This came up on my memories had to shareDo horses feel emotions?
People ask do they feel, are they aware of what is happening? How can change effect them so much? the questions are endless. But the simple answer is "YES".
I recently visited a mare who used to share her field with her friend. Unfortunately her friend left the field three months before my appointment. The sadness three months on was huge, the words "why do things have to change" came through. The deep heart ache is felt and it feels like the shoulders have become so tight too protect the heart. They are almost trying to hug themselves, to hold on to protect from the emotional outfall. This has affected the horses way of going when ridden and also in her behaviour. Her Mum has felt her horses pain, listened to her intuition and given her horse the support she needed. Today's healing was about letting go of the emotional pain. Telling this beautiful mare that her friend is safe and well. But is unable to share her life. The healing was full of deep sighs and yawn after yawn as the healing energy got to work. I worked on rebalancing the energy within. The mare relaxed and lowered her head and then at the end did a full body stretch. Time is a healer for us and horses and time will be given to this beautiful mare.
Another horse I revisited I saw a couple of months ago after a vet gave my number to her client. The horse has been through every test but nothing could be found to be wrong. Her body was hard and rigid and she was in a deep depression. To some she looked lame but for me I could feel her body clogged with words left unsaid and emotions not aired. All stuck deep within not knowing how to get out. The first healing was very emotional the horse had a lot to say about her relationship with her owner. What had gone wrong and why. There was grief from the passing of a equine friend stored within for both the horse and owner. As the tears flowed and the words started to escape a calmness came over the horse. She had a lot to think about her owner opened up and spoke the words that needed to be said. Bridges had started to be built, I was very worried about this little pony and made arrangements to return. Today I went back and could not believe what I saw as I walked through the gate. The horse was stood in the yard her coat shone and her body was soft. Straight away their was interest in her eye as she sniffed me. This pony and her owner have rebuilt the bridges to each other. The depression has lifted and the sun had come out! I could not stop smiling, we had a lovely healing and I could not believe the difference in her body. Emotions locked within and words left unsaid fester for both people and horses. This for both can lead to depression and illness. Talking and healing can help with this, the releasing of the tears clearing the path for you to walk together once again.
Discover the healing energy of horsesI’m Elaine, a spiritual healer, spiritual life coach and shadow worker offering workshops and courses at my Dorset healing centre, as well as visits within the South West, and distance healing worldwide. Meet Elaine My name is Elaine Tyley, AKA “Horse’s Voi...