Star Dogs

visit for grooming appointments
EH11 1RY & EH6 8BB

Please look out for Buffy and contact Beth her owner with any info 😪❤️

Please look out for Buffy and contact Beth her owner with any info 😪❤️

Leith Vets is organising the Dog Show at the Leith Festival this weekend ..  I can guarantee it will be 100% more organi...

Leith Vets is organising the Dog Show at the Leith Festival this weekend .. I can guarantee it will be 100% more organised and fun than Star Dogs last min step in last year ... please get involved, enroll your dog and support them raising funds for the Edinburgh Cat & Dog Home ❤️

Missy Isla .. 10 years old .. swimming sensation ... absolute fruit cake ... beautiful girl enjoying the sunshine this m...

Missy Isla .. 10 years old .. swimming sensation ... absolute fruit cake ... beautiful girl enjoying the sunshine this morning❤️

This weekend at the Meadows 😍

This weekend at the Meadows 😍




So its been just over 2 months since I left the dog grooming world.. Edinburgh Dog Groomers is flourishing and the Star Girls who still work there are smashing it as independent businesses, working together as a group of supportive business owners to make sure all the wee Star Dogs and new clients are still getting booked in and looked after .. its been amazing to watch them all move forward ... just wanted to pop up a wee post to say thanks so much to every single person who supported this change .. i still groom 1 dog and i will for his life .. hes 10 now and ive had him for almost 7 years .. he was the most traumatised dog id ever met but my heart cant send him back to a vet for sedation and we have alot of love so ill make that time every 8 weeks for him ... please value ur dog groomer .. i think what shocked me the most after years before working with dogs in different capacities and then focusing on grooming was how little respect some owners had for groomers... they would love their dog walkers/trainers and sitters .. even constantly support their favourite rescue but in my 19 years working with dogs .. grooming the dogs was the hardest service to provide and hard because the owners didnt understand the skills involved, the level of trust, understanding and love needed between the dog and the groomer .. its such a tough job .. nobody has to handle ur dog like a groomer, not even a VET ... so love ur groomer, trust that they want the best for ur dog and show them respect for their service.. turn up or let them know if u cant .. tell them all about ur dogs likes and diskikes and most importantly TRUST THEM when they tell u whats best for ur dogs welfare.. they see more dogs in a week than any other service provider ur trusting and being advised by .. they KNOW dogs .. a busy dog groomer will see 25 different dogs a week .. what other dog professional can say that on their own .. NONE ... GOOD dog groomers are the WARRIORS of the dog world ❤️❤️❤️




🐕Stacey 07387796290 Staceys K-9 grooming 🐕

🐕Darya 07516420200 Cupid’s Paw Dog Grooming 🐕




Interesting stuff 🐕

Interesting stuff 🐕


Spring is often a long awaited event for many of us after a wet and cold winter. A mere glimpse of daffodil bulbs, and the promise of longer and warmer days can see us cleaning our homes and doing chores we had been putting off for months. For dogs however, a change in seasons can signal multifaceted physiological and behaviour patterns that have been determined from evolutionary biology.

Animal neuro-endocrine systems undergo seasonal shifts. In winter, melatonin activity for example (which is directly related to duration of sunlight exposure) decreases firing of the retinal nerves which trigger hormones for breeding in some species Seasonal breeding is commonly seen due to this, with some groups being assigned as 'short-day breeders’ (eg: sheep , deer and fox ) and long-day breeders ( eg: wolves, horses)
This is also referred to as a 'photoperiod' (an organism’s daily exposure to light) The ancestral control pathway of photoperiodism is thought to have originated before the divergence of mammalian and avian vertebrate lineages in the evolutionary timeline.

However, dogs and other species such as cattle and pigs, are polyestrous, which means they can cycle all year round. Fascinatingly, some exceptions are seen in Basenji and sled dogs who breed photoperiodically.
Dogs are shown to not require a photoperiod to regulate the reproductive cycle ,but their shedding cycles and immune systems are affected by photoperiodic mechanisms.

Most certainly breeding and feeding patterns of other species of both plants and animals affect our dogs’ behaviour seasonally.

Spring brings new and exciting smells from plant and animal activity. Dogs senses typically heighten during this time, and this can mean they get easily immersed or distracted, often manifesting in hunting, amplified olfactory or foraging behaviours depending on the breed and location of the dog. In multi-dog homes this can become challenging if one dog is more prey or scent driven than others, or if all are.

While these fall within perimeters of normal behaviour, dog professionals might get increased enquiries during this time about dogs not recalling , hunting excessively, grass and plant ingesting , not coming inside from the garden, or suddenly becoming fixated by some prey animals. Puppies exposed to the wider world for the first time after their vaccinations can experience sensory overload as well as adolescent dogs who's pre-frontal cortexes are still under development.

Another seasonal affect potentially in pet dogs, who mostly follow human like diurnal sleep patterns, might see an increase in crepuscular activity, like waking at 5.30am or becoming restless around dusk.

Diurnal sleep patterns in pet dogs are hypothesized to be an adaptation to living alongside humans, because variations of nocturnal and crepuscular patterns are observed in most other canids whereas diurnal activity is rarely seen. There are some data to suggest that dogs can benefit from a dark room to achieve sleep efficiency. This might be relevant in the modern environment where open plan light filled rooms are commonly seen.

Spring can therefore quickly become a frustrating time for both dogs and their humans, but recognising the effects of evolutionary biology and making some adjustments can help.

Depending on what is reinforcing for the dog, some ideas for springtime could include providing targeted exploratory enrichment, long line walks to avoid predation or avoiding prey species photoperiodic activity , safe opportunities to dig, scent work or simply some good naps on the sofa together.

Boo Blackhurst CDBC


L. Senger, Phillip 2005, Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition

Robert Bodiz et al 2019, Sleep in the dog: comparative, behavioral and translational relevance

Brian J. Prendergast 2005, Internalization of seasonal time

Lofts B 1978, Animal Photoperiodism

Please if u can donate, or share to help this charity fund Pennys ongoing treatment and help support both Ozzy & Penny o...

Please if u can donate, or share to help this charity fund Pennys ongoing treatment and help support both Ozzy & Penny on their journey to finding another forever home, hopefully together, after the sad and unexpected passing of their devoted Dad and a good friend of mine Simon 😢 .. he was a well known face around Polwarth, Gorgie, Fountainbridge and the Meadows and would go out of his way to help anyone especially.a dog 🥰 ... we would spend hours just talking dog either out and about or into the night on PM and the girls and I where always happy to see him when he popped into Polwarth with Ozzy and then Ozzy & Penny for visits in the passing .. its so sad ... he was a brilliant dog dad and his dogs will miss him the most especially Oz 😢❤️❤️❤️

My collie Isla is the side eye Queen .. wee Fred just always looks surprised 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️

My collie Isla is the side eye Queen .. wee Fred just always looks surprised 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️






I’m taking my business a step up and I’m going to open my own Lola’s Shiny Paws salon in May!

The new address is 27 Bridge Street EH33 1AQ

Dear clients, I’m on the course of contacting you each separately and checking whether you are happy to travel to Tranent. Please bear with me, while I’m texting/emailing everybody ☺️


Force Free ..
Humanising dogs, feeling and projecting human emotions onto dogs, expecting dogs to understand humans emotions, waiting for a dog to UNDERSTAND what u expect from it so it can make a good choice then praising it

Balanced Trainers ...
Looking for and trying to create a balance in the Human & Dog relationship using guidance and body language understanding, correcting and training a negative behaviour with a timely correction consequence .. ie NO change the mindset and behaviour to help guide them to more acceptable behaviour within the bounderies of their life style

Adversive Trainers
Using aggressive/human dominant tactics and tools to intimidate dogs into reacting to signs, signals and reactions to force them to conform to required behaviours

For me the Best Trainers are balanced trainers .. the ones who want to build relationships between humans and dogs .. the ones who get to know u and ur dog, ur home life and lifestyle and then can take their knowledge and experience and think outside the box to give u realistic tools u can integrate into ur day to day world which will make significant changes to everybody's relationship to ur dog .. some of these changes can also be instant becuase dogs minds don't work like ours .. they're just not as complex in their thinking process so a good trainer can bring changes to ur dog just by their presence and when u see it U BELIEVE IT and that can be such a game changer . dogs don't need material things .. they don't care .. they just need to know ur paying attention ❤️❤️❤️

My crazy collie Isla.loves watching dog training videos and starts barking at the dogs misbehaving so maybe it's actuall...

My crazy collie Isla.loves watching dog training videos and starts barking at the dogs misbehaving so maybe it's actually a 'TOP TIP' for some dogs 🤣🤣🤣

It's a relationship all about mutual trust, unconditional love and respect and its just the most beautiful relationship ...

It's a relationship all about mutual trust, unconditional love and respect and its just the most beautiful relationship u will ever have when it all falls into place ❤️❤️❤️


Lots of posts showing businesses who have attended and/or won an award from the Local Pet Awards .. I hope u all had a great night out networking with other pet businesses BUT to PET OWNERS please understand that these awards DO NOT reflect the best businesses or service because every business DOES NOT connect or invest in these awards so PLEASE WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR DOGS ... DO YOUR RESEARCH... check reviews, contact past clients and ask as many questions as u need to .. don't take these AWARDS as a confirmation of the BEST SERVICE for your PET .. they are just networking events for the industry .. anyone can put themselves forward for nomination .. these people who create these awards and events are profiting from this and are awarding businesses who sign up to their marketing ...its not a reflection of the services to OWNERS .. its so misleading to new customers



In the quiet corners of empty rooms,
Where your paws once danced to a silent tune,
The echoes of your leave speak loudly in the hush,
For to us, you were never merely just.

You were the morning's vibrant joy,
And the guardian of night's peaceful ploy,
In every heartfelt wag and gentle nudge,
You taught us love is more than we could judge.

Through your eyes, a world anew,
Colors of grace in golden hue,
Each moment spent, a chapter penned
In the story of a friend without an end.

A dog? No, a soul wrapped in fur,
A comforter, confidante, a joyful blur,
Your absence now a vast, uncharted sea,
But your spirit—forever a part of me.

So rest, dear friend, beneath the whispering trees,
Your legacy is the love you leave.
For in every heart you've warmly tucked away,
Lives the light of countless yesterdays.

Never just a dog, but a beacon so bright,
Guiding us softly into the night.
Now you run beyond where our eyes can see,
Evermore, much more, than just a memory.

Spaces available from next week for Dog Grooming in the Restalrig Rd EH6 8BB salon...  you can message via Edinburgh Dog...

Spaces available from next week for Dog Grooming in the Restalrig Rd EH6 8BB salon... you can message via Edinburgh Dog Groomers to book or follow the page to check for any last min spots and updates ❤️

For its 8th and final year the Star Grooming services came up TOP 3 again in one of the only polls generated by actual e...

For its 8th and final year the Star Grooming services came up TOP 3 again in one of the only polls generated by actual experiences, comparing online traffic, reviews, engagement and other contributing factors .. we did not pay for this recognition nor did we have to reach out to clients or friends and family for votes like alot of 'online marketing awards' Scottish Business Awards & The Local Pet Awards etc expect u to do .. we also dont have to pay to enter, attend 'award ceremony dinners' or buy the certificate for the recognition ... ThreeBestRated still send emails asking if we would like to DONATE to their cause but they go straight to SPAM .. the algorithms of their generated ratings comes from internet traffic and reviews so thanks to everyone in the past who took the time to leave one .. good or bad feedback is the only way any business can improve and im glad to be able to set up the independent business of

to ensure the team of ⭐️girls that worked so hard for Star Dogs Grooming continues to be recognised in this way .. also big congrats to Christine's and Paws Perfect .. i know these girls too and they are also brill ❤️❤️❤️




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Our Story

***** RIP to my beautiful boy 17/7/2006 to 29//12/2017 ... run free my best boy and have fun with all the furry friends you made gone to Rainbow Bridge before you ###

' the inspriation behind every thing i do ... you taught me so much this life with us ... patience and a greater understanding of dogs being one of the most important, I will love you forever and carry your pawprints in my heart where ever life takes me will always be my shining STAR ###xx '

Star Dogs Grooming is based all around our boy Star. He was the best friend of my daughter Lara and myself Kirsty . He was our constant companion for 11.5 years.