The weather may be atrocious but that doesn't stop the dogs exploring!
Mwhaha! Things are getting a little spooky!
More things for the dogs to explore
This little chap came for a visit yesterday-he has only recently found a new home and he not only has an amazing mum but he has also found himself the best "big sister" who adores him and looks after him and is there when he needs help and support
It is great for dogs to have other dogs in the house, and while this is not always possible or ideal for many people it is great when it all comes together as it has for this young dog
He is curious and has the most amazing control of his body-unusual in a dog of 6 months
If you would like to book a visit now the weather is getting warmer please send a message over
Enrichment and choices for dogs
Exploring, using all the senses and choice for dogs are essential for promoting both physical and mental health