Hi all!
We wanted to share the latest video sent to us from Ian Swain of our fry tumber! Ian has added a lure light so as soon as the fry hatch they will be drawn to the inlet flow of the unit so no need to wake up early to siphon them out yourselves!
We have now decided to include a lure light as an option to our fry tumbler!
You can also see the great rotary flow the tumbler produces which is not only great for clownfish fry but also seahorses!
Check them out here…
https://www.thepolyppros.co.uk/shop-5 #fragrack #3dprinting #allmymoneygoestoreef #fragtanks #fragtankbuild #allmymoneygoestozoas #thepolyppros #coraladdict #acrylictank #coralmafia #acrylictanks #fragtank #allmymoneygoestocorals #allmymoneygoestoaquarium #reef2reef❤️❤️ #ilovemyjob♥️ #acrylictankmanufacturers #allmymoneygoestocoral #fragsystem #coralfrag #coralfrags #coraltank #allmymoneygoestofish #lasercutting
Another amazing video of our fry tumbler from Ian Swain! With an additional lure light for the fry to get siphoned automatically into the unit. Check them out here…. https://www.thepolyppros.co.uk/shop-5. #fragrack #3dprinting #allmymoneygoestoreef #fragtanks #fragtankbuild #allmymoneygoestozoas #thepolyppros #coraladdict #acrylictank #coralmafia #acrylictanks #fragtank #allmymoneygoestocorals #allmymoneygoestoaquarium #reef2reef❤️❤️ #ilovemyjob♥️ #acrylictankmanufacturers #allmymoneygoestocoral #fragsystem #coralfrag #coralfrags #coraltank #allmymoneygoestofish #lasercutting
Check out our awesome fry tumbler at work! For more details check it out here…. https://www.thepolyppros.co.uk/product-page/fry-tumbler. #fragrack #3dprinting #allmymoneygoestoreef #fragtanks #fragtankbuild #allmymoneygoestozoas #thepolyppros #coraladdict #acrylictank #coralmafia #acrylictanks #fragtank #allmymoneygoestocorals #allmymoneygoestoaquarium #reef2reef❤️❤️ #ilovemyjob♥️ #acrylictankmanufacturers #allmymoneygoestocoral #fragsystem #coralfrag #coralfrags #coraltank #allmymoneygoestofish #lasercutting
Hi guys,
Just wanted to share this quick promotional ad of our standard frag tank that we used in the show! 😁
Our tanks can be bought here…
#fragrack #3dprinting #allmymoneygoestoreef #fragtanks #fragtankbuild #allmymoneygoestozoas #thepolyppros #coraladdict #acrylictank #coralmafia #acrylictanks #fragtank #allmymoneygoestocorals #allmymoneygoestoaquarium #reef2reef❤️❤️ #ilovemyjob♥️ #acrylictankmanufacturers #allmymoneygoestocoral #fragsystem #coralfrag #coralfrags #coraltank #allmymoneygoestofish #lasercutting
This is what happens when we work late which turns out is most of the time 😅
This is one of 2 of our setups we recently upgraded 😁
#fragrack #3dprinting #allmymoneygoestoreef #fragtanks #fragtankbuild #allmymoneygoestozoas #thepolyppros #coraladdict #acrylictank #coralmafia #acrylictanks #fragtank #allmymoneygoestocorals #allmymoneygoestoaquarium #reef2reef❤️❤️ #ilovemyjob♥️ #acrylictankmanufacturers #allmymoneygoestocoral #fragsystem #coralfrag #coralfrags #coraltank #allmymoneygoestofish #lasercutting
Hi all!
Check out this amazing video from Aqua Dragon displaying our products better than we do! 😁
#fragrack #3dprinting #allmymoneygoestoreef #fragtanks #fragtankbuild #allmymoneygoestozoas #thepolyppros #coraladdict #acrylictank #coralmafia #acrylictanks #fragtank #allmymoneygoestocorals #allmymoneygoestoaquarium #reef2reef❤️❤️ #ilovemyjob♥️ #acrylictankmanufacturers #allmymoneygoestocoral #fragsystem #coralfrag #coralfrags #coraltank #allmymoneygoestofish #lasercutting
Hi all just wanted to say Happy Christmas from James and Dave @ The Polyp Pros 😁 and have a very happy new year!
We just wanted to add how grateful we are for such wonderful customers and thank you so much for an amazing year!
#thepolyppros #reef2reef #allmymoneygoestocoral #saltwateraquarìum #coralmafia #coralfarm #saltwateraquarium #reefersforreefers #reefers4reefers
Hi all! I know we have been a bit quite recently but I first want to say congratulations to my business partner David for having twins!!!!
Secondly we thought you guys would love to see what we have been up to! A special thanks to Paul who let us undertake this extraordinary project 😁 as you can see in the video one of our latest installs has involved a levitating lid! The reason was so there could be an illusion of a floating pelmet with lights inside then is mechanically lifted to allow easy access for cleaning 😁 it’s a design that we had started over a year ago but unfortunately left a few delays because of Covid but I have to say the end result was certainly worth the wait!
FYI we are still here and in the process of settling into our new lives so please bare with us on any orders but we are getting there and it’s nice to be back! 😁
#reeftank #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #saltwatertank #coralmafia #reef2reef #thepolyppros #allmymoneygoestocoral