Young Ted did so well in his training session today. He loves all of the more energetic parts of the training such as loose lead walking, recall, engagement games and even “wait” into a recall.
However a boring “stay” has not been easy for him but today he was consistently managing up to a minute. Well done Ted👏❤️🐾
~ Paul
Molly & Jakey are such good pals, they first met last summer and absolutely love playing together 🥺 Sammy was just happy trotting along doing his own thing 🤣
I thought I’d bring you along for a day of dog walking with me! Who reckons Paul should film one next? (I don’t think he gets as muddy as me though 🤣)
🗓️ Tues 9am - 4pm
Alice 🐾
Arlo definitely enjoyed his first time meeting Toby & Pedro today! 😍
Lots of fun with his new spaniel friends 🐶🐶
~ Alice
A “mini” training session with Buddy on his sniffari walk this morning.
It’s a good idea to do some training on your dog walks,so that you can work on engagement and recall, whilst your dog is having fun at the same time❤️🐾
~ Paul
The calm after the storm!!
💨 🌧️ 🐾
~ Paul
There’s SNOW better way to spend a wintery day! ❄️ (I’ll stop with the puns now 😂)
Sammy, Pedro & Toby had so much fun on their lunch time group walk today, racing around the woods and fields!
Alice 🐾
We’ve started to take Bruno out and about to “proof” his training. When your puppy/dog is performing a behaviour well at home,or in the garden, it’s important to then ask them for the required behaviour in different environments, with varied distractions. This is called proofing.
Bruno did brilliantly with his recall training despite the massive distraction of the snow which he absolutely LOVES playing in!!
Every time he came when called, he had one of his favourite treats. This is NOT bribery!
It’s a reward/payment for doing as asked.
Well done Bruno👏❄️🐾
~ Paul