This pretty lady had a lot of mats down both sides. Every cat seems to have an area where mats decide is their favourite area to grow (mats can be so rude). There are cats that don’t tolerate getting brushed in certain areas, or any area! Some of you may not know what brushes to use for your cats coat. Or we have the cats that enjoy rolling about in dirt and they are out braving all Scottish weathers like it’s their mission to come back matted. Those mats just seem to pop out of nowhere 🥴
Cats skin cannot breath underneath the mat and this can cause irritated skin, dryness, inflammation and can get very uncomfortable. In extreme circumstances this can cause severe pain. It’s best to get them while they are small as it’s then more comfortable to remove for your cat and it means they don’t then grow into pelts where they connect and turn into bigger pieces. In some cases the only option is to visit the vet to remove these under sedation because cats will only tolerate so much.
Either way please don’t feel any shame, they are here now and it’s important that they get them removed as soon as possible.