Final video from our Friday session - stretching the distance between me and Matti for the back command. Dummy had been placed as a memory then heel Matti back a third of the distance. Leave him in a sit while I walk away two thirds of the distance and send back. Very pleased with his progress (9 months)
To show you how things have improved on Matti holding the dummy (a full weight dummy) after a week of teaching him to hold. Its coming along nicely. (Still only 9 months. I think I said he was 9 months before he actually was 😂)
This week has been spent improving Matti's hold as its become a bit hit and miss which is not good enough! Every day is a school day and luckily Matti is a quick learner.
Another video of how Matti is doing with his directional work. Made a bit harder by the dummy being a heavy one (that he's not quite ready for yet) and the dummy bouncing into cover instead of being in view.
A video showing Matti retrieving 3 dummies in a row.These had been down for over an hour on frozen ground. This is the exercise I tried to explain earlier but I had a willing helper to video. Matti still only 9 months. Also I haven't put any weight back on just had about 100 layers on because it was blinking freezing 😂.
Very unexpectedly 2 boys from this litter sired by Ettinsmoor Kangaroo Joe have become available. Not My Litter! Based in Buckinghamshire More details can be found here
I'm going to post this training video even though it went slightly wrong! Not everything goes to plan and its usually your fault not the dogs. So two white dummies out at a 45 degree angle. They have been down for 10 to 15 minutes. I am going to send for first placed dummy first (which is the hardest). I am looking for him to "lock on" to the dummy before I send him. I don't want him looking up at me or at the 2nd dummy and I prefer him to stand not sit. I mess the second send up by the whistle dropping out of my mouth and Matti taking it as a cue! No big fuss made (although I needed a slap 😂) I just set him up to go again. Very pleased with how its going as he's only 6 months. He does other "free retrieving" but this is how we start locking on and sending on straight lines to a particular retrieve.