MDR Photo is run by equine photographer Michael David Rogers. Michael was a horse rider first who then turned his attentions to photography and in particular equine photography after his horse was retired from competitions. He has recently returned to riding and you can read about this on his blog and also on his supported rider profile. For the last six years Michael has solely concentrated on eq
uestrian photography and worked for a number of equestrian event photography companies across the south of England to improve his skills. These events ranged from local pony club events to 3* International Horse Trials and the Olympia International Horse Show. In 2012 Michael branched out further on his own and specialised in both Competition and Yard Photo shoots, which is what he enjoys the most. Throughout 2013 Michael balanced his own busy schedule of photo shoots, supporting his riders, working at a small number of events for other photography companies with his own riding. Although based in Hertfordshire, Michael is happy to travel across the country for the right job. All the photographs on this website are taken by Michael and they are just a few examples of the high quality photographs MDR Photo can produce. Michael is also experienced at taking photographs of many other non-horse related subjects and other types of images are available on request. To obtain quotes for any type of photography work please fill out the contact form on In addition Michael is a website designer and more information can be found out about this at