May your Valentines Day be filled with the same joy! When Sausage meets sausage…😂 #dachshund #sausagedog #sniffandlearn #valentinesdaydog #lovelydog
Totally is not possible not to share! Olive is absolutely smashing her homework and SOME MORE! Got to love a clever sausage!!! #weinerdog #sausagedog #sausagedogcentral #sausagedogsofinstagram #sausagedoglove #scentwork #trainyoursausage #trainyourdog #cleverdog #cutedog #canineconditioning #tricktraining
Aww Hellooooo Vader! Seriously adorable shepherd puppy Sniff&Learn recruit! Isn’t he just gorgeous?! Vader is recovering from hip dysplasia and getting him a source of mental stimulation is very important! We will be looking at working on Vaders thinking skills through training and giving this smart boy a chance to use his natural abilities effectively! #shepherd #germanshepherd #germanshepherdsofinstagram #scentwork #nosework #teamwork #trainyourdog #letthemsniff #dogsarefamily #puppy #shepherdpuppy #sniffandlearn.#trainyourdog #dogreactivity #cutedog #germanshepherdpuppy #dogoftheday Contact us for any of your dog training needs- from puppy training to Scentwork and anything in between! 🐾❤️
WARNING!!!⚠️ TOO CUTE!!! Brian has done amazing at his puppy 121 session and learnt Heel Position on both sides! Perfect foundation for loose lead walking, building value in staying nice and close first stationary then adding movement! Contact us if you have a new pup or planning on getting one soon! We offer Puppy Academy classes and 121 Puppy Sessions tailored to your puppy! Email: [email protected] to join Sniff&Learn 🐾❤️ #dogtraining .#sniffandlearn #dachshund #dachshunds of instagram #weinerdog #sausagedog #sausagedogcentral #sausagedogsofinstagram #sausagedoglove #scentwork #trainyoursausage #trainyourdog #letthemsniff #dachshundpuppy #lovemyjob #hitchin #hitchindogs #miniaturedachshund #stevenagedogs #hertfordshiredogs #puppytraining #trainyourdog #crategames #puppysocialisation #canineenrichment
Merry Christmas to our wonderful clients! Be Naughty and save Santa a trip! ( 😂) Thank you Angela for letting me share it! #merrychristmas #sniffandlearn
Lovely Wilma was back for another Scentwork Session on Monday and she has done amazing!Love seeing Wilma problem solve and use her nose! Building great training foundations for a future ascent Detective! #vizsla #vizslas #vizslagram #sniffandlearn #scentwork #havefunwithyourdog #dogtraining #dogsarefamily #canineenrichment #hitchin #hertfordshiredogs #hertfordshire #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #dogslife
WARNING!!!!⛔️ It might be the absolute cutest thing you will see today! Buddy’s Christmas indication!! #christmasdog #dogtraining .#sniffandlearn #dachshund #dachshunds of instagram #weinerdog #sausagedog #sausagedogcentral #sausagedogsofinstagram #sausagedoglove #scentwork #trainyoursausage #trainyourdog #letthemsniff #dachshundpuppy #lovemyjob
Superb training video from my fabulous sausage Scent Detective Tulip! Teaching tricks is an amazing way to bond with your dog, stimulate them mentally, have fun together and also become a better trainer! Tulip loves Scentwork too-she works on Clove, Gun Oil, Truffle oil and she aces her retrieves ! Super Sausage Team! #dachshund #sausagedog #sniffandlearn #dogtraining #tricktraining
My little firecracker strikes again! Molly did superb during her Scentwork Session, we have introduced hides that are enclosed, done some bag searches amongst other things! Love Mollys drive and how much she enjoys using her nose!! If you ever wondered is your breed of dog suitable for Scentwork, don’t hesitate to get in touch and be amazed by the power of your dogs nose! #yorkshireterrier #yorkshire_terrier #yorkshireterriers #yorkshireterriersofinstagram #sniffandlearn #scentworktraining #littlebutmighty #olderdogs
Tricks and Scentwork go hand in hand! Trick training works wonders on your trainer skills and mechanics, builds an amazing bond through training, builds confidence and it is fun! Conker was perfecting her tidying up trick whilst the next search area was set up! #tricktraining #dogtraining #sniffandlearn #dachshund #dachshunds of instagram #weinerdog #sausagedog #sausagedogcentral #sausagedogsofinstagram #sausagedoglove #scentwork #trainyoursausage #trainyourdog #letthemsniff #dachshundpuppylove❤️#weiner #weinerdog #weinerdogofinstagram
My little Buddy boy has been to the Barn today practicing several different skills! We worked on confidence working on different surfaces, indication, problem solving and indicating on hides that aren’t visible! Absolutely rocked it, one super clever little Sausage with a very powerful nose! Don’t forget to take advantage of our November Birthday Offer on Scentwork Intro Sessions! Email to book yours in! [email protected]. #dogtraining .#sniffandlearn #dachshund #dachshunds of instagram #weinerdog #sausagedog #sausagedogcentral #sausagedogsofinstagram #sausagedoglove #scentwork #trainyoursausage #trainyourdog #letthemsniff #dachshundpuppy #lovemyjob