play. I don’t want him to ever get old 🐾
Pace changes
Hondo mirroring my pace changes… because sometimes you get stuck behind really slow people 😂
Walking with Aspen
I don’t often post videos like this, because it’s a bit ‘boring’ but this is actually what all the training is working towards… this is the result. Aspen and I just enjoying a beautiful walk on a lovely loose lead 🐾 This is what I love most about my job... helping and watching the dogs progress, playing a small part in helping them live their best life’s ⭐️
Dogs releasing on name cue
A few different Dogs this time, practising releasing on name… such good Dogs! I’ll be honest... It didn’t go to plan like this everytime 😜😂
Individual name recalls
Playing around with a few of my walking Dogs the other day, and checking if they can release on name… good job boys 👏
Having a play around with Hondo this morning, asking him to disengage from his retrieve article, do a few behaviours and then return to his retrieve. Love this dog. All of our training is just for fun, fulfilling his needs and growing our relationship ❤️
Staying cool 😎
Hondo and Ruby loving the large fan, staying cool on another warm day ☀️