The next time someone asks how I hurt my arms, I'm going to show them this...
The green rag that was formerly a bite sleeve, used to have my arm inside !!
At least he's entertained 🤣
Top tip for gardening with your adolescent Maligator..... Don't! 🤣🤣
After "helping" me move (scatter about) various bits of chopped branches, Havok decided to show off his rather impressive bark chipping skills, presumably to save me time putting them in the chipper 🤬 He also "helped" immensely by proceeding to scatter bits of branch and bamboo across the grass so I could chop it even smaller with the mower ! How very considerate 🤔.
Needless to say, he loves gardening but in the end I had to thank him for all his hard work and dig out an old puppy sleeve to keep him occupied .... I mean as a reward 🤣 where he then spent the next hour an a half product testing it to see if it was still as tough as he remembered..... ( it wasn't apparently)
Good thing is that he's sensible enough to lie in the shade and he's now knackered for the afternoon. 👍
So much for his fluffy dragon toy.....
At least he's enjoying himself 😈
Not quite Kyl level of focus / impulse control.... but getting there 👍
Think someone's pleased about winning the tug toy !
Havok just reminding me that he's still a puppy (all be it, a very big and powerful puppy) Who'd have thought a dropped apple could be so entertaining !
Nice relaxed couple of mile walk back to the car with a physically and mentally tired pup.
Perfect time to proof some basics !
Morning leg stretch for the big guys 😝
Not saying Kyl is obsessive but.....
Self control set at level 10 !!
Early morning exercise....
So Havoks first holiday and the first time he's been allowed to truly run off lead ( he's normally on a long line.)
Safe to say, I think he's gonna enjoy this next week !