#Misha #adoreher #stillshowing #Bulgaria #bshcats #britishshorthair #thebestcat #thequeen #14yearsold
Silverglow Ice Cute 🩵 #babyboy 😎
#SilverglowFamily #bshkittens #britishshorthair #silvertipped #silvershsded #ns11 #ns12 #supercute #purrfectpets #feeling cool #cossy
Sleeps as dead 😴
SilverGlow Skittles 🌈🤍
#silverglowfamily #babyboy #blhkittens #blhkittensuk #silvertipped #silvershaded #ns12 #ns11 #silvertipped #gccf_cats #gccfcats
Behind the scenes 😀😅📷🐾
#silverglowfamily #bshkittens #blhkittens #BaicieSilverglow #2024litter #silvertipped #silvershaded #ns11 #ns12 #BRI #BLH #babyboys #cutenessoverload
In #silverglowfamily every cat knows her/his name 😁
#CHSilverglowHubbaBubba #Bubie #bshcats #bshqueens #britishshorthaircats #silvertipped #silvershaded #morningrituals #loveher
Търсим 🏡 с любящи 👨👩👧👦, които да обичат и да се грижат за котараче Хеси. Той е специален и има нужда от специални грижи.
Хеси е на 11м и е кастриран ✂️🍒, ваксиниран💉 , обезпаразитяван💊 редовно. Има страхотен характер, разбира се добре с хора и с други котки. Игрив е, но не прави бели, обожава човешко внимание и ще ви придружава и в 🚽🚾 дори.
Свържете се нас за повече информация, ако искате Хеси да е част от вашето семейство.🐾
We are looking for a 🏡 with lovely 👨👩👧👦 who will love and take care of baby boy Hessy. He is special and he needs special cares.
Hessy is 11m old, he is neutered✂️🍒, fully vaccinated💉, flea and worm treated 💊regularly. He lives well with people and other cats. He is playful, but not a trouble maker at all, he loves attention and would follow you even at the🚽🚾 .
Contact us for more information, please, if you'd like Hessy to join your family. 🐾
Her favourite toy for the last 6 years ( well, this is the 3rd mouse, she "killed" already 2 )
#silverglowfamily #Mishaforever #loveher #adoreher #bshqueens #silvercats
You are asking us quite often if a kitten will get on well with children. Here is an example of how a baby and a kitten.... and a dog live happily together.
Thank you @MonikaSakalauskiene for introducing Silverglow Lola Pop to your family in a right way ☺️
The rain drops will make her day 😁 Piya is trying to catch them all 💦
Piya SilverGlow 🩷 reserved
#PiyaSilverglow #silverglowfamily #babygirl #BSHkittens #raindrops
That ladybug is annoying him 😀 🐞
Katsu Silverglow 🤍 😼
#silverglowfamily #bshkittens #silvertipped #silvershaded #babyboyishunting #catlovers
Katsu Silverglow 🤍 in a deep, deep sleep 😇
#silverglowfamily #bshkittens #babyboy #bshkittens #silvertipped #silvershaded #lovehim
Cocossy's close up 🤍💚
Coconut Silverglow
#silverglowfamily #bshcats #bshstuds #britishshorthair #silvertipped #silvershaded #chunkyboy #lovehim