Thoroughly enjoyed our show jumping Christmas show yesterday.
I purposely stayed in the arena so I could watch the riders.
I was amazed at how much you’ve all improved!! I think staying open for the winter, even with the extra duties that entails- has really helped everyone’s riding - to have those extra hours in the saddle and really get to know your ponies has been such a benefit to you all.
The ponies are all fit & happy and going really well. Well done all of you. You impressed our judge, myself and the audience- but most importantly, you did well by your ponies. You oozed with confidence and made everyone smile.
Apologies to all the parents, grandparents, friends etc who I usually come and have a chat with, but yesterday was all about the riders.
Seeing you all ride so confidently and enjoying your ponies was such a pleasure!
(It also kept me away from the shop, having more mulled wine and the ‘sold out’ mince pies that I falsely advertised! 🤣 )
So - what I wanted to say to each and everyone of you involved with the yard, and in the large crowd yesterday,
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas,
I can see the ponies did well again this year, as did le mieux !
Let’s hope 2025 is a happy one for all.
Thanks again for all the support at St Brides Bay Stables
Bring on 2025 and all the horsey fun we have at the yard!
I can’t wait!
More shows, trailer trips, hunting, fun rides, shuffles, charity fundraisers, lessons and clinics!!
Lucy xx