**Important booking message:**
Hi! I'm Piggy!
I'm a two year old Skinny Pig and I'll be joining Cavies & Cake next month with the new owners, Sarah, Ian.& Rowan. I'm a very chatty Piggy and always have lots to say when eating my food. My sister, Blanket, and I are so looking forward to cuddles with you all. We can't wait to meet you!
If you'd like to visit me and all my furry friends next month we will have the following sessions available:
Saturday 15th February - 11am & 2pm
Monday 17th February - 11am & 2pm
Thursday 20th February - 11am & 2pm
Friday 21st February - 11am & 2pm
Saturday 22nd February - 11am & 2pm
Sunday 23rd February - 11am & 2pm
Friday 28th February - 11am & 2pm
If you'd like to book a handling session, please email - (address in comments) for more information.
See you soon!