Masterson Method is something we do with the horse not to the horse. By working with the horse and the responses it gives us it enables us to by pass the part of the nervous system which triggers the bracing fight/flight response and access the part that releases tension in deep muscles and connective tissue. Working along side owners and trainers to enhance the horses performance, behaviour and o
verall well being. Weather your horse is a competition horse or a family pony they are all athletes and like human athletes they accumulate tension, soreness and pain within their muscles. With soreness and pain comes performance and possible behaviour issues. Masterson Method helps to release tension alleviating soreness and pain. By releasing tension your horse is able to move better with improved suppleness and a better working attitude. Having a happier more comfortable horse equals better performance and results. I have found that not only is MM fantastic for the performance horse I have had great results with highly strung, sensitive horses, horses with emotional issues ie rescue horses and its great for our older more arthritic horses. I often hear 'my horse is head shybut I dont know why' this could be the result of tension through the Poll/Atlas or TMJ. Poll/Atlas junction is a major junction for all horses - tension results in pain/soreness hence why the horse is head shy. Tension through the Poll/Atlas junction could be from many different issues
Soreness in feet/fore limbs
Tension in the hind end are just a few. Some unexplained lameness's,
Inability to strike off on the correct canter lead or switching behind,
Lack of impulsion, poor movement
Lack of suppleness through the neck
Head shy
Cold backed and hanging the tongue out during work are just a few of the signs of tension and restriction within the horses muscles. The results of MM speak for themselves you and your horse WILL feel the difference.