
K9-conduct Qualified dog trainer & behaviourist based in West Sussex. covering Horsham, Crawley, East grinstead and most places in between.

Contact for any enquires - we are always happy to answer any questions or concerns!



This post is not to get into debates , it's to highlight how tools are sometimes needed to improve our dogs lives.

Anyone who has trained with or knows me will know I always have the dogs best interest at the heart of everything I do. With Mouse , that was to e - collar train him.

E- collars like any tool can be abused but when used properly allow a dog to live happily with freedom owners could only imagine with other methods. Every dog is different , some are able to enjoy incredible recall without the use of an e- collar and that's fantastic, but not all dogs are as responsive to other methods. Especially when it's deep rooted in them genetically.

Mouse is a rescue from Greece who was used for hunting and then abandoned. Where he came from recall doesn't really matter , if they don't come back they fend for themselves, genetically this also ment Mouse was literally bred to hunt.

Without the e collar mouse wouldn't be enjoying the life he does now. His owners are extremely experienced and had put in hours with the long line and other methods but none of these could safely communicate to Mouse when he had disappeared.

I think this is a huge highlight on how every dog is different , much like us , each responds to different methods differently and that's okay. Make sure if you are going to explore different options you find a trainer who can talk you through them. Make sure you fully understand the tools and how to utilize them.

We don't use the e-collar to punish , it is not a
Shock, but a form of wireless communication which when conditioned properly can literally change dogs lives.

A huge thank you to K9 Greatness
For showing us how to use these tools properly to benefit dogs πŸ–€



These are coming to Crawley on the 5th of July and I can't wait to meet new and previous people. These are fantastic for your dogs and are great for you to meet like-minded people.

People with reactive dogs don't feel judged here. People with excitable dogs don't feel judged. People who want to socialise their puppies properly get an understanding of how to. Owners get to talk to others who relate.

We still have space on a couple of our Crawley walks so let us know if you want to join us !

HOLIDAYWe go away Thursday for a proper break! We will be slowly replying. I would love to get everyone booked in before...


We go away Thursday for a proper break! We will be slowly replying. I would love to get everyone booked in before I go, so if you're due a session please get in touch! We have had a hectic few weeks in the build up to time off and I'm sorry if iv missed contacting anyone!

Any updates or concerns you can still contact us we will reply when we can.

The walk updates for when I'm back will be going out early this week aswell.



AVAILABILITY! we are filling up fast guys! Between neutral walks , 1-2-1's and rescue we are booked up untill the 6th of...


we are filling up fast guys! Between neutral walks , 1-2-1's and rescue we are booked up untill the 6th of July. This is absolutely awesome but I hate people having to wait so long for training so reach out if you were thinking of booking in.

For repeat clients make sure your spots are secure.

Crawley neutral walks - lots of people asking when these are happening, will try and squeeze one in late June ( just need to jiggle ) but these are highly likely to be going from July now.

Thank you all for your understanding,
Emma x

THANK YOU πŸ–€The response to our neutral walks has been incredible! I love meeting everyone and helping your dogs as well ...


The response to our neutral walks has been incredible! I love meeting everyone and helping your dogs as well as building a non judgemental community around them as well!

I love how many people are dedicated to helping their dogs and getting them into different environments with different challenges.

Iv watched some of you go from super reactive to everything to now actually being able to socialise. A support network for those who are still working through reactive behaviours. Welcoming new comers to start their journey aswell!

If you have been on our walks let us know what you love about them ( if you haven't already please leave us a review) and what we can improve on! More to come the rest of the year !

WE LOVED MEETING YOU ALL TODAY! What a fabulous day at the first Friends of Goffs Park Dog Show ! We loved seeing client...


What a fabulous day at the first Friends of Goffs Park Dog Show !

We loved seeing clients dog ace the busy environment and chatting to new people about our walks and training & of course meeting all your four legged friends!

Catching up with the lovely ladies The Dog House - Horsham and being joined by our old foster missy from Holbrook Animal Rescue who was incredibly well behaved today!

Thank you for a great Monday πŸ–€

Friends of Goffs Park Dog Show We are ready for tomorrow 😁 after an incident with fed ex being fed ex I had to hand make...

Friends of Goffs Park Dog Show

We are ready for tomorrow 😁 after an incident with fed ex being fed ex I had to hand make a banner πŸ˜‚ but we are so excited for tomorrow!

It's going to be a great day so come down and say hello πŸ‘‹


I love these guys . Their owners have put in so much work! When I met them Roman was super reactive and pulled like a train! A couple of months later there only issue is he gets so excited when he goes out with his sister he is all over the place!

Both these dogs have great foundations and it wasn't as much a training issue as technique issue with getting them out together , teaching Roman how to manage his emotions! They did fantastic!

We can't wait for our first ever stall at a doggy event! Friends of Goffs Park Dog Show Come down and see us, it looks l...

We can't wait for our first ever stall at a doggy event!

Friends of Goffs Park Dog Show

Come down and see us, it looks like it's gonna be a fab day πŸ–€ we won't be selling anything but we will have goodies to give away & of course we are ready to talk all things training & behaviour!

NEUTRAL WALK AVAILABILITY we have a notification list for neutral walks. If you would like to be added contact us to get...


we have a notification list for neutral walks. If you would like to be added contact us to get updates on when they are scheduled.

there are limited dates in June due to me disappearing to Tenerife for a week 🀣

In July I am going to introduce later evening ones as the weather is a lot warmer. I'm also looking to expand and do some Crawley direction as they are so popular here.

Neutral walks have created a little community where people with reactive dogs or excitable dogs have seen eachother grow and improve and it's the best feeling! Everyone is welcome so get in contact to receive updates!

REACTIVE DOGS Did you know it's possible to change your dogs mindset? You don't have to leave the house for a walk anxio...


Did you know it's possible to change your dogs mindset? You don't have to leave the house for a walk anxious about if your dog will or will not explode.

We can get you and your dog in harmony again, stop stressing about what your dog might do and start acting to fix it.

No one wants a reactive dog! But much like with us life is sometimes challenging for some of them. Which in turn makes it challenging for us, those relaxing dog walks we envisioned become a distant memory as we normalise barking and lunging because it's happened for so long! We can help you!

All you have to do is reach out , you can start enjoying walks again & so can your dog!

BRIBING OR TEACHING?  A common phrase we hear is that my dog only does ( insert literally anything here) when I have foo...


A common phrase we hear is that my dog only does ( insert literally anything here) when I have food in my hand.

This is normally because we have accidentally taught the dog that they only get rewarded when they see a visible reward.

You can change this so your dog starts to listen all the time not just when you are holding the finest of cheeses !


sometimes we have to get inventive! Lovely rescue koda is fantastic untill something spooks her. During the session I moved my arm and the noise my coat made spooked her so we worked on overcoming the fear !

WHAT WE DO .. To put it simply we focus on changing your relationship and understanding of your dog so you can get the m...


To put it simply we focus on changing your relationship and understanding of your dog so you can get the most out of them.

Ever felt your reactive dog isn't ever going to be normal? Reach out.

Hate going for a walk because one arm is now longer than the other? Reach out.

Fed up of spending hours searching for your dog because they bolted? Reach out.

Those behaviours you have always wanted changed but never got around too? We help with that. Always ensuring your dog & you are happy in the process.

REACTIVITY ON WALKS Does your dog react to other dogs when you meet them on walks? Do you dread seeing a dog approaching...


Does your dog react to other dogs when you meet them on walks? Do you dread seeing a dog approaching you as you know it's going to be a stressful event?

We can help you and your dog overcome this. Reactivity is a big emotion that comes from your dog that can have a big impact on our emotions, here are a few reasons I love helping reactive dogs...

- reactivity is usually driven by anxiety, fear , frustration or excitement. Through training we can help change the dogs emotional response to other dogs which is much healthier for them.

- mental health for the owner is something that reactivity really damages , by overcoming this obstacle together it is a relief for owners as well as dogs.

- Help is out there. Even if you think you have tried before & exhausted all options and failed we can still help you, just reach out for a chat.

If we can't help you we will make sure you are put in the right direction of the help you need.

When seeking help for your reactive dog always ensure the dog trainer / behaviourist is qualified, Insured , experienced & dosnt use one method for all dogs. Every dog is different and that's why all our training is tailored to every dog.

Contact us on 07743302509

WHAT A WEEK! From being in a rescue in Prague whilst on holiday to neutral walks and clients - to then experiencing the ...


From being in a rescue in Prague whilst on holiday to neutral walks and clients - to then experiencing the amazing Natural Dog Expo for the first time and loving every second!

So grateful as always for all the amazing humans surrounding me especially & Hozho Hounds for letting me in on all this πŸ–€

Some absolutely incredible speakers at the expo and can't wait to take all this knowledge to try and continue educating as many as possible πŸ–€ some absolutely incredible natural products that have so many benefits. The amount of people who have different fields but the same goal to help dogs is absolutely incredible & I can't wait to get back next year πŸ‘€

What. A. Week.

MY TOP ADVICE WHEN GETTING A PUPPY ..... Work with a trainer! We aren't just here for when things go wrong! We can set y...


Work with a trainer! We aren't just here for when things go wrong! We can set you up for success!

I get it ! It's a puppy , how hard can it be! We are so quick to invest in so many things such as food , toys , insurance , beds , all the different leashes etc .... Start investing in trainers before you need them.

Your puppy is in a critical learning point of life ... They need help in this stage to become a well rounded adult. Every experience, every interaction is shaping how they grow. This is the time to make sure these are the correct experiences for them.

It's just a puppy ... Yes .... But by starting your puppy off on the right track will make your dogs adult life a lot smoother for you and them! It's not just a cute puppy stage , it's a vital part of their development that shapes how they grow in confidence.... It's a lot easier to set your dog up correctly than to have to fix deep rooted issues that arise later in life πŸ–€

Message us today if you have a little one or even if your thinking of adding an addition

Can anyone on here offer this boy the loving retirement home he deserves πŸ–€ apply through Holbrook Animal Rescue

Can anyone on here offer this boy the loving retirement home he deserves πŸ–€ apply through Holbrook Animal Rescue

Male - Neutered
German Shepherd
Age - 10 years old
Dogs - Good
Cats - No cats
Children - Advised good but untested at Holbrook

Personality - Flame is a friendly, happy dog and is enjoying the company of the volunteers and the other dogs at Holbrook. A sudden deterioration on owner's health has left Flame high and dry and Holbrook have stepped in quickly to help him through this. We are still learning about him but he's such a kind hearted individual who loves his walks, and although he is getting on a bit, he doesn't appear to have any health issues whatsoever.

Suitable Home - Flame would like a home with an Owner who can be around for him daily and ensure he still gets the exercise he needs. An Owner with GSD experience would be a great advantage, and Flame loves being outdoors so a garden is a must. He cannot be homed with cats and whilst it has been advised he is good with children we have not been able to test this at Holbrook.

Additional Information - Flame is neutered and vaccinated.

If you would like to apply to adopt Flame then please complete an application form with as much detail as possible.

Adoption fee and home-check apply

Please note; Holbrook is a kennel free centre and visits are strictly by appointment only.




something that happens everyday but so many people struggle with. You don't have to be getting dragged down the road for the rest of your life.

Massive benefits of teaching your dog how to walk on lead such as less anxiety on your walks. It's better for your dog , you know how much your shoulder hurts after a walk from pulling? Imagine how your dog feels! More enjoyable for you and your dog. Your dog will finally have the freedom to sniff and perform natural behaviours. It really is a great way to get a better bond!

It may feel like it's impossible, my dog has pulled for so long we can't help them now .... Is a lie. You can help them. You just need to be willing to put in the work.

Contact us today if you want to transform your walks with your dog.


WHAT DOES YOUR PERFECT DOG LOOK LIKE? with everyone I meet I love finding out their goals with their dogs. Some just wan...


with everyone I meet I love finding out their goals with their dogs. Some just want a dog that doesn't pull , some would like to be able to take their dog more places. Some just want their dog to not be as anxious. Some want a head start on the puppy/ teenage stage.

What do you love to see in your dog?

I love that ryska is able to come to lots of places with us and this is something I focused a lot on. That he settles almost anywhere and that he can enjoy being off lead. This for us makes him the perfect dog πŸ–€ of course no dog is perfect 100% of the time but he sure is close and it makes his and out life more enjoyable.


Have you been on one of our walks yet?

We have a waiting list but new dates will be released for may soon.

These aren't just walks, they help teach calm in a group setting, expose your dogs to each other in a positive way, encourage building engagement between you and your dog and we have different dogs every week ☺️

A mix of walk and training and ensuring all dogs are in a good place.

If you would like to be added to our list for neutral walks send us a message :)

All breeds, all sizes, all ages and all levels are welcome here. We even cater to reactive dogs.

Are you looking for help with your dog? Here at k9-conduct we prioritise ensuring your dogs thrive in real life scenario...

Are you looking for help with your dog?

Here at k9-conduct we prioritise ensuring your dogs thrive in real life scenarios.

Owning a dog shouldn't be a stressful experience... for you or your dog. Here are some things that should be enjoyable but a lot of people struggle with thinking it's normal ....
- pulling on the lead.
- reacting to dogs.
- jumping at people.
- not recalling or coming back when off lead.
- excessive whining.

You don't have to live life with your dog embarrassed or frustrated to take them for a walk.

Want to learn more about how we can help you and your dog? Give us a message :)

"Real life training and behaviour"

Want to know the best way to help your dog? It dosnt matter what your struggling with. It could be reactive behaviours. ...

Want to know the best way to help your dog?

It dosnt matter what your struggling with. It could be reactive behaviours. Nervous/ anxious behaviours. An obedience issue. Over excitement that stresses you or your guests out. Seperating anxiety. Chewing the house up. Not feeling confident you have the best relationship with your dog. Not being relevant outside the house to your dog. Never getting them to listen. The list can go on.

The best way to help your dog with any of the above behaviours? Seek professional help. If your car isn't right you get a mechanic.

It's not normal for your dog to perform a lot of the above behaviours and can actually be big signs they are stressed in the world. Dog behaviourists know the signs and what your dog is feeling, which means we are equipped to help them and teach you how to help them.

Don't live the rest of your life with that unwanted behaviour. Reach out & fix the problem, it will be better for both of you.

Get in contact with us today for a chat to see how we can help you and your dog


Love seeing progress like this from clients 😍 nelly was so obsessed with squirrels that her owner couldn't walk her in the woods anymore! Her owner has put in loads of work the last couple of weeks and today we reintroduced the long line.

This video may not look like much to most but this is a huge step for these guys!

Well done Guys! Here is to nelly starting to be able to enjoy walks πŸ–€

Which one ? The dog training world is a strange place to be at the moment. So many conflicting opinions, so many strong ...

Which one ?

The dog training world is a strange place to be at the moment. So many conflicting opinions, so many strong opinions.

Sometimes it confuses me and I work with dogs! I can't imagine how owners feel after a simple search for good advice!

It's no secret this whole divide between force free and balanced is the biggest it's ever been. Where do I stand in this?

If your a force free trainer but you fail helping dogs get out of anxious states I don't think this is good. For example the kind of trainer that tells people not to expose their dog to something upsetting. I have helped more than one dog who has been given this advice. Surely it's equally unhealthy to allow them to stay in an anxious state with something they can't avoid?

If you're a balanced trainer and abuse tools to get a quick fix this is also wrong. Some tools don't look or sound great but that's not a reason to use them in an over corrective manner. These tools can be used safely to provide communication where a harness doesn't always help.

Me? I train for the dog in front of me. I guess technically I'm balanced. In the sense that I'm not going to let a dog that's a danger with no quality of life go any longer than needed being uncomfortable when the correct use of a tool can help. What would you pick?

- short uncomfortable second and it goes away & you learn to overcome this ...
- every time you leave the house being so stressed you are frantic, panting unable to sniff or interact with anything. Every single day.

Which would you pick? All my training is done out of love and to bring out the best of the dog in front of me. Some dogs I use force free with. Some I use tools with. No two dogs are the same and I think both sides of the community need to see this.


This is one I'll remember πŸ–€

Max has fear based aggression, he hadn't been walked in 9 months due to the severity of this. Max's owner reached out to me and had rehoming him as an option on the table. With Max's history and with overwhelmed rescues this wouldn't have been a nice outcome.

I knew max needed help but I didn't have the skill set to get him where he needed to be. I reached out to Ronnie K9 Greatness and he was happy to help and let me learn aswell!

A few awsome things came from this ...

-max got the help he so desperately needed.

- his owners are on the right path with a support network.

- I got to learn and expand my knowledge and loved working this case !

- Ronnie got to meet the gift that is me πŸ˜‚

Thanks to Ronnie this dog has a new life starting πŸ–€

Dog training can be a really independent industry. For me I know my limits. I'm learning much like us all. Being able to put my ego aside is a gift I'm happy to have. Reaching out for help may have just saved this boy, I will always make sure clients get the help they need, even if that help isn't me !

NEUTRAL WALK SATURDAY 9TH  MARCH  AT 12PM. LOCAL TO HORSHAM. Β£10 per dog. There are a couple of slots left on the neutra...



LOCAL TO HORSHAM. Β£10 per dog.

There are a couple of slots left on the neutral walk on the 9th! These are great fun for you and your dog.

Who this can benefit?

- puppies/young dogs to learn that it's okay to be neutral around dogs and not have to get super excited.

- reactive dogs who may find other dogs overwhelming. A chance for them to be around them without them In there face.

- super excitable dogs that don't know when to stop. Helps them switch off in the group as it's kept boring!

- nervous dogs who struggle with on your face interactions.

- and finally owners! It's great to meet and chat to you all and some of last year's guys still walk together !

Message us to book your slot or to get on our waiting list !

TRAINING FOR A PROBLEMThe majority of unwanted behaviours we want to help our dogs with don't just require a solution to...


The majority of unwanted behaviours we want to help our dogs with don't just require a solution to the problem you see in front of you ... Let's take reactive dogs.

You have a reactive dog that you want to stop reacting to every dog you see. This dog also pulls on the lead , is highly anxious outside , has zero engagement with you and can't perform basic commands when there are no dogs around.

BASICS need to be worked on before we even start to tackle the reactivity. This sets your dog up for success. Once your dog understands what the lead means and is more confident then you can tackle the reactivity, a lot of the time covering the basics will massively reduce the reactivity alone.

Imagine you have never run a day in your life and decide to do a marathon. If you woke up on the day with no prior training , unless you're superhuman ( there is always one smart*** ) your highly unlikely to be able to run the marathon . Now if you train for it by starting with 5k and adding a km a day you will get to the point where you can do it.

Set your dogs up for success. Stop focusing on the end result and focus on the journey to get there.




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