Raising My Rescue - Canine Behaviourist

Raising My Rescue - Canine Behaviourist I'm Molly and I've been raising my rescue dog, Kuki, for a couple of years. I've set up this page to help others learn with me while I study for my diploma.

Canine Behaviourist specialising in European Rescue Dogs 🫶

1-1 Sessions available in person (Kent) or Online (UK) 🐾

Join the Raising My Rescue Dog Club to learn more about your dog's behaviour 🐕

Message me now for support 🐾 He's an ex-street dog from Bosnia and came to me with a handful of quirks, worries and opinions! I've been learning all about him through his guidance and the guidance of my

Level 4 Advanced Canine Behaviour Course with the British College of Canine Studies. This is based on what I've learned personally, and always consider that your situation may vary. Dogs are incredibly nuanced with big personalities, and they're all as individual as we are. 🐾

I taught Kuki to do this when he wants something I can provide, such as food or a walk. His other go-to is the little ha...

I taught Kuki to do this when he wants something I can provide, such as food or a walk. His other go-to is the little hands in the air thing he does - this is usually when the stakes are high and he would like help very much.

I think it's really important to have open communication with your dog - they don't have a lot of options and a fun way to create a great back and forth is to help them to show you when they need help.

Some dogs will howl, bark or whine to express their needs, which is absolutely fine, but sometimes as human people we need support too, and not everyone can handle noise in excess, especially after a long day.

Showing your dog how to communicate with you in a way you will respond to, can set you up for a lovely future of gentle and more effective chats between you and your dog. 🥰🐾

If you ask me for help with your dog and the solution I suggest makes you feel worried, stressed, is too difficult or do...

If you ask me for help with your dog and the solution I suggest makes you feel worried, stressed, is too difficult or doesn't fit into your lifestyle, then it's not the solution for you.

And that's totally OK, and I would rather you said, because otherwise, you'll either do it and find it really stressful, or not do it at all, and neither are good.

I will always try and find a solution that feels positive and comfortable for you and your dog, and we can work together on that 🫶

Swipe for soothing pic 😌

Can you all just spare a thought for your dog's behaviourist when you go round getting us trying to WORK around your dog...

Can you all just spare a thought for your dog's behaviourist when you go round getting us trying to WORK around your dog who is ADORABLE, sorry but how am I supposed to think straight with this face looking at me?! 🥹❤️

Arlo desperately wants to do two things:
1) Be everyone's friend
2) Carry his little broccoli toy around

Blossom, Arlo's elderly Chihuahua sister, wants one thing:
1) For Arlo to please let her nap in peace 🙏

Evie, Arlo's all-time favourite person, is working with me to help Blossom have a happier retirement and within two days she is apparently already feeling less harassed 🤞🥰

When clients contact me, they are often urgently seeking help. When challenging behaviours start, they rarely resolve th...

When clients contact me, they are often urgently seeking help. When challenging behaviours start, they rarely resolve themselves and my main advice to anyone would be to get help as soon as you notice the concern, and not to wait until it's urgent.

Delaying often means:
😔 Your dog might have been unhappy for a long time
🙇‍♂️ The behaviour becomes more deeply ingrained
💰 It is harder and more costly to resolve

When I first got Kuki, I had a Behaviourist booked before he even arrived, because it would be wild to expect a dog who has been through what he did to not need some support. 🤯

I would always rather you explained to me and provisionally booked in early then cancelled, than waited too long.

As it turns out, I chose the wrong person for us and that's what lead me to get qualified myself - the advice we recieved actually caused us a lot of problems, and that advice was to "ignore" the "bad" behaviour.

So if anyone ever tells you "ignore the bad and praise the good", that's a red flag. 🚩

1) "Bad" is super subjective
2) Ignoring makes everything harder

I'm taking one to one bookings for September. Is there anything you need to do to make your dog happier?

I'm guessing it's a summer holiday thing but I had about two bookings for August yesterday so I decided to have a chill ...

I'm guessing it's a summer holiday thing but I had about two bookings for August yesterday so I decided to have a chill one this month and just enjoy the down time.

NOT SO FAST - apparently bookings come in groups of 10,000 and within 24 hours August is fully booked and then some! 🫣

So I'm currently taking one to one bookings for September now, honestly where does the time go!! 🕑💨

And don't dogs make houses look great? 🥹🥰💓🐾


You could feel like this too:

✅️ Supported
✅️ Like a good dog parent
✅️ Able to reach out
✅️ More knowledgable and understanding of your dog and their behaviour

For just £8 per month (that's like two coffees), the Raising My Rescue Dog Club will teach you SO much ❤️

Last call for 50% off your first month with code RESCUEDOG

(Spoiler - You don't have to have a rescue to use it!)


Dog Behavioural session last-minute availability: Mon 12th at 6pm - Faversham areaThurs 15th from 5pm - onlineFri 16th f...

Dog Behavioural session last-minute availability:

Mon 12th at 6pm - Faversham area
Thurs 15th from 5pm - online
Fri 16th from 5pm - online
Sat 17th morning - Kent (message to enquire)

I can help with:
✅️ Reactivity and barking
✅️ Anxious dogs
✅️ Settling a new dog
✅️ Understanding their behaviour
✅️ Much, much more!

Message me to book 😊🐾


Facebook Live tonight with me and the lovely Mati on the challenges and joys of Raising a Rescue Dog!Join the Raising My...

Facebook Live tonight with me and the lovely Mati on the challenges and joys of Raising a Rescue Dog!

Join the Raising My Rescue Dog Club and head to our private members Facebook Group now for last minute sign ups in time to watch at 7.30pm!

Use RESCUEDOG at checkout for 50% off your first month of:

✅ Video Tutorials
✅ How To Guides
✅ Dog training advice
✅ Members support group with a qualified Canine Behaviourist
✅ Discounted 1-2-1 Behaviour Sessions



Things I do that are "not very Dog Trainer-y" Part Two.

"Molly is brilliant! She's super knowledgeable not just about dog behaviour but dogs in general! Molly is really friendl...

"Molly is brilliant! She's super knowledgeable not just about dog behaviour but dogs in general! Molly is really friendly too which makes her really easy to talk to about any worries or concerns you have without any judgement whatsoever. She approaches all and any problems with a positive attitude whilst also guiding you in the right direction. I've only had 2 sessions so far and I already feel like I understand my dog that little bit better, and my dog seems happier too!

Molly takes a no pressure approach to her personal sessions, taking everything at your pace and not pushing further sessions on you. She also offers support between sessions which is amazing and really helpful!

Molly's online membership is also great for tips, tricks and games for you and your dog. There's loads of video tutorials and written pieces on there and there's a nice little community of people going through similar things to you!

You can tell Molly really cares about what she does and takes a genuine interest in both your dog and you! I would 100% recommend Molly to anyone having behavioural problems or concerns with their dog!" - Katie

Thank you Katie 💖 and everyone - please enjoy this photo of beautiful Luna 😍

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I thoroughly recommend Molly if you are in need of guidance with your dog.  We don't have a rescue...we had ...

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I thoroughly recommend Molly if you are in need of guidance with your dog. We don't have a rescue...we had trouble with our 20 month old Cockapoo puppy but Molly was so good at educating us on how to train her properly...more so than the puppy training crash course we did with someone else! I wish I'd found her sooner. Thank you Molly!" - Sarah

📸 by the talented dog dad!

I recently had a session with someone who felt embarrassed to admit to one of these! In fact, this happens a LOT - clien...

I recently had a session with someone who felt embarrassed to admit to one of these! In fact, this happens a LOT - clients feeling ashamed of something that makes them feel safe, or their dog happy, due to external pressure.

Trainers, influencers, guides on the Internet and general know-it-alls LOVE to tell you how you should do this and that, even though this and that makes you genuinely uncomfortable.

Sorry but WHAT is the point of having a dog if you, them, or both, are miserable?

If you don't want your dog in a perfect heel, even though some trainer said you should put them in a tool you're uncomfortable with and GIVE YOU RESPECT, then bloody well don't do it.

Be proud of your preference to put happiness and safety before all else, be proud of letting your dog tell you they want something, through "begging", because you have an open communication with them and a beautiful friendship.

Nothing else really matters. So here are FIVE things I do that aren't very "dog trainer-y" in the hope it makes you less ashamed of that thing you do that makes your dog happy instead of "good".

PS: To clarify, the collar thing is regarding around the house/at other people's houses, after someone I visited grabbed Kuki's collar multiple times. A collar and ID tag is the law when on walks.

I absolutely LOVED working with these two beautiful girls!! Doris and Florence are lucky enough to live with Emma who kn...

I absolutely LOVED working with these two beautiful girls!! Doris and Florence are lucky enough to live with Emma who knows exactly what she's doing when it comes to dogs. 🐶

We started off working with Doris, who was telling the world her opinions on everything. From passing motorbikes to cats sneezing... she would bark. (The cat sneezing one did make me laugh! 🤣)

But actually, as we went, we found Flo's anxiety towards loud noises on walks was extending to the home, and thus triggering Doris. Bingo!💡

We had some really simple, easy solutions - for example Doris was worried about having her lead put on, but by watching her behaviour I noticed it was the sound of the metal clip end she didn't like. She was much happier getting ready for a walk once we realised this and reduced the noise. ✅️

And some more complex ones - Flo being worried about the road on walks as cars sometimes make loud, uncomfortable noises. So we've been working on closely watching her behaviour and helping her calm down before she feels too stressed, and improving her confidence around these triggers.

At each stage it was a pleasure to work with Emma to ease these worries, as she is such a professional when it comes to helping her dogs. For example, I've never seen dogs who are so able to self-regulate and self-soothe - this is down to how Emma raised them so expertly.

I also said to her on many occasions how difficult it was to put my "Canine body-language" working hat on, when I was so easily distracted by their ADORABLE little legs and big eyes 🥹❤️

Your dog probably sleeps for about 14 hours a day. Larger dogs and puppies sleep for more like 18-20 hours. 💤That leaves...

Your dog probably sleeps for about 14 hours a day. Larger dogs and puppies sleep for more like 18-20 hours. 💤

That leaves 6-10 hours where your dog needs something to do. It's easy to get frustrated when our dogs find their own things to do (such as chew the sofa) but would you be happy just staring into space for all that time? 🥱

Realistically, many people can't walk, train and play with their dogs for 6 hours a day (and that would be too much for your dog too!) so it's nice to have some ideas that help your dog feel busy that don't take up extra time.

Here are some ways you can enrich your dog's life that don't take up your day:

● Provide a comfortable, relaxing space
● Give meals in lick mats or puzzle games
● If you feed kibble or treats, scatter them in the garden
● Take them to cafés if they feel comfortable with that
● Take them on car rides with you
● Let them be around you when you're busy

Please add more ideas in the comments! I love just involving Kuki in things, like letting him dig when I garden 😊🐾

I spoke to a lady this week about her dog who was acting strangely. He was:- Retreating to his crate often- Sitting rath...

I spoke to a lady this week about her dog who was acting strangely. He was:

- Retreating to his crate often
- Sitting rather than lying down
- Occasionally growling at the other dog

She sent me some videos of occasions where they were on walks and things seemed normal. However, she was very worried about his occasional growling towards the other dog, as this was particularly out of character.

In these videos, I spotted some subtle body language signals that things were not quite right, and recommended she speak to a vet about pain or discomfort along his back or legs.

It turns out he had pain in both areas, despite running around and going on walks as normal.

Dogs are really good at hiding pain, it's a survival skill to do so. And it's my job to look out for these signs first and foremost, before I look for anything else.

Above all else, I want your dog to be happy, and sometimes that means turning away a behavioural session in place of recommending a more appropriate option.

Please don't ever feel disheartened if I recommend a vet, some people feel like it's a reflection on them if they haven't spotted the signs but that is exactly what I'm here for - I'm trained to spot them!! 🕵🏼‍♀️

Why I don't do behavioural "packages":🐾 Everyone has a different level of knowledge already🐾 Everyone dog & human learns...

Why I don't do behavioural "packages":
🐾 Everyone has a different level of knowledge already
🐾 Everyone dog & human learns at a different pace
🐾 Some people literally just need ONE session
🐾 I offer support before and after as standard

I have so many clients who are 90% of the way there - often I provide the final key that is like that "Ah Ha!!" moment. To charge a package would be expensive for them and totally unnecessary.

I also feel as though some packages *cough* REACTIVITY *cough* are horribly expensive and people are desperate so they pay the price.

I don't want to prey on your want to help your dog - I just want to help your dog. So we start with one session, and take it from there 🙌 ✨️

WHAT a success story!!! 🙌  Let me give you the stats:🐾  3  Online 1-2-1 Sessions🐾  2  Months in the Membership🐾  5  Week...

WHAT a success story!!! 🙌 Let me give you the stats:
🐾 3 Online 1-2-1 Sessions
🐾 2 Months in the Membership
🐾 5 Weeks of hard work from dedicated humans

Whiskey has gone from barking and lunging at EVERY dog he sees, even if they were across a field, to yesterday when he saw one across the street and just looked at it then looked away. 🥳🥳🥳

Oh, also he learned this cute meerkat trick 🥹

Well done 👏

Who else is ready to help their reactive dog? In 5 weeks, this could be your story 💪

That's a wrap! In just a couple of hours membership registrations will CLOSE so I can concentrate on upcoming projects f...

That's a wrap! In just a couple of hours membership registrations will CLOSE so I can concentrate on upcoming projects for members including a ✨️ Reactivity Package ✨️


Happy Birthday little mountain dog! Kuki is 3 today 🥳And what a coincidence it's National Rescue Dog Day 🥰🐾Here Kuki is ...

Happy Birthday little mountain dog! Kuki is 3 today 🥳

And what a coincidence it's National Rescue Dog Day 🥰🐾

Here Kuki is with his friend Pips in their pawty hats 🥳🐾

Everyone, meet Brandy 🧡Brandy has some of the most dedicated humans I've ever met, they are so understanding of her and ...

Everyone, meet Brandy 🧡

Brandy has some of the most dedicated humans I've ever met, they are so understanding of her and her behaviour. They just want to help her feel happier in certain situations.

The hallways and communal areas at home are particularly challenging for Brandy, as she finds the tight spaces of hallways and staircases scary when other people approach, and her reaction is to be scary herself so everyone leaves her alone.

We worked on a method that tapped into Brandy's breed instincts that also created movement so she feels less trapped in that situation and doesn't feel the need to defend herself so strongly.

This was a great example of how a method must be tweaked to the specific dog to get the most out of it, and that's what a behaviourist can help you with - that final key!

Within a week, she is already feeling much happier 🥰

Brandy is a little star 🌟

It's Kuki's Birthday soon! And I'm celebrating with a giveaway. Everyone's a winner, you just need to enter:🎁 Tap this l...

It's Kuki's Birthday soon! And I'm celebrating with a giveaway. Everyone's a winner, you just need to enter:

🎁 Tap this link: www.raisingmyrescue.co.uk/giveaway
🎁 Add your email address
🎁 Keep an eye on your inbox!

Closes midnight 20th May aka Kuki's Birthday 🥳


Solar storms and how it may impact your dogs.

Scientific studies have repeatedly demonstrated that dogs are sensitive to geomagnetic changes.

Currently the earth is experiencing a powerful solar storm. It's effects on our dogs should not be underestimated. Especially our sensitive working dogs who are bred to have a heightened sense of direction. Dogs who are anxious or nervous may experience exacerbated symptoms. Dogs are sensitive to even small changes in the earth's magnetic field, this current storm is big and disruptive.

Epileptic dogs and people may be affected. There is a huge body of evidence relating to solar storms and seizures, have a little Google, there's too many relevant bits of literature to post here.

What can you do? Dogs are at increased risk of becoming disorientated in new environments, keep them on lead, in sight, have a heightened awareness of where they are. For dogs who rely on their sense of direction for work such as sheepdogs working hills, search and rescue dogs, tracking dogs, hunting dogs and trail dogs, it might be worth evaluating putting off any work where a dog may get lost. This is not me being a f***y either, I've already heard of a couple of normally savvy dogs becoming lost and disoriented in the north of Scotland, out of character for them.

In humans existing mental health conditions can worsen temporarily, particularly conditions caused by or associated with trauma, where your integral ability to orientate becomes distrupted and makes you feel unsafe, increasing anxiety and hypervigilance. This change in your presentation can also impact your dogs.

Just something to be aware of. As much as it sounds like hippy woo woo nonsense, I can assure you, it's a thing.

"the idea that animals can detect Earth’s magnetic field has traveled the path from ridicule to well-established fact in little more than one generation. Dozens of experiments have now shown that diverse animal species, ranging from bees to salamanders to sea turtles to birds, have internal compasses. Some species use their compasses to navigate entire oceans, others to find better mud just a few inches away."


(Google stock image)


Eagerly anticipating adventure 🐾🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Eagerly anticipating adventure 🐾🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Kuki recovery update ✨️He's doing amazingly, I'm so proud of him! We've done a lot of puzzle toys, we've watched a lot o...

Kuki recovery update ✨️

He's doing amazingly, I'm so proud of him! We've done a lot of puzzle toys, we've watched a lot of Dog TV, he's had dinner and water brought to him on the sofa and his wounds are healing so well!

Our vet Lady Dane Veterinary Centre was incredible, came out to the car park each time for our consultation so Kuki didn't have to go inside and we're so grateful for this care and attention. They actually treated him inside the car initially because we he couldn't stand to get him out and we were scared to pick him up incase something was broken.

At the weekend we're going to meet with Pips, who is so gentle and sweet with Kuki that he will be a big help with the mental side of the recovery process.

I'll keep you updated and thank you so much for your kind messages and comments 💕

Meet Rico 🐶 the first puppy I've worked with 🥹Rico is a sweet, goofy labrador puppy. Like all puppies, he's a handful - ...

Meet Rico 🐶 the first puppy I've worked with 🥹

Rico is a sweet, goofy labrador puppy. Like all puppies, he's a handful - he is basically a toddler with sharp teeth and that can feel quite stressful to his family at times, so we're working on ways to help him feel more relaxed.

Being a puppy is overwhelming too - leaving their mum and brothers and sisters to go to a new home with strangers, where the rules are different, can be a HUGE adjustment. Within a few weeks, we often want a puppy to learn where to toilet, how to play, sleep alone, be left alone, and maybe even a couple of tricks. All this before they're a few months old.

It's common for puppies to feel uncertain by all this and express their stress in ways that, more often than not, use those needle puppy teeth for chewing, biting and pulling at clothes. Puppy biting is very normal with things like teething, but we can help them feel less overwhelmed with some adjustments to ease this growing phase.

Patience, calming games, enough stimulation and rest, patience, the right food, and did I mention patience 🤣 This all help HEAPS. Good luck to those of you with puppies tbh - it's HARD but building a great relationship with them now could set you up for a decade of amazing memories. 🐾

1-2-1 Sessions are booking up FAST for May, so please message me asap if you want to get booked in with your dog.Current...

1-2-1 Sessions are booking up FAST for May, so please message me asap if you want to get booked in with your dog.

Currently taking bookings for 17th May onwards.

Members get 10% off as always.


Some exciting news - my certificate came through! Thrilled to have earned this, it took a LOT of work and I'm so excited...

Some exciting news - my certificate came through! Thrilled to have earned this, it took a LOT of work and I'm so excited to be on this journey of helping people and their dogs! I've met about 20 dogs in the last couple of months and it's been amazing ✨️❤️🐾






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