I'm yet to make a page for my new business venture, so I thought seeing as tho it's our sister business we would share with our facebook friends the we now have a new project called It's a Dog's World where I will be sewing all sorts of different bits n pieces for dogs!🌍🐾
Our first product that we have launched is our Filleigh Fleece Mats which is a snuffle mat toy which is great, fun way to keep your dog busy and entertained during treat time! Have a swipe through our pics to see the colours and sizes we do, along with some beautiful doggos enjoying their snuffle mats!🌍🐾
We do a small, £13.50 or a medium, £16.60.
You can pre-order a pink, blue or green mat for when our fabric order arrives or you can order the spring edition mat which are ready to dispatch! Just message or comment to order!🌍🐾