Nothing beats piece of mind when it comes to our much loved pets! Our mobile ultrasound service offers a home visit from Neil who has over 20 years experience as a Registered Veterinary Nurse who will scan your pet to determine if they’re pregnant and also be able to give you an idea as to how many babies to expect. A home visit ensures your pet is as relaxed and comfortable as possible for a stress free experience ❤️ He is also able to give any advise and answer any questions you may have to put your minds at ease. So whether you’re a seasoned breeder or experiencing a potential unexpected pregnancy we are here to help ❤️
We cover the Kent area so if you would like to book a home visit simply drop us a message via the page here and we’d be happy to book you and your much loved pet in ❤️
We look forward to seeing you soon 🐶🐱🐕🐇🐈🐹🐩🦮🐕🦺🐈⬛🐰🐭🐹🐀🐁🦊🐾