Ebony (who lost her friend Clover) has been dating Artichoke 🥰
Eb has been with us for over 4 years and Artichoke has been with Burrowed Hearts Animal Rescue for a few years.
They’re both very shy with people. Eb doesn’t want to be touched at all, but I love that about her. I think it makes her a “proper rabbit”! They are two beautiful and very healthy rabbits💙
*I still don’t do private bonding anymore sorry, personal circumstances make it impossible at the moment*
All 10-13 years old💚
Diet and environment is everything! Some of these guys are totally unrecognisable from when they came in last year
We highly recommend the SGS2 diet along with live bugs (no mealworms, or only as a monthly treat)
We always encourage vivariums to help maintain consistent temperatures and humidity. Our PVC vivs are built by Viperia
Some of the koi we offered a home to💙
Unfortunately their previous carers were unwell and couldn’t offer them the upgrade and medical care they needed.
We have been able to offer them an upgrade of over 100 times the size of their previous home. This is why it’s not a bad thing to reach out for help when needed. We never want to put anyone down for noticing that animals in their care need more.
Rabbits should always have access to hay at ground level.
But today we made a hanging forage basket to give them something new to do, I think it’s a win🐰💚
Because rabbits who don’t want cuddles or strokes are wonderful too💚
Half wild sanctuary buns, with some full “domestic” breeds that also do not enjoy close human presence.
(We are a sanctuary in the U.K. European wild rabbits (but not hares) can successfully breed with all domestic rabbits. Unlike the American wild cotton tails)
#HalfWild #rabbits #animalsanctuary
Please welcome 10 year old Clyde💚
We are still turning away surrender requests but Clyde has been a very well loved glider and his human wanted him to have a place to go after the loss of friend. So we accepted him in to join our oldies.
He is currently in quarantine which is standard for every newbie or returnee but we’ve tried to make it as interesting as possible to keep his mind busy. Hopefully not long before he has some new friends
Just some half wildies and their snackos 💚
Diet, enrichment and environment can make all the difference to how the animals we care for age.
Most of these sugar gliders are 11+ years old and they look amazing.
You may remember last year we took a group in not so great condition and 6 of 8 needed dentals too. All but 1 are still in this group and unrecognisable. I will put some photos in the comments.
Please keep your animals health a top priority throughout their whole life💙
Also remember that we post recovery and health progress updates to try and educate and encourage people to look after their animals but also in hope that people will recognise when they’re struggling and reach out for help. We are not here to slate anyone or “name and shame”. Rescues and sanctuaries are here for support.
The only time we ever get frustrated is when things are left too late or the neglect is purposeful.
**we do not promote sugar gliders as pets. They’re extremely complex and should not be sold in the exotics pet trade**
Love that our pond is starting to help some wildlife too now💚
This is a native newt catching some sun shine.
Lots of healthy plant growth, snails, isopods etc. All helping to sustain a natural cycle
When you have mastered foraging even with no front teefs🐰!
There is no reason for the majority of rabbits with removed incisors (due to malocclusion or disease) to live on pellets and another more processed foods.
Monitor weight and provide easier healthy things to eat of course like finer hay, chopped hay or crumbled dry forage. But give them the opportunity to still be rabbits. They adapt very well usually💚
Button is here choosing to tackle this fresh forage over available crumbled dry forage, chopped hay and chopped shop herbs
Ps. If anyone is handy or knows someone who could donate us a bunny ramp or bridge for Clovis. Rather than this ugly bit of chip board 🙈 please tag