Question???…. 🤔
What happens when you have five dogs, all off lead, fairly close to eachother?
Answer… they all remain perfectly focused on their handlers in a lovely heelwork position ❤️
Well done to Hannah’s class at Weston Subedge this morning 😇 Great work 😊
Saturday Scent Work
Our Saturday SCENTWORK course is in full swing. Dogs doing what they love ❤️
It’s great fun for both ends of the lead and our scentwork expert, Maria can take you through the UK Sniffer Dogs awards.
Let me know if you’re interested in our next course 😊
Here’s the video of the antics from the Monday 7pm class I covered. We built up to this, gradually adding more moving dogs until everyone was working together. Lots of distractions, but the dogs remained focused- well done 🐾 The handlers had to concentrate on the instructions too!!
Now, for some reason this exercise reminds me a circus. I think it’s a scene from Dumbo , so I always think of elephants 🐘 😂 We got into a discussion about this (like you do in a dog training class 😉) Can anyone enlighten us as to what I’m thinking of?? 🤔
Some of the fabulous dogs & people I worked with during my guest visit ❤️
I know the Monday 7pm class are dying to see their elephants / hippos / fantasia video ( you had to be there 😂) I’ll post it separately 👍
You’ve seen our puppies with their Foundation certificates, but would you like to see what we get up to in classes?
We teach, we train, we socialise, we have fun, we laugh 😇😊❤️🐾
If you would like more information about what we do you can message me here or via the website
Rally Workshop
There were blue skies at Ellenden for the rally workshop today. Thank you to everyone who came and to Lisa Davies for instructing ❤️
We have welcomed some new members this week 😊 It’s not too late to join in time for the May workshop. Let me know if you are interested 😊🐾
Heelwork Teams
Inspired by the club’s Labrapaw team in the Obreedience final at Crufts, Lesly asked her classes to work together and devise a heelwork routine. Here’s what they came up with.
Well done everyone ❤️