Mary our donkey is now offering free rides for our cats who don't want to walk through the mud! Daisy was the first passenger and doesn't she look very regal making her way up to the field!
We have a rather unusual routine going on now during the sunset. Quite a few of our residents go on an evening walk around the fields with Helen and also play some games! We have a short video for you to enjoy, they all look forward to their nightly outings now!
A little video from this morning taken of Lola and our recent arrival, Bella the little Shetland. We thought you'd like to see the improvement in Bella as we posted her story showing that we wasn't in a good state when we took her in. You can see she is now looking well and very happy, and she can give Lola a run for her money!
This is a wonderful happy ending for totally blind Walter and partially sighted Milly. Both cats have a harrowing tale to tell, Walter you may remember came to us from the Middle East about four years ago, he traveled and settled remarkably well considering he was blind, the only thing that never happened, he never became close to another cat, he was always top cat and boss cat until now! Millie came from Tala cats in Cyprus. She was homed to a very kind and caring man from Manchester, he did everything possible in a year to help Millie settle but she would not stop crying. He rang us in desperation not knowing what he do, that week we had several cats coming from Cyprus from Manchester, we offered to take Millie to give her another chance. Millie settled as soon as she arrived she was used to being in a colony of cats and once Walter met her it was love at first sight, they are always together and Walter is no longer boss cat.
Rosy arrived one a last week and the following day she had three kittens, they are all well and look very content, mother cat seem to know when they are in a safe place, and then have their kittens in safety, where there is food and shelter.
We are having a very busy time at the moment, having recently taken in several heavily pregnant feral cats. Three have now given birth and here is one mother, called Rose, feeding them with Clemy looking on. Rose gave birth on Sunday and everything went well. As well as the kittens born here, we have also taken in a huge number of feral kittens and in the coming months they will all be neutered and spayed which is going to be a big, but very necessary job! Willow, another of our pregnant cats, began giving birth this morning and so far she has three babies, all looking healthy so far. We will give you an update on her in the next few days.
A little video for you this morning of some kittens being very intrigued by a game on Becky's phone!!
A short video of Walter, he came to us a few years ago from Doha, he is totally blind, although sometimes it is hard to believe, he is very aware of his surroundings and is able to climb a tree and also play with toys, he is now living in our new safe space, purpose built for our blind residents.Thank you to everyone who has sent food via our food bank or via Amazon it is a huge help to us.
Mann Cat Sanctuary 2023
During the summer of 2023 we had this new film produced, as an information video about all the work we do here at the Mann Cat Sanctuary. We also have a second video where you can hear from some of our volunteers about their day to day roles and that is available with the following link
We hope you enjoy them both and please have a look at our website
Lola enjoying the snow
Overnight we have had our first proper snowfall for some time and this is what we woke up to! Lola here was certainly enjoying it as you can see from this video!
A lovely little video for you today! Rosie is a recent arrival here after her owner passed away. She has taken time to settle but now as you can see she is much happier and has started playing. She also only has three legs and you can try and spot her on the Willows webcam at . Our 2023 newsletter is now on it's way to the printers and Rosie is our front cover girl this year and she will also be available for sponsorship once it's published! We hope you're looking forward to reading it