Club Constitution:
1. The club shall be known as “Cottingham Dog Club”.
2. The objective of the club is to enhance and sustain the handler and dog bond through participation and training in a range of activities.
3. Handlers must on request show that their dog has undertaken and approved course of canine vaccination. Any handler failing to provide the necessary proof will be asked to remove their
dog from the club.
4. All dogs should be fitted with an appropriate collar with an identification tag containing all relevant information.
5. None of the following items are permitted within the club for safety reasons:
Check chains, slip leads, all in one leads, retractable leads
6. The committee reserve the right to refuse admission to any handler if their dog appears unwell.
7. The club will not tolerate any dog being abused for any reason.
8. Handlers must ensure their dog has adequate shade, ventilation and access to water if temporarily housed within any vehicle parked at the club.
9. It is the handler’s responsibility to maintain control of their dog at all times while attending the club. Dogs MUST be on lead at all times except when advised by a class instructor that the handler may remove the lead.
10. It is the handlers responsibility for cleaning up after their dog and the removal of any mess.
11. The club committee shall consist of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer comprising:
Chairperson Ms Lucy Branton
Treasure Mrs Jackie Dainty
Secretary Mr Andy Dainty
12. Where the full committee is not in attendance, quorate shall consist of either the Chairperson and Secretary or the Chairperson and Treasurer.
13. Classes commence on the first Friday or the first Sunday of the month (activity dependent).
14. Class fees will be set by the committee and these are payable monthly in advance.
15. All monies paid to the club shall be banked by the Treasurer, who shall keep proper records of all financial transactions.
16. The club shall have a bank account. All cheques drawn against this account shall have two out of three signatures, that of the Chairperson and Treasurer or the Chairperson and Secretary.
17. The club financial year end shall be 31st December.
18. Each handler will receive a copy of the constitution and must abide by it.
19. The instructor of any class is in sole charge and may exclude any dog or handler at their discretion. No handler under the age of fourteen is permitted to take part in the class without the permission of the class instructor.
20. Handlers are required to provide the following information prior to starting a class:
Name, Address, Telephone number, Emergency Contact, Vet
The information provided will be treated and kept within the rules of the Data Protection Act.
21. The club recommend handlers join the club Facebook group to be kept up to date with club activities.
22. Refunds for absence will not normally be provided unless a club meeting is cancelled by the committee and in this event notification will be placed on the club website and via Facebook message.
23. Dogs must be 12 months old before participating in Agility classes and level 2 Rally Obedience Classes.
24. The club committee reserve the right to refuse admittance to any handler or dog if they believe the conduct of that handler or dog is injurious to the club.
25. Drivers of cars on club grounds must be courteous to others at all times and must park as directed by club committee members.
26. Any amendment to this constitution must be agreed by the full committee.
27. The club operates a yellow ribbon policy. Any dog with a yellow ribbon attached to the lead must not be approached. These dogs currently need some space between other dogs and people.
28. Thank you in advance for respecting the guidance and club rules within this constitution.