Nine Acres Equestrian, Norfolk

Nine Acres Equestrian, Norfolk Ethical horse centred approach offering freelance sessions, problem horse training, R+ Workshops, eq


Understand Horses presents a webinar with equine veterinary behaviourist Roxane Kirton discussing mare behaviour problems.


This may cause some controversy, but it’s important that you know there are ZERO 👌 benefits to using these restrictive aids. Here’s just a few reasons why:
1: Backwards pressure on the head will compress the neck and the horse looses their power from behind. The horse needs the hindend to move straight.
2: The horse falls onto the front end creating choppy steps and compromising their balance, vision and breathing.
3: Posture is dynamic. Meaning a horse should not be forced into a frame. Even the best looking posture with ruin a body if the horse cannot move or relax their muscles. A fixed headset does not build fitness. It builds stiffness.
4: The head and neck are communicating what is happening in the body. When the body is in balance the head and neck will follow. But micro-managing the head will only create tension and make the horse brace, making you fight harder with the body.
5: The horse will build muscle, yes. But not in the areas we desire. It will make for an overdeveloped neck and no engagement through the thoracic sling. This can lead to issues such as; kissing spine, tendon injuries, hock and stifle pain, nerve compression, and so much more.
There are no quick fixes! Only correct training. Headset should not be focused on too deeply. Ride and work with the body and the head and neck will fall into place.

Extra poo picker required this week / next due to staff sickness.  (Longer term also available which would include some ...

Extra poo picker required this week / next due to staff sickness. (Longer term also available which would include some weekend work) Easy set up in barns / fields but you will need to be physically fit and work efficiently. Sorry, not suitable for under 16's or for children to accompany parents when working as you will be around some young horses. Please PM

Freelance groom required to join this great team. George, Emma and Rachel are doing a fantastic job keeping everything r...

Freelance groom required to join this great team. George, Emma and Rachel are doing a fantastic job keeping everything running, and we're looking forward to meeting our 4th team member.
I need someone experienced, reliable and competent handling a range of horses (including youngstock) for 3-5 mornings per week. Some weekend availability would be an advantage.
Please read the duties required before you apply. Our yard and turn out is designed for ease of use, and the horses move in and out in herds so you don't have to lead them all individually!
An interest in R+ would be a bonus but not essential, but you must be quiet and respectful with horses in undertaking the following routine:

Pick out feet and apply hoof treatments as required (14 horses)
Turn out first lot (9 horses)
Prep stables and feeds to bring in second lot (5 horses)
Skip out 8 stables, Muck out 2 stables (inc turning banks and adding fresh straw)
Turn out 2nd lot, skip out and set fair.
As a competent freelance groom you will be efficient at squaring muck heap as you go, be familiar with preparing feeds and generally competent at keeping the yard area tidy using your initiative. 2- 4 hours / day. Please PM with your CV, hourly rate and available days

There must be a freelance groom who'd like to join our friendly, chatty, horse focused team here?! I need someone reliab...

There must be a freelance groom who'd like to join our friendly, chatty, horse focused team here?! I need someone reliable, good with horses and available for 2 - 4 hours on a Tues - Fri mornings (flexible times, ideally no later than a 10am start to fit with yard routine) Occasional Sunday or a couple of hours on a Monday morning would be handy but not essential.

You'll be responsible for:
Picking out feet and applying hoof pastes / sprays as required.
A few rugs on / off and grooming a couple of clients horse's on certain days.
Turning out first lot/ bringing in the second lot
Full muck out 2 straw stables / day, skipping out the others (Our horses only come in to their houses for 2-3 hours each morning, so it's not hard work)
Prepping feeds
Basic health care such as applying creams
Additional general yard chores as needed , such as refilling feed bins, washing tails, squaring the muck heap, keeping areas neat and tidy and equipment in the right place.

Our horses are happy, co-operative and safe - you will not be asked to deal with unpredictable or "quirky" ones that are here for training. You will be quiet, competent and experienced with handling a variety of horses and equipment, and you must be reliable - unpredictability means me letting down my freelance clients, and that's not acceptable, sop please only apply if you are genuinely available to take on the role.
Hourly wage plus additional perks including training opportunities if wished. Over 25's preferred.
Possibility of own horse / live in etc for the right person



I will be at the Longines Royal International Horse Show 2023 at Hickstead this Sunday (30 July), for the first time in around 40 years! The last time I was there I was competing, this time I will be answering your questions about horse behaviour. So if you are having problems with your horse, or would like to chat about anything related to horse behaviour or training please come and say hello!

I’ll be with the lovely Agria Equine Insurance team on stand 17, right next to the Longines International Arena, from 11-11.45am and popping back to the stand throughout the day.

There will also be meet and greets with Joseph Stockdale - Showjumper and Natasha Baker OBE - Paralympic Dressage Rider – keep an eye on Agria’s social media for timings. You can also calculate your horse's carbon footprint, enter Agria's Horse of a Lifetime competition, find out about their brilliant lifetime insurance policy and get free treats and water for your dog.

Hopefully see you there!

Nothing like a good noseband, a bigger bit or a leverage device when you don't have much interest or time for training 🤣

Nothing like a good noseband, a bigger bit or a leverage device when you don't have much interest or time for training 🤣

Embracing the Gadget Bonanza: Because Who Needs Proper Training Anyway?
Gadgets can magically transform your horse into an obedient, well-trained superstar without all that pesky training nonsense. Who needs hours in the saddle, understanding your horse's needs, and developing a true partnership when you can rely on these miracle gadgets?
1️⃣ The "Bigger is Better Bit": Forget about subtle cues and finesse! This colossal bit resembles a mediaeval weapon, ensuring your horse will heed your commands through sheer terror. Who needs a sensitive mouth and a gentle touch when you can just yank on those reins with brute force? It's all about power, baby! 💪
2️⃣ The "Noseband of Steel": Tired of your horse opening their mouth or, heaven forbid, evading your commands? Strap on this industrial-grade noseband that would make Hannibal Lecter proud. It will clamp their jaws shut, leaving them no choice but to obey your every whim. Who needs comfort and freedom when you can have tight, unyielding control? 🤐
3️⃣ The "Draw Reins of Destiny": Developing a supple, engaged horse can be such a bore! So why not skip all that and just crank their head down with these ingenious draw reins? You'll achieve an artificial frame and neck position that screams "forced submission" while conveniently bypassing the beauty of correct training and natural balance. 🙄
4️⃣ The "Soundproof Bonnet Delusion": Worried about distracting noises during your rides? Fear not! This soundproof bonnet will shield your horse from the horrors of the outside world. Now you can blissfully pretend that all is quiet and serene, completely ignoring the importance of systematic desensitisation, trust-building, and true partnership. 🙉
5️⃣ The "Gizmo Gauntlet": Can't decide which gadget to choose? Why not try them all? Strap on the Gizmo Gauntlet, a collection of gadgets designed to overwhelm your horse with an onslaught of discomfort, confusion, and restriction. Who needs a happy, willing partner when you can have a walking billboard of equestrian gadgetry? 😵

Disclaimer: This post is purely satirical and meant to highlight the absurdity of relying on gadgets instead of proper training, communication, and respect for the horse. In reality, true horsemanship involves understanding, empathy, and a commitment to building a partnership based on trust and understanding.

So let's put the gadgets aside and embrace the joy of genuine connection and ethical training!

Remember, laughter is the best medicine, but when it comes to our horses, let's keep it real, ethical, and focused on their well-being.

Happy riding, and may your training be free from the clutches of gimmicks and gadgetry!

Allowing horses to interact with others is something that can make a huge change to their behaviour.   Having kept horse...

Allowing horses to interact with others is something that can make a huge change to their behaviour. Having kept horses in individual turnout for a long time, it's something I'd never go back to. Our liveries are all integrated in to compatible groups over a period of time, and it's lovely to see them developing bonds through grooming, grazing and playing together

🐎Horses: Meeting their Social Needs

🐴Whether mares, geldings, foals or stallions, horses have species specific social needs that need to be met.

❗As WE are the ones who choose to have them, WE must understand those social needs and do our best to meet them.

😓Stallions, in particular, get the short end of the stick when it comes to their social needs.

📅In this month's research revealed report for members, we take a look at some of the supporting evidence and research on this topic, one of the conclusions being:

Lack of stallion socialization comes with profound negative welfare consequences. Solitary confinement is an antiquated way of housing horses and is not supported by research and equine species-specific needs.

There are a number of practical solutions for stallion socialization and housing that can be tailored to individual circumstances.

It is the responsibility of stallion owners and those who manage stallions to implement these practical and science-based housing solutions in order to reduce risk and increase welfare for all involved.

🌠🌠Full article and link to study here:


🐎Horses: The Truth Behind the Labels - Lazy, stubborn, grumpy....

Labels are always handy ways of explaining things away, especially when it comes to horses.

🫢We are continually amazed at how culturally ingrained this dismissing of horse behavior is, despite the volumes of evidence and research to support that it is how they communicate.

🤔It also, surely, makes some level of logical sense when you think about it!

❓Instead of saying "my horse always pins his ears when he sees the saddle", how about WHY is my horse pinning his ears when he sees the saddle?

❓Instead of saying "my horse always moves away from the mounting block when I try to get on", how about WHY does my horse move away from the mounting block when I try to get on!

You get the gist - be curious about equine behavior - it is their language!

🌠🌠If you want to help yourself to help your horse to stay sound and happy, then we HIGHLY recommend Dr. Sue Dyson's course - 24 Behaviors Indicating Pain in the Ridden Horse.

🚀🚀This groundbreaking research is proving to be an invaluable tool for owners, vets and other equine professionals in better recognizing the early signs of a problem brewing.

🗝️🔑Early detection is the key to avoiding chronic lameness, pain and dangerous behaviors from horses that are trying to communicate their discomfort when not being heard with subtle signs - escalation to bucking, biting, rearing, spooking can mean it is late in the game for resolution!

❗Learn how to be proactive in preserving the physical, mental and emotional health of your, or your client's, horse:

🎈🎈AND, with 50% off until midnight tomorrow, NOW is the time:

May has flown by with a lot of unexpected things to sort, and suddenly it's our next training weekend! I have a space le...

May has flown by with a lot of unexpected things to sort, and suddenly it's our next training weekend! I have a space left for June 3rd-4th, if anyone would like to join us - it can be a one day if preferred as I have a client keen to attend on just the Sunday. All welcome. Ground work, ridden work or behavioural / handling issues are all welcome.
Individual session each morning and afternoon. Our weekend clinics are small, friendly groups where everybody learns from and supports each other. Ideal for resolving issues or just developing a better understanding with your horse . Please get in touch if you would like further details.
Cost is £150/per person, including overnight paddock for your horse if required. Local accommodation available if you are travelling from further away.

Our thanks go to the owner of a lovely horse who was euthanized with us this week. They have very kindly said they would...

Our thanks go to the owner of a lovely horse who was euthanized with us this week. They have very kindly said they would like others to have the chance to learn from him, so we are organising a series of dissection events over the next couple of months. If you are interested in attending please register your interest on the form below to be added to the mailing list for full details when they are confirmed.

If you are professional who would be interested in conducting a dissection with us please get in touch.

Please click the link to complete this form.


How Important is Topline Development?

Recognizing whether your horse has a healthy topline or has deficits IS the metric by which we can evaluate the effectiveness of our development program!

As owners, it is SUPER important to get to know the muscles of the topline and what to look for to tell us we are heading the right direction, and have the right resources guiding us.

Sadly, healthy topline development seems to be poorly understood and not seen very often these days, even in International competition.

With so many horses showing signs of discomfort or performance issues, it is more imperative than ever to be knowledgeable about our own horses.

If you would like to rate your horse's topline and get some feedback, then take our quiz today and see where you are on your horsemanship journey!

Joint meds, false sales, and who picks up the pieces........ Flynn was PTS earlier this year.   Following on from my Kin...

Joint meds, false sales, and who picks up the pieces........
Flynn was PTS earlier this year. Following on from my Kings and Queens post (which I didn't expect anyone to read and does now feel like it went a bit crazy to be honest 🤣) Flynn's owner has kindly agreed for me to reshare this.
If you feel inclined to pass it on, please do, because this issue is surely just as important as how horses are kept.
My Kings and Queens post mostly conjured up discussions around horses living in or out. It's a lot more complicated than putting a horse in a field and assuming it's now got a good life, but the issue I was trying to raise was horses confined to boxes for 14 hours plus a day, with no opportunity to groom with other horses, and often having forage restricted, are not being given a "horse friendly" lifestyle.

There were other issues I touched on in my post, in regard to welfare in equine sports and keeping a social licence.
The training methods used - including the over working of young horses, medicating of joints and ligaments, and, as I mentioned the irresponsible rehoming of horses that don't make the grade. are one of these that need to be addressed. And that, in a nutshell is Flynn's tale.

Flynn was PTS earlier this year. His owner did everything she could, and he still wasn't comfortable. He was a beautiful, quality horse with a hefty price tag, like so many others.
He, like all of them, did not deserve to be treated as expendable. His owner did not deserve to be sold a horse with issues. I don't suppose the person she bought him from did either. Perhaps the home before that were taken to the cleaners too. I don't know and it's not actually relevant. Because the only person who was prepared to do the right thing by this horse - not just the financial investment of diagnostics and treatment, but making that gut wrenching decision at the end to have a "healthy" horse euthanized to ensure it was free from pain was her.
She could have passed him on with a pack of lies. She could have given him away so she didn't have to make the decision. He'd have been snapped up in a matter of minutes if he was advertised cheap or free. She could have left him standing in a field and ignored him.
He'd been professionally bred, professionally competed, professionally sold. The only person who did the right thing was the lady who wanted a nice horse to hack.
And this is why I say we, as the equestrian industry, need to sort ourselves out. Flynn was failed at every stage by people who know a damn sight better. But just don't care.

**The Fresh Start Scheme exists to support people in this situation. If you have a horse that you don't know what to do with, and feel at the end of your tether, please feel free to get in touch for details**

How many of my riding school clients remember me saying words to this effect? 🤣 I can't teach you to always have control...

How many of my riding school clients remember me saying words to this effect? 🤣
I can't teach you to always have control of your horse, but I can teach you to feel what they are thinking, and to balance well enough to stay on if you miss the signs to leave the the motorway 🤣

True story 😅
credits: Pinterest

What do you believe needs to be done to safeguard equestrian sport? What are the welfare concerns in the industry, and h...

What do you believe needs to be done to safeguard equestrian sport? What are the welfare concerns in the industry, and how to we go about solving them?

💬🔦 Have you heard the term Social License to Operate yet? If not, headsup, it's something we all need to take note of! Our culture is changing, many people's lives no longer have a connection with horses and it's causing them to question what they see. The ongoing social acceptance of riding, keeping, using horses for sport and pleasure that we've, up until now, taken for granted, is in the spotlight.

We attended a really interesting discussion on this subject last night hosted by The British Horse Society's Patrick Print and Naomi Ainley from Northumberland College Equestrian Centre at Kirkley Hall. Far from being 'fluffy' and something to dismiss, they both see this as a topic that needs our urgent attention. If we don't it has the potential to jeopardise our whole equestrian community. They are keen we see this as a positive, an opportunity for us to look again at the way we do things from the horses point of view and strive to do better to give them not just an acceptable life but the very best we can.

💡The next step is a workshop to generate practical solutions and ideas for change. We're really looking forward to taking part. What would your top priorities be to improve horse wellbeing? What do you think are the main sources of pain, fear, distress or frustration that you see in the horses around you?

BHS North Region Northumberland College


Sticking to the Facts: Correct training and Equine Joint Injections

Did you know that you may be able to prevent joint issues in your horse through regular assessments of their topline?

By recognizing the subtle signs of top-line development, you can identify and correct training issues before they lead to lameness or other physical problems. That's why Equitopia developed the Topline Check-Up Quiz!

Follow the link below to check your horse and receive the free Topline Pack Equitopia are emailing out!

What do you do if your horse's joints are starting to cause pain?

There are quite a few options to combat joint issues in horses now and injections are becoming more and more common in performance horses. But what are the options and what do they do?

Some of the Common Drugs used for Joint Injections are;

PSGAG: Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG, sold under the brand name Adequan, is a type of joint lubricant that helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing. It is often used in horses with osteoarthritis or other joint injuries.

Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are a class of drugs that reduce inflammation and pain in the body. They are often used to treat joint injuries, but they can also have some negative side effects, such as increased risk of infection, laminitis, and adrenal gland suppression.

Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body that helps to cushion and lubricate the joints. When injected into the joint, it can help to reduce inflammation and pain. It is often used in conjunction with corticosteroids to provide longer-lasting relief.

RPR: Regenerative protein-rich plasma (RPR) is a newer treatment that involves taking blood from the horse, processing it to concentrate the platelets and growth factors, and then injecting it back into the joint. This treatment is thought to stimulate the body's natural healing processes and promote tissue regeneration.

The next step would be to contact your vet and get a correct diagnosis so the best decision can be made.

Regardless of issues it is important to address the underlying cause.

If the suggestion is to inject the hocks, then the question would first be why do the hocks need injecting?. Are the hocks a primary or secondary issue? Is the horse hollow when being ridden for some reason (saddle fit, rider balance, injury etc.), causing them pain in the back and/or SI area, which leads to them overloading their hocks?

So identifying issues through assessment of the topline either before they become an issue or to support the rehabilitation journey is essential to supporting a happy healthy horse.

Which is why Equitopia developed the Topline Check-Up Quiz as a quick and easy way to monitor subtle signs. This can be used as a regular check that you can do with your horse.

On completion of the quiz Equitopia will email out a completely free topline pack. So, are you up to the challenge? Don't wait for joint issues to arise – take control of your horse's health and well-being today! Follow the link to take the quiz


🐎❤️Support Our Vision and Mission While Getting a Great Deal!

⏰⏰Last few hours remaining for 60% off this amazing bundle of course materials that paint the big picture for any equestrian looking for a direction towards a happy horse/happy rider outcome.

🐎🌎As part of our Vision and Mission we stand for horse and rider welfare through applying evidence and research based protocols, extracted from the fields of equine behavior, equine biomechanics, equine anatomy, rider posture, rider skill, saddle fit and more.

🐎🐎We also have 15 rescue horses that depend on us every month and could do with some help from the equestrian community who enjoy our advocacy efforts:)

🎈🎈Learn more about the course offer here:

💻💻Learn more about our membership offerings here:

💲🐎OR, if you would just like to support our horses, we have set up a GoFundMe for them here:

🙏🙏A sincere thank you to everyone who supports us in whatever way works for them:)

Equitopia subscriptions are a great, affordable option for anyone wanting to learn more about training and management. T...

Equitopia subscriptions are a great, affordable option for anyone wanting to learn more about training and management. There's a huge amount of resources on the website, I really recommend giving it a look and taking out a subscription for a month to see what you gain

🐴❓How Do Horses Become Unrideable?

🤔Before we even ask this question, it is important to ask the question what about horses makes it seem like a good idea to ride them in the first place?!! Not much, but we do it anyway.

✨✨So, when we decide to do something that goes against almost any rational thought process, we, at the very least, need to understand how horses work - physically, mentally and emotionally and bear in mind that these are living, breathing animals who have ZERO interest in being ridden in the first place.

❗❗The research is here to help us along the way.

🛑🛑We just need to rise above a lot of the culturally ingrained and unsupported opinions that promote dominance based, forceful and harmful practices that produces SO MANY broken, unrideable and discarded horses.

🐎🐎🐎We have taken in fifteen horses over the years, mostly unrideable due to completely preventable issues and thus discarded as being of no value.

🍕🥑Food for thought: Do you value your horse, but with conditions? If you can only afford one horse and that horse becomes unrideable through no fault of their own, what choice will you make? What happens to the unrideable horses?

✨✨Our Vision and Mission is to encourage all equestrians and equine professionals to work together towards implementing protocols that are PREVENTATIVE in nature and preserve the well being of horses - physically, mentally and emotionally.

✨✨AND, to see the value in these horses beyond their being a vehicle to human dreams that have no meaning to them? How do we reward them when they have done their best and can no longer do what WE want?

❓🐴💜The industry needs to do better for these amazing animals and start reversing the question - instead of asking what can our horses do for us, we need to REALLY start asking what can we do for our horses!

🙏🙏Please join us on this journey of learning which helps us support our fifteen horses who, although not rideable, are INCREDIBLY valuable to us:) $7.95/month WILL make a difference!

Learn more about how you can support us while learning at

Also, please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE:)

This is an amazing bit of fundraising - The Misty of Chincoteague books were, without doubt, an influential part of my l...

This is an amazing bit of fundraising - The Misty of Chincoteague books were, without doubt, an influential part of my love for horses. Hope this can come about and the money can be raised to preserve the ranch, rather than the option of selling to developers.

Letters….So many beautiful letters coming in. Each time we open the mailbox, it is full of stories of how Misty, Chincoteague, Marguerite Henry and the Beebe Ranch were important and beloved parts of their childhood. Each letter brings a wish with it, that we do everything we can to buy the Beebe Ranch and keep it safe for the children of the future! Most letters have a check included, some small, some big, all deeply appreciated.
We are so very close to $200,000. Please continue to share the story and donate if you are able.




Opening Hours

Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 7am - 7pm
Sunday 7am - 7pm


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