Azura Canine

Azura Canine Dog trainer & behaviour specialist covering Doncaster - Bawtry - Tickhill - South Yorkshire

Fe and Gilda have graduated from their 5 week e collar inclusive recall program 🎉Both girls are rescue dogs who haven’t ...

Fe and Gilda have graduated from their 5 week e collar inclusive recall program 🎉

Both girls are rescue dogs who haven’t had the best start to life and despite a lot of work being put in by their dedicated owners, they could not crack recall around distractions and Gilda especially was causing a fair few dramas when off lead around wildlife, especially ducks!
Their final session we pushed their training and took both girls to a park with lots of ducks and Geese. They were a lot less interested in chasing than they were 5 weeks ago, the drive to chase is always going to be there but is now under control and both girls did brilliant at recalling away from the birds 🙌🏼
Fe and Gilda have been happier and more confident on walks since we started the training too which is common when positive e collar work is undertaken and the dogs finally understand your communication 😉

Recall doesn’t have to take years and your dog doesn’t need to be confined to a long line.

Mya has just completed an intense 5 weeks training package with us and has absolutely smashed it 💪🏼When Mya first came s...

Mya has just completed an intense 5 weeks training package with us and has absolutely smashed it 💪🏼

When Mya first came she was very disengaged from her owners and totally unresponsive to her name out and about. She also exhibited some arousal towards other dogs and her lead walking and recall needed attention.
Fast forward 5 weeks and Mya is very neutral on and off lead, recall’s on a dime, walks beautifully on a loose lead and is so perfectly engaged with her owners 🙌🏼

It’s been a pleasure to help train this lovely dog and her very dedicated owners.
Mya and her family are going to have the best summer 🫶🏼

Lena has completed her behavioural package 🫶🏼Lena is a 7 month old GSD and when I first met her, she was reactive to oth...

Lena has completed her behavioural package 🫶🏼

Lena is a 7 month old GSD and when I first met her, she was reactive to other dogs and was totally disconnected from her owner when out and about.
Fast forwards a few weeks and Lena walks beautifully on her lead, is neutral to her environment and her engagement has come on heaps 🙌🏼
Her owner can now enjoy stress free walks which is just what they needed with Summer on its way ☀️

Shanks the beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback who has come to board with us 😍

Shanks the beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback who has come to board with us 😍

Merry Christmas 🎄 🤶

Merry Christmas 🎄 🤶

If you’re ever in the unfortunate event to witness a real dog attack then please think before you act.  If the attacking...

If you’re ever in the unfortunate event to witness a real dog attack then please think before you act.

If the attacking dog is a large breed who could potentially over power you👇🏼
- DO NOT touch the attacking dog without at least one other able bodied person.
- NEVER choke the dog off on your own, it’s very likely the dog will let go and come straight back at you!! (A dog who is biting with real intent will not just give up and please don’t be delusional thinking you can choke it out if it’s fighting you, I’ve been in that situation, you CANT!)

In a real situation it’s not black and white, a lead may not even be to hand.
If you have access to leads, ideally back-tie the dog to a solid foundation such as a tree/fence etc so the dog cannot lunge or redirect in your direction. Once that has been accomplished you can then choke the dog off by wrapping a lead around its neck and squeezing, but be very quick to get out of its space once it has released!
Alternatively if you can get 2 contracting leads around the dogs neck, have 2 people pull opposite ways horizontal to the dog (low level) and hold the dog between the two people ideally until the dog has passed out.
If leads are not to hand, the only other way is a very sharp object to cut the dogs jugular. If the jugular is severed, the dog will lose consciousness in seconds and die within a minute or so.

If the dog is small or not causing severe damage you may be able to choke it out on your own, but the large dogs in recent videos, it would most likely not work and you’re probably end up with more serious injuries or fatalities.

Our litter growing into beautiful examples of working GSD’s 😍

Our litter growing into beautiful examples of working GSD’s 😍

How are the puppies 6 weeks already 🥺Loving every second of raising them ❤️

How are the puppies 6 weeks already 🥺
Loving every second of raising them ❤️

Hunter has arrived 😍Hunter is Ava’s littermate and you can certainly tell, they are alike in both temperament and looks....

Hunter has arrived 😍

Hunter is Ava’s littermate and you can certainly tell, they are alike in both temperament and looks.
Hunter is here to work on a fair few issues such as reactivity, arousal and an awful reaction to any tool due to previous terrible conditioning with another trainer.
I’m really looking forward to working with Hunter, it’s not often I get to work with such quality working dogs bar my own 😍🐾

Big Max is here for the next 2 weeks 🐾Max is here to board while his owners get married and go on their honeymoon 🎉Max h...

Big Max is here for the next 2 weeks 🐾
Max is here to board while his owners get married and go on their honeymoon 🎉
Max has trained and stayed with us regularly for the last couple of years, he used to be very dog reactive which had been worsened with incorrect tool usage (trainer incompetence not owner’s fault) but he’s now matured into a lovely boy 🥰
He’s definitely one of my favourite GSD’s 🐾

Bubbles 🫧 has come to stay 😍

Bubbles 🫧 has come to stay 😍

We’re back home and reunited with the dogs ❤️Huge thank you to  and  for taking such fantastic care of them while we was...

We’re back home and reunited with the dogs ❤️

Huge thank you to and for taking such fantastic care of them while we was on holiday, it’s such a relief knowing your dogs are being taken care of so well 😍

I’ll get back to all messages as soon as I can and we resume as normal next week 🙏🏻

Dusty has come to stay again for a few days 🥰Still a perfect girl after her residential 3 years ago!

Dusty has come to stay again for a few days 🥰
Still a perfect girl after her residential 3 years ago!

Ginny checked in for a 3 week residential😍Ginny is a rescue dog and hasn’t had an easy start to life, she is such a love...

Ginny checked in for a 3 week residential😍

Ginny is a rescue dog and hasn’t had an easy start to life, she is such a lovely girl but the world can be a bit overwhelming for her. I’ve been working with Ginny for well over a year as she did have some fear reactivity issues. Now her confidence has flourished it’s time to sharpen up her obedience and get her off lead so she can explore the world more freely.
I we have had to take things slow with Ginny as she is super sensitive and a year ago would not have coped with residential training but after a a handful of overnight and weekend stays and her confidence improving more each stay we finally decided it’s the right time and we’re not wrong, over the 2 days she has been with us she has settled wonderfully 🥰

Look forward to progressing with this lovely girl 🐾

In dog training, stress is almost a taboo, something to avoid at all costs. But stress is required and can be useful. Th...

In dog training, stress is almost a taboo, something to avoid at all costs. But stress is required and can be useful. There is eustress the beneficial form of stress and distress the bad.

Force free beliefs promote that negative reinforcement causes stress.
This is definitely not true!

Professor MUDr. Cyril Höschl DrSc. FRCPsych. divides this according to whether or not the stressful situation can be avoided.
If we can avoid it, stress activates us, we enjoy the stress as it leads to a positive result!

If we cannot avoid the stress long term, the situation is distress and can have negative effects on mental health.

There have been many scientific studies on this which proves this a factual statement not an opinion. (Prof. Seligman with dogs for example).

In dog training, a punishment like a correction does not cause stress if we teach the dog how to avoid it and the dog has the mental capacity to avoid it.

Don’t be fooled by the lies spread by positive activists. Facts are facts.

Happy training 🐾

Teddy 🐾Teddy the cockerpoo has checked in for 2 weeks to work on dog reactivity, recall and separation anxiety.Look out ...

Teddy 🐾

Teddy the cockerpoo has checked in for 2 weeks to work on dog reactivity, recall and separation anxiety.
Look out for his updates 😍

Let’s talk doggy Day Care Centre’s and why they are not a good choice for your dog. Day care is generally a total free f...

Let’s talk doggy Day Care Centre’s and why they are not a good choice for your dog.

Day care is generally a total free for all play group for dogs. You’ll find the dogs are let into a room or field and expected to play nicely and share toys. Sounds lovely doesn’t it, in an ideal world.

But, what many people do not think of is, what type of dogs are your dogs mixing with?

Do you think its okay to let a small breed dog be chased around a room by high prey driven guarding breeds?🤯

Do you think its okay for people with no behavioural experience to be watching your dogs ‘play’?

Do you think it’s a good idea for your young dog to be learning how to socialise with reactive, aggressive, anxious, rude dogs?

At day care, there is absolutely no temperament matching, there is no thought taken into consideration about genetic predisposition and people wonder why their dogs begin showing behavioural issues such as reactivity or resource guarding when sent to these places.

If your dog, specifically guarding, retrieval, hunting breeds are playing with a toy and another dog steals that toy, guess what…your dog will no probably start resource guarding, and you will NEVER fix it.

If your dog is being chased around by a dog who’s instinct is to hunt/chase etc, you are risking your dog being bitten or potentially killed, even if that dog has never shown aggression, by allowing a self rewarding behaviour such as chasing, you are allowing the dog to self-reinforce, therefore, the behaviour will intensify and probably end up in an accident. The dog chasing will then be deemed aggressive when in fact, its only doing what has been reinforced and what its instincts tell it to do.
I get people need care for their dogs while at work, but good dog walkers are there to help and if your dog struggles being alone in the house, see a trainer, that is a workable problem!

Pic featuring Toast our lovely board and train, ironically his reactivity, over arousal and resource guarding issues all stem from doggy day care 🫣

Lovely day doing some sport training and taking some cool snaps 📸

Lovely day doing some sport training and taking some cool snaps 📸

Toast has checked in for his board and train 🐾Toast is here to work on general obedience, lead walking, recall, settling...

Toast has checked in for his board and train 🐾

Toast is here to work on general obedience, lead walking, recall, settling etc and his frustrated response to new dogs.
Toast goes to doggy day care regularly which has caused his over arousal towards dogs. He is a super friendly, typical golden retriever and just needs to understand what is required of him.
Looking forward to having fun training this guy 😍

Our last day exploring the west coast of Scotland and the Galloway Forest 🌳 We have had amazing weather and been to some...

Our last day exploring the west coast of Scotland and the Galloway Forest 🌳
We have had amazing weather and been to some beautiful places 😍
We have covered many miles this week, us and the dogs need a post break, rest 😅
Next time I think will head to the highlands to see even more of the outstanding views this amazing country has to offer 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
I will live here one day 🫣

Dora 🤗Dora has checked in for her board and train.Dora is here to work through some dog reactivity, perfect her lead wal...

Dora 🤗

Dora has checked in for her board and train.
Dora is here to work through some dog reactivity, perfect her lead walking and general obedience including reliable recall.
Well done to everyone who answered my story correctly, she is a beautiful example of a Spinone Italiano 😍

Happy International Women’s Day 💃

Happy International Women’s Day 💃

Alfie 🐾Alfie has checked in for training to work through some dog reactivity, lack of engagement and non existing recall...

Alfie 🐾

Alfie has checked in for training to work through some dog reactivity, lack of engagement and non existing recall.
He is a rescue from Bulgaria so his breed is unknown but he’s an awesome little dog to work with 😍

I can’t wait to see how he gets on over the next couple of weeks 🤞🏽

Testing out my new camera today 😍May be biased but my god they’re stunning doggos 🥰

Testing out my new camera today 😍
May be biased but my god they’re stunning doggos 🥰

Happy 3rd Birthday Ava 🥰🥳Time flies when your having fun and you are the always that 🤪You have taught me so much and I’m...

Happy 3rd Birthday Ava 🥰🥳

Time flies when your having fun and you are the always that 🤪

You have taught me so much and I’m forever grateful to you 🥰

My angel in disguise 😇 🐶

Fig’s transformation completed ☑️ Fig left us yesterday after a short 3 weeks and I was super sad to see her go but exci...

Fig’s transformation completed ☑️

Fig left us yesterday after a short 3 weeks and I was super sad to see her go but excited to see her thrive in the future with her owners 🥰
3 weeks ago Fig would become over aroused around other dogs and some people, resulting in her running up to other dogs which had gotten her into trouble 😖
Fast forward 3 weeks, Fig can now co exist around all dogs, people etc in any environment, her recall is absolutely perfect along with snappy positions, on and off lead heelwork.
We have also completely crate trained her incase she ever needs to use a crate, she can use one stress free 👌🏻

During Fig’s handover we took her to a really busy public park where she successfully walked past many unruly dogs, some who even pestered her and she still remained neutral and attentive to her owner while practicing all the obedience cue’s she learnt over the 3 weeks 👌🏻

Another super residential 😊

Week 1 with Fig completed 🐾

Week 1 with Fig completed 🐾

Today we welcomed Fig 😍Fig is here to work on recall and arousal towards other dog/people etc.She is a really lovely bub...

Today we welcomed Fig 😍

Fig is here to work on recall and arousal towards other dog/people etc.
She is a really lovely bubbly labradoodle but her over friendly nature has gotten her in trouble so she’s here to work on sharpening up her obedience so she can enjoy freedom safely.
Keep your eye out for Fig updates 🐾

Residential’s are back 🙌Today we welcomed Rosie as our first official board and train of 2023. After back to back reside...

Residential’s are back 🙌

Today we welcomed Rosie as our first official board and train of 2023. After back to back residentials last year I took a break throughout December to concentrate on my own dogs but ive now started again with more back to back residentials throughout the next few months.
Rosie is here to work on human and dog reactivity, she finds the outside world a little overwhelming resulting in her reacting out of fear.
Over the next few weeks I’m going to lay in some good foundational training with Rosie, solidify her recall allowing her a lifetime of freedom and begin counter conditioning her response to fearful stimuli🐾



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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00


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A little about me :)

I have had an interest in dogs and training since I could walk, I have never gone a day without owning a dog, I grew up with a Belgian Shepherd, Border Collie and a Labrador who gave me the passion for canines I still have today. At 12 years old when our beautiful dogs passed we gained a little black German Shepherd puppy called Elka who has now passed (29/07/2020) unfortunately she suffered a terrible disease called degenerative myelopathy. Along with Elka, we had Meika a stunning white German Shepherd and Poppy a petite black and tan Shepherd. With these 3 dogs being my parents, once I moved out into my own place I was going to be lost without the dogs I had grown up with, therefore 2 years ago I rescued my little Mia, a German Shepherd who came to me with plenty of problems which really got me interested in canine behaviour and helped Mia get over her extreme fears and anxieties.

Fast forward a year February 2019 I rehomed my beautiful boys within 10 months of each other. Both of these dogs came to me with behavioural problems but I had these ironed out in a couple of weeks and became enthralled in more advanced obedience which brings me more to the present time. I am currently working super hard with both of these dogs in a variety of behaviours and they are coming along fantastically.

March 2020 I purchased my first real prospect, another GSD with fantastic genetics to take me where I want to go in competitions.

Where my training comes in--Nearly 2 years ago I began my studies into canine behaviour, I am currently studying a level 4 advanced diploma in canine behaviour. Along with this qualification I will also be gaining others very soon and will keep you all updated with my progress! Along with my studies I spend every spare moment I have doing independent studies which includes learning from a variety of other canine professionals from reading their books to watching their videos not forgetting my regular sessions with trainers around the country to improve my own handling of dogs.