Kate Thornton Equine Sports & Remedial Massage Norfolk

Kate Thornton Equine Sports & Remedial Massage Norfolk EMA (Dist) Fully certified & insured equine massage manual therapist covering Norfolk & Surrounding.

Conformation and posture are often confused - posture may be changeable, conformation isn’t. But it’s worth considering ...

Conformation and posture are often confused - posture may be changeable, conformation isn’t. But it’s worth considering that not all seemingly conformational observations actually are….
Fab post by friend and fellow therapist Audra Stokes 👌

A valuable piece by a fellow therapist and friend. It can be tricky to manage expectations, and our horses are as comple...

A valuable piece by a fellow therapist and friend. It can be tricky to manage expectations, and our horses are as complex in their physiological and emotional biology as we are, and sometimes it’s a case of unravelling threads, or peeling back the onion layers as said here 🙌

Yesterday I read a post from a fellow equine therapist who had feedback from a client that they hadn’t seen much difference after the first visit and was disappointed.

This made me feel a little sad of the expectation from the client and pressure on the therapist to be able to evidence changes after just one session. As massage therapists and body workers we educate ourselves to provide services that help horses both physically and mentally. If we think about ourselves as humans, many of us will have encountered both physical and mental challenges in our lives…how often have we “fixed” ourselves in one go!

Horses are the same, often displaying a build up of both physical and mental tension. A fabulous therapist friend of mine once described the role of an equine therapist as “peeling back the layers of an onion” to unravel the issues layer by layer. A process which takes patience and time.

As therapists we can often be peeling back numerous layers of the onion, secondary to years of compensatory movement patterns, discomfort, pain, postural instabilities and not forgetting conformational issues too. We then also consider acute and chronic conditions, hooves, teeth, behaviours, the gut, diet, saddle, bridle and many more things.

The many layers of a horses presentation can take numerous sessions to yield results and sometimes they aren’t instant or “fixable” in an hours session. On some occasions we may see instant results, but consistency is also required to maintain these positive outcomes.

Working consistently and collaboratively with the horse, owner and as part of the equine multidisciplinary team is where you as horse owners and therapists are going to see the best outcomes for your four legged friends 🫶🏻🐴

Nominations for the Equine Business Awards are now open 🙌🙌I spent a Sunday evening earlier this month nominating all the...

Nominations for the Equine Business Awards are now open 🙌🙌

I spent a Sunday evening earlier this month nominating all the fabulous professionals that I feel deserve recognition- many of them fellow therapists 🥰

If you feel pleased with my work, my approach, my ethics, and the response from your horses (both in body and mind) I would obviously hugely appreciate a nomination 🙏 Similarly, anyone else in the industry who you feel deserves a shout out for their work

In 2024 the Equine Therapist award went to one of my former assessors Donna Barker Equine Therapy & Rehabilitation (totally deserved!)

Nominate your chosen equestrian professional, business or charity who has gone above and beyond. Self-nominations are also accepted.

Great post about the Atlas (C1) from Becky 🙌

Great post about the Atlas (C1) from Becky 🙌


Why Consistency 🐎📔

I agree, an occasional massage for your horse might feel like a nice treat, but the reality is that one session isn’t going to last for weeks or months especially if there was something “brewing” Horses are always on the move—running, turning, playing, and sometimes getting into mischief! All that activity takes a toll on their bodies.

Regular bodywork can make a world of difference for preventing injuries and spotting things BEFORE they become a real issue . By scheduling consistent sessions, you’re not just addressing current aches or imbalances—you’re also taking proactive steps to prevent future issues. Just like human athletes, horses benefit greatly from maintaining flexibility, range of motion, and muscle tone. This leads to better performance and lowers the risk of injury.

While you’ll likely notice improvements after a single session, it’s important to remember that ongoing care is key to keeping your horse in top shape. Chat with your massage therapist/bodyworker to create a schedule that works best for your horse’s needs ❤️

Learn some techniques to use between your therapists visits to get the most from their treatments ⬇️


Oh wow, this all day long - wish I could express myself as well but meanwhile I share some someone who can 👌

Oh wow, this all day long - wish I could express myself as well but meanwhile I share some someone who can 👌

Getting to the root of a pain problem -

As our understanding of pain related behaviour improves, there are many situations where horses might present with a "nothingy something" of an issue but there is no clear indicator of where that problem might be arising from.

The interesting (challenging) thing with this is that, if there is no overt lameness or "if I poke here it really hurts", then oftentimes there is no clear start line for your diagnostic journey.

This can be very frustrating because you can find yourself running around in circles not knowing where to start, with conflicting advice from the professionals around you - some of whom might tell you unhelpful things like "just ride through it" or "it's just bad behaviour"

And this is where I have found traditional diagnostics really need to up their game because from a welfare perspective we need to be intervening with pain before a horse is hopping lame or ditching their rider.

And this in turn will encourage people to pay attention to the smaller behaviours rather than waiting for lameness or waiting to be ditched!

What I have learned is that sometimes you have to pick a place to start and work from there.

This means you may be searching for a little while and you might be ruling out more areas through diagnostics than ruling in areas, but that in and of itself is useful information.

Here is what my career has taught me so far:

- If you think there is a problem, there probably is. Find yourself a team of professionals that will support you.

Sometimes a professional might tell you there isn't a problem because they don't have the skillset to see it or find it, another opinion can often be a good thing - though do keep in mind that too many chefs spoil the broth.

There is many a time where I will say "there is a problem - I can't tell you what, though my observation/palpation skills tell me xyz and I will support you in finding out what it is".

- Sometimes there is so much peripheral noise that you need to strip out a lot of variables and then reassess. This includes improving your horse's management to meet their ethological needs and reducing the workload to see where a problem stops being a problem. These all take time.

I have also found that horses can present as painful because their human is expecting way, way, way too much from them given their physical and emotional health. Getting comfortable doing less and going slower is a solid way of rounding off with a happier, healthier horse that you can actually do more with in the long run.

- I'm a "let's deal with the elephant in the room" kind of gal:

If your horse has poor foot balance, deal with that and then go from there. This could include radiographs to monitor changes in hoof angle and this might mean seeking advice from other hoof care providers to support you and your current hoof care provider in improving things.

Likewise, if your horse's back looks like a saggy hammock, or they have weird lumps/spinal protrusions, deal with that. You could get radiographs to tell you the orientation of the spinous processes. Then rebuild your horse's spinal angle and see where that gets you.

- The problem will continue to be a problem until you have actually resolved it! If your horse has diagnosed hoof balance issues, which you are working on resolving, but the balance is still poor, then it will still be an issue!! This means you have to adjust your expectations of your horse accordingly!

- If you are requesting relatively non-invasive diagnostics, e.g. radiographing/ultrasounding your horse's limbs or back, and you are prepared to pay actual hard earned money for this service even though it might show you absolutely nothing of any value (although to me, ruling out an area is of enormous value), please don't let a professional convince you not to UNLESS they have a reasonable counter plan for another diagnostic (NB a bone scan, to the tune of thousands of £££ is not a suitable counterplan in my opinion)

"I suggested to my vet that we xray my horse's back but they palpated it and said that his reactions were normal so there is no reason to xray"

"Okay well what did they suggest instead?"

"They didn't"

"Great, so you have a horse that presents with pain under saddle and yet we are still no further forward with determining the cause"

- Equally, diagnostics and expertise do come with a price tag, this means that in order to find out what is going on with your horse, you do need to spend money. I know this gets tricky when your horse is presenting with a nothingy something and you have a limited budget to deal with it because you really want to spend that money wisely, but turning up to your vet and saying "I have 55p and three buttons to spend, please tell me what's wrong with my horse", is really unfair on your vet and also your horse.

"I had his hocks medicated but it didn't change anything"

"Did you do any diagnostics?"

"No, we just medicated"

"So what you're saying is you did something painful, that isn't without its risks, despite having not done any due diligence, which means you've spent money you don't have on something that wasn't the problem?"

- It is not as simple as medicating and riding into the sunset.

Why did your horse get the diagnosis they got?

What have you done to improve their management/lifestyle/way of going so you can reduce the instances of this happening again? For biomechanic induced issues, you need to solve the problem by altering their biomechanics; medicating is a way of reducing the pain/inflammation to buy you a window of time to do this in.


The relationship between pain and behaviour are very complicated. I really wish it was as simple as "nerve block here" to get results. There is so much more I could add and the nuances are vast.

There will of course be outliers to this - people who tried all of the above and are still without answers, or those who walked to hell and back to get them - and for those people I understand that this post might be very triggering, I am sorry about that. I hope you can see here that this is a good starting place for many people and I welcome your experience in the comments if you feel it has the power to help someone.

The final thing I will say is this -

Your horse does not need to perform in any way, shape or form in order to be deserving of your love, care and dedication to them. And if you feel they do, then perhaps you should consider getting a bicycle instead ❤️

The Equestrian Business Awards nominations are now open for 2025 🤩Now is the time to nominate your favourites from all c...

The Equestrian Business Awards nominations are now open for 2025 🤩

Now is the time to nominate your favourites from all categories within the industry (link below). In 2024, one of my assessors, Donna Barker Equine Therapy & Rehabilitation won the Therapist of the year, and we are all so proud of her well deserved achievement

There are a host of categories to choose from ranging from farriers to equine therapists to horse transporters and everything in between!

🙋‍♀️ Question How can being horsey be of assistance at a wedding (there was no horse drawn carriage,no, that’s not it)?A...

🙋‍♀️ Question
How can being horsey be of assistance at a wedding (there was no horse drawn carriage,no, that’s not it)?

Answer: when the groom (oh, groom ha) asks you if you can plait 😃 (admittedly not the straightest but super happy to be useful on the big day!)

A wonderful day, and so lovely to see my very dear friend so truly happy 🥰

Well, the sun is setting on 2024. Here’s to a happy,healthy,horsey 2025 to you all and thank you for your support this y...

Well, the sun is setting on 2024. Here’s to a happy,healthy,horsey 2025 to you all and thank you for your support this year 🙏 🥳 🐎 xx

Ps yep, the hedge horse is still going strong, although a bit woolly 😂

Hope you're all enjoying 'twixmas' - funny time of year 🫥🫥!!with New Year's Eve right around the corner, many of you who...

Hope you're all enjoying 'twixmas' - funny time of year 🫥🫥!!

with New Year's Eve right around the corner, many of you who care for animals will be starting to think about (or dread) New Year firework celebrations 😿

A few tips off the top of my head for helping your equines through this, if they are among those who struggle with the lights and bangs;

🐎 Try where possible to keep arousal low and avoid things which may trigger your horse/pony in the lead up to NYE - depending on their individual experiences, things like traffic, separation, change in routine, strange people/dogs, intensive exercise/training, treats/food which may cause over-arousal - keeping the nervous system as calm as possible may well help to take the edge off and avoid an overflow of the emotional 'bucket'

🐎 Some horses do better when allowed turnout during such events, so that they feel able to move and 'escape'. That said, if your horse is very scared and likely to gallop around and panic, it may be better to stable them - sticking to whatever is their normal routine may be best, but stick around and monitor how they are coping. Having access to their friends may well be comforting.

🐎 Whether in stables or field, check if there is anything which they may hurt themselves on if they panic, check fencing is secure etc and if out, check that there will be no fireworks in the immediate vicinity

🐎 Find out from neighbours nearby if anyone plans to have fireworks - if possible discourage them - but at least find out the planned times

🐎 Play calming music - possibly classical in the stable/yard

🐎 Be calm in yourself - perhaps make a plan to hang out by the stables/field - flask, handwarmers, book, etc!!

🐎 If horses are in stables, keep lights on so the flashes may not be as obvious/startling

🐎 Provide some enrichment activities that they can engage in if they feel able - hay balls, treat balls, treats hidden in hay, various enrichment products are available but ensure that they aren't so difficult to obtain food that it causes frustration as this will heighten arousal (point 1!) and cause a negative emotional state

I would also strongly recommend the use of Pet Remedy which comes in various forms that are handy for horses - diffusers which can be wall mounted, sprays, wipes. If you're not familiar with the product, this is how it works: https://petremedy.co.uk/how-it-works/

Pet Remedy have a whopping 33% discount available at the moment 😁🥰

Stay safe yourself too 🥰 And I'll take this chance to wish you all a very Happy New Year xx

As I now sign off for Christmas, I would like to take the chance to say a HUGE thank you to you ALL - clients, colleague...

As I now sign off for Christmas, I would like to take the chance to say a HUGE thank you to you ALL - clients, colleagues, members of International Equine Professionals, fellow therapists, followers and friends (often these have become one and the same 🥰) ... I hugely appreciate your support in all the ways that you have offered it.

Self-employment in any industry is difficult, and I can see how it would be easy to feel very alone, but I count myself lucky that I very rarely feel this - thanks to all of you

Here's to an even better year for horses in 2025 🥰🐎🐎
Wishing all of you and your two and four legged families a restful and happy Christmas, and the very best wishes for next year.


Important talks happening and with recent proposals from Denmark 🇩🇰 to get rid of levered bits (therefore double bridles...

Important talks happening and with recent proposals from Denmark 🇩🇰 to get rid of levered bits (therefore double bridles), side reins, riding BTV and other compromises on equine welfare, could the EU become a joint force… 🙏


Jeg har inviteret rideforbund og civilsamfundsaktører til et møde i Europa-Parlamentet, så vi kan komme tættere på nogle fælles løsninger på manglende dyrevelfærd i ridesporten. Konkurrencepres, lange transporttider og ikke mindst overdreven brug af hårde træningsmetoder og udstyr presser mange heste for hårdt - særligt i topsporten. Det er på tide, at vi ser med nutidens øjne på brugen af heste i sport. Og det skal også afspejle sig i lovgivningen.

Jeg mener, at samtalen om bedre hestevelfærd også bør tages i EU. Tak til Dansk Rideforbund, Det Internationale Rideforbund, World Horse Welfare og Hesteetisk forening for at ville deltage i samtalen. Det er på tide, at vi får nogle løsninger på bordet.

Du kan læse mere om, hvordan du kan deltage i kommentarfeltet:


"10th December, celebrates the sentience of non-human animals and promotes their fair treatment worldwide - in law, society, agriculture, industry and the wild. We invite you to take a moment to reflect upon what one thing you can do in your country or hometown to help one or more animals. Even the smallest act of kindness is felt and appreciated by the recipient of your awareness and care."

~ Anna Breytenbach, Animal Spirit


(Artist : Jody Bergsma http://www.bergsma.com/)

From Wadi Farm HerdLife posted 10th December 2021 💚🙏🐴

A wonderful opportunity to delve further into equine scentwork with two of our wonderful International Equine Profession...

A wonderful opportunity to delve further into equine scentwork with two of our wonderful International Equine Professionals Patrons - Rachael Draaisma and Amber Batson of Understand Animals ❤

On December 14 & 15, 2024, Rachaël Draaisma is organizing an online summit where you will spend two days delving into the practical implementation of Calming Signals and Scentwork together with 6 different experts! Online summit 2024 Calming signals and scentwork in practice, learn how to use them ...

gotta be in it to win it!

gotta be in it to win it!


This Christmas we’ve teamed up with our favourite brands for ONE lucky person to WIN over £4,000 worth of prizes 💸

To be in with a chance of winning, simply:
❄️ Like & share this post
❄️ Tag a friend in the comments
❄️ Follow our page

Heads up...𝟭 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 = 𝟭 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝘆! 🎄

Our Christmas Bundle includes:

Heritage R Toe Western Boots
Natural Meadow Cobs 20kg
Tack Cleaner Mitt
Luna Riding Hat
FIR-Tech Mask, Fetlock Socks and Headcollar
Galway Boots
Carrimore® 200L Twin Wheel Stable Barrow
Equi-blanket and Exercise Lite (grey small)
Tri-Zone Boots
Bibury Bucket Bag Tan
Suffolk Fedora Hat Guinea & Pheasant Feather in Cinnamon
Field Safe Headcollar
4kg Bag of Treats and 6ft Poly Lead Rope purple
Vierzonord Wellies
Mongrel K9 Boots and Bobble Hat
3 Shampoos, 3 Washes, Muck Off Stain remover, Shine Grooming Spray and Silky Mane & Tail
Dog Toys
ProAir Air Jacket Black
Custom Hat Silk
Torrent III Jacket
Comfort Craftsman Boots
Riding Gloves
Pikeur Selection Quilt Jacket
Roadie 15 Cool Box Tan
Uvex Exxeeed Active Riding Hat

*Competition ends 24/12/24 ⏰ and the lucky winner will NOT be contacted before this date. The winner will ONLY be announced on this page Chelford Farm Supplies and will not be messaged directly/privately prior to the winner announcement. Please be aware of phishing accounts that may contact you directly trying to get personal information. We will not be held responsible for any information you may provide to scam accounts.

T&C’s: UK entries only. Must be 18+. This competition is administrated solely by Chelford Farm Supplies and is in no way endorsed, sponsored or associated with Facebook. GOOD LUCK!


King's Lynn


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