🌟Two new patients have arrived in the past week.
Firstly a foxhound with non ambulatory tetraparesis, DDX polyrediculoneuritus.
My second lovely patient had bilateral TPLO stifle surgery.
During their retreat stay as well as Intensive physio post operative care includes:
💦Regular shorter walks (usually 4-5)
💦bladder monitoring
💦Encouragement to eat as necessary
💦Pain scoring
💦Lots of cuddles
💦Regular nursing checks to ensure no deterioration in thier condition.
💦Regular updates for the owner
💦 Continuing any training and lots of mental stim
💦 Administration of medication
💦Massage and physio
💦Prevent bed sores
💦Regular turning
All rehab patients have totally separate areas, are able to enjoy lots of fulfilment within their needs and ability and still in a loving home environment!
Each client gets an individual care plan on their arrival and on discharge.