Studland Trekking Centre staying safer on the roads with Visiwhip 👊🙏🙏
Grounded by my 3 yr old!
I’m too fat / heavy to ride my three-year-old 😟, So I take him on long walks - he gets out and sees things and I lose weight !! It’s with the Visiwhip of course- protecting his road space and managing the (frustratingly endless) traffic.
Traffic still TOO CLOSE? Get the BETA 2024 new safety product WINNER for £12 or 2 for £20.
Near miss
Very emotional in this video, I’ve just literally had a car nearly hit us from behind, driving into the Sun, not for the first time the Visiwhip saved us, I flapped it madly and he swerved out.
If you haven’t got one and you ride on the roads , come on, literally I just saved my horse from getting hit, 12 quid!
Hi vis flags for summer
Hi vis green 10 mph flag: VERY EFFECTIVE in the shade !
Well, I’ll be jiggered, the new yellow hi-visflag makes for great fly prevention and removal on my three-year-old… and he hasn’t taken off!
#visiwhipdesensitisation 😍
There IS still time this Valentine!
Under £20 inc P&P, for 3 more days only!!!
Offer valid until Wed. 14/2, (£5 off using code '2024WIN5')
Show that you care.
Here is our treasured veteran Milo, on why now is a great time to buy the Visiwhip flag: £5 off until the 14th of Feb. = less than £20, ( inc. P&P) for SAFER ROAD SPACE.
I’ve used this flag for five years now, and I can honestly say I’ve not had a vehicle touch me on my horse since using it- it creates and protects the road space we need.
Use code 2024WIN5 at until 14th of the second 24, subject of stock. Flag fits your own whip, Whips also available.