Yesterday, our lovely Sunday volunteers started the puppies off on leads. They did exceptionally well, and all were happily following a treat for some distance by the end of our session. Having some of the other digs around helped to demonstrate to the puppies that it was all good fun.
Thankyou Sarah and the girls.
We love them come what may at Lizzie's Barn Sanctuary .
This is the charmer known as Paddy, Patrick, or sometimes Patch, depending on his mood, telling me he wants to sit on my lap!
There are no prizes for guessing why he became a permanent resident.
Dogs favourite lady came to visit
Yesterday we lost Jet, the last member of the original brat pack. I am broken.
We have had a very busy day doing maintenance on the place. Ready for bed now. But these two, my Collie, Remi, and Poppy of the puggles duo, simply , couldn't wait!
Can we all wish the amazing Fionna, the life blood of Lizzie's Barn Sanctuary, the most wonderful Birthday. Without her there would be no Sanctuary and 100's of dogs would never have been saved.
Try to have a chill day Fionna, you certainly need and deserve it ### 🥳🍾🎂🥳🍾🎂💞💞💞🐶🐶
New boy, Simba, a 10 month old Golden Retriever is settling in well.
He will soon be looking for a home.
Applications are via email, please, to:
[email protected]
Goodnight from the Sanctuary
Kiarra is still waiting for that forever home.
Please email us at:
[email protected] to.enquire
Puppies and Poodles outdoor playtime. They met resident ( feral )Paco for the first time today, too, and he was very gentle with them, though Remi was supervising
Still no interest in Kiara. Here she is enjoying a walk with my main man Syd.
She can be walked with other dogs, just doesn't want to live with loads of them.