A cancer diagnosis is something that loved ones in my little circle are living with and journeying through. It changes your perspective and affects how you view everything that lies before you. It reminds us that there is so much that is not within our control. And it always feels incredibly unfair.
It makes me feel helpless, because I desperately wish that I could do more.
This. This run is what I can do, and I do it every year. Raising funds for cancer research feels like something that might be a part of making a real difference. It's small, but if I can encourage other people to contribute to my effort, then we can all do more together.
I run in the name of my friend, Aileen, and my mum's dear friend, Ann. I run for Greg, Patrick, Barb, John, Mike, Kristin, Susan, Mena, Anthony, Linda and so many people now that I can't even list them all here. I run for my amazing friends and family members who have chosen to keep their journeys private. And I run so proudly for hope, because we all need that.
Please consider a donation to the Terry Fox Foundation in the name of somebody you love. If you share their name with me, I will hold them in my thoughts while I run on September 15th.
With love and thanks,